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Police told to empty crisps into plastic bags to avoid advertising rival brands at Olympics

Then there's the list of 'banned' words. For real.. these words are actually BANNED from use during the games and protected by the law:

"gold", "silver" and "bronze", "summer", "sponsors" and "London" "2012" "medals"

That's right.... "London" is a banned word! Welcome to your games! :facepalm:


You missed-out the caveat and misrepresented the statement:

Olympics organisers have warned businesses that during London 2012 their advertising should not include a list of banned words, including "gold", "silver" and "bronze", "summer", "sponsors" and "London", if they give the impression of a formal connection to the Olympics.

Still fucking stupid though.
Medical staff, generally, see people at their best. They may be scared, vulnerable and in pain but they generally WANT your help and intervention and are grateful for your presence.

Police see the total opposite end of the spectrum. Their working lives deal with cunts. People who steal, attack, rape and abuse other people. They are treated with at best hostility, and often outright aggression and violence. Even from people they are trying to help e.g. drunk twats.

If you can't see that very obvious difference then your not thinking very hard.
and what reasons do you think lie behind this hostility to the police?
Yes I do see the difference. And tbh the way police act as the states security and aggressors on protests is them at their worse and I'm not defending that.
can you point to when they are not state security... (hint: this never happens).
Three more letters - NMC, with the words "fitness to practice panel" appended.

My first job in London was for the GMC Fitness to Practice section. 6 months of playing solitaire and doing a few photocopies once or twice a week [/derail]
Bats are a protected species too, so I don't see why they're banned. What did the bats ever do to them? Although they may be concerned about bats' radar capacity interfering with the effectiveness of the ground to air missile capabilities, I suppose.
All animals are banned. How that affects the rats that run the private security operation is yet to be seen.
Mental health nurses are allowed to give people substances that they know may well cause them permanent brain damage by force.
Normally as their is not much alternative. If sitting down and talking was all someone in the grip of psychosis needed everyone would be much happier.
D.N.R. do not resuscitate orders cannot be applied as either a punishment or just because you don't like someone.I know I may have suggested such things in the past:oops:.
The stuff that's been said about DNRs on this thread by Pickmans is unbelievably ignorant and stupid. Was it a joke? :confused:
So because you personally have no experience of the police having a useful function you conclude they are pointless. Fantastic.

Policing per se isn't pointless, it's a necessary social function, but what are police forces/police services for? They used to at least show willing in terms of preventing crime, but nowadays? Crime in poorer areas is pretty much unchecked. You'll get a visit, some security advice, and a crime number if you're insured, and that's it. The police forces have pretty much ceded any role in tackling anti-social behaviour to local authorities, and a lot of them just go through the motions of engaging in stuff like Community Safety partnerships.
Most of the stuff you mention the OB doing is stuff that was done, usually more effectively, by town constabularies, where the local coppers were either elected, or they were appointed by the local authority. They were more effective because they knew the people they were policing, and could use community shaming as an effective tool to minimise or stop DV, theft and drunken disorder, and while they were committed to "upholding the law of the land", they weren't at the beck and call of Whitehall. How smoothly do you think your local policing is going to run when 30% of the coppers in your area are seconded to the Met for the duration of the Olympics?
Policing per se isn't pointless, it's a necessary social function, but what are police forces/police services for? They used to at least show willing in terms of preventing crime, but nowadays? Crime in poorer areas is pretty much unchecked. You'll get a visit, some security advice, and a crime number if you're insured, and that's it. The police forces have pretty much ceded any role in tackling anti-social behaviour to local authorities, and a lot of them just go through the motions of engaging in stuff like Community Safety partnerships.
Most of the stuff you mention the OB doing is stuff that was done, usually more effectively, by town constabularies, where the local coppers were either elected, or they were appointed by the local authority. They were more effective because they knew the people they were policing, and could use community shaming as an effective tool to minimise or stop DV, theft and drunken disorder, and while they were committed to "upholding the law of the land", they weren't at the beck and call of Whitehall. How smoothly do you think your local policing is going to run when 30% of the coppers in your area are seconded to the Met for the duration of the Olympics?
I don't understand the difference between a constabulary and a police force? I thought constable was just the official term for a copper?

The days when coppers know most or even many members of the local community are long gone, if they ever existed. And what is 'community shaming' and surely that's what West Yorkshire police are doing by flyering the local community with working girls faces if they breech an asbo. I'm not generally into that, I think it's out of order and an abuse of their power to be honest.
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