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Police told to empty crisps into plastic bags to avoid advertising rival brands at Olympics

e2a to edie
but you are making generalisations and also trying to excuse the fuckers a bit

do you think nurses have the back up of tooled up boot boys if they get abuse or attacked?
plod do, they know they do and use the threat of it to great extent
Occasionally we did.Some drunk twat broke a mates nose in A&E had lost a fight down town and wanted to punch someone so punched a male nurse rather than a female one.Police took him away and beat him up.Got very little sympathy when he came back to A&E wanting us to document his injuries.:).
Lewisham A&E used to have a very proactive security guard.Really loved his job,pull a knife or wave a dirty syringe at the medical staff
He would deal with them.
Anywhere else you get injured manager normally want to know what you did to annoy the patient:mad:
Why, it's true. They are fucking cunts, and many times have undercover in the crowds to fucking ensure that it does kick off. Many times their little agent provacatuers have been rumbled. Do ytou think the Milbank building would have been smashed up if it wasn't for the actions of the old bill? They were inside egging people on. So, you give over.
But you are an unusual example! Cos your experience of the police has been as a protestor. Funnily enough I've been nicked more times than you, in fact there was a time when I was nicked very VERY regularly, but hardly charged or cautioned it was a removal strategy. And you know what I found? Don't give them shit and you don't get it back.

Go on a protest and give them shit, and you get it back. Way the world works. If you threw a bottle at me then I'd fuckin charge you n all. Do you honestly think that rioters should just be able to brick and loot all shops in there path? The police have to balance the right to protest with the need to protect the local community too!
come on! that is twisting it!

i am not a 'protestor'
when i have been on protests or been ovbserving them i have seen plenty of people get shit for doing NOTHING, just standing near or going past. people pushed and shoved, beaten and restrained when they have nowhere to go and even when holding their hands up.
do you think they should have to stay at home? just in case the police lay into them?

you've got a pretty simplistic argument going on there tbf

and the reason why when you got nicked regularly they didn't do much as
1 they know there is not much point doing anything more and
2 you or someone else would be doing the same the next day or even later that day

it is not the same as protest if you want to go down that route. their intention is to scare, obstruct and/or hurt you so you stop doing it

do you see the difference?
Do ytou think the Milbank building would have been smashed up if it wasn't for the actions of the old bill? They were inside egging people on. So, you give over.

Thats really pushing it..... reign it in and it could be a viable point.
I see electronic transmitting equipment is banned. Does that include mobile phones? That would be an extreme restriction. Also banning sticks might mean that people who need walking sticks are discriminated against. The obsession with people wearing the wrong kind of T- shirt seems excessive. There will be people having to reject their favourite top because it promotes an obscure band from the past. The ban on printed matter bearing policical content means that no newspapers can be taken in, although it will be the 'silly season' during the Olympics so perhaps there will be no politcs with Parliament in recess. Still many newspapers could be described as being contrary to public morality, so LOCOG will have them there.

Bats are a protected species too, so I don't see why they're banned. What did the bats ever do to them? Although they may be concerned about bats' radar capacity interfering with the effectiveness of the ground to air missile capabilities, I suppose.
Occasionally we did.Some drunk twat broke a mates nose in A&E had lost a fight down town and wanted to punch someone so punched a male nurse rather than a female one.Police took him away and beat him up.Got very little sympathy when he came back to A&E wanting us to document his injuries.:).
Lewisham A&E used to have a very proactive security guard.Really loved his job,pull a knife or wave a dirty syringe at the medical staff
He would deal with them.
As it should be.
Thats really pushing it..... reign it in and it could be a viable point.
been given that info on good authority, by someone I trust. Someone who was in the building (as undercover) was his source. Person who shared that little tidbit is a poster on here.

this lot at the G20 firebombed police vehicles. But wait...they ARE the police. Now why would they do such things....I wonder.

link found from a 5 seconds search. There are a shed load of exmples of this shadey as fuck infiltration.
Before they are attacked? You are proposing that nurses and doctors have a constant police escort?
i'll spell it out for you shall i?
if a nurse is getting abuse or attacked and the plod come to their assistance it would most likely be after the fact so the abuse and/or attack is not prevented.
if a copper is abused or attacked then there is immediate retribution, often many more times than the original attack. and also their mates jump in.

so who do you think is safer and more protected before, during and after abuse/attack???

see now?
No wonder the fat fuckers don't want to pass fitness tests if they spend their time at work eating Ginsters and crisps all day
Medical staff, generally, see people at their best. They may be scared, vulnerable and in pain but they generally WANT your help and intervention and are grateful for your presence.

Police see the total opposite end of the spectrum. Their working lives deal with cunts. People who steal, attack, rape and abuse other people. They are treated with at best hostility, and often outright aggression and violence. Even from people they are trying to help e.g. drunk twats.

If you can't see that very obvious difference then your not thinking very hard.

Depends on which medical role. A&E staff and mental health nurses often cop the worst of it, yet still have to be professional.
a lot of the t shirt thing is to stop gurellia marketing stunts by corps who were to cheap to pony up for the games hence more hassle for ordinary people.

many years ago rocked up at folkstone a and e looking like extras from platoon after some idiot put a pick axe through his leg.
its amazing how polite people are when there are 4 squaddies covered in blood hanging around with SLRS quitest shift ever half the "customers" saw us and did one
Thats not what Edie is saying at all, just that there is a general distinction between attitudes due to the roles played in society.

Its an important point tbh. Thats not to say that medical staff are not subjected to abuse however they *generally* wont suffer the knee jerk defensive attitude that criminal justice would.

But nurses are expected to be "angels" all the time, and when we fall below this impossibly high standard, there is very little understanding, just denigration. Whereas police get "its a difficult job, they're only human".
If your getting nicked for something your gonna hate the person with the cuffs whether they are pleasant or not.

I couldn't be a copper. Cos I just couldn't bear seeing the worst of society and the worst in people, day after day, year after year. It would be so damn depressing.

If you're a mental health nurse, holding someone under section or medicating against someone's will, same thing applies.
It's about the monopoly of force. Our society demands that the police maintain this.
yeah! people need to be kept in their place! by force! by the threat and use of violence!

most people think certain criminals should be hung. agree with that too?
But nurses are expected to be "angels" all the time, and when we fall below this impossibly high standard, there is very little understanding, just denigration. Whereas police get "its a difficult job, they're only human".

Well,eh, as I said before I dont engage in this particular brand of hypocrisy, I dont know what else to say :confused:
But you are an unusual example! Cos your experience of the police has been as a protestor. Funnily enough I've been nicked more times than you, in fact there was a time when I was nicked very VERY regularly, but hardly charged or cautioned it was a removal strategy. And you know what I found? Don't give them shit and you don't get it back.

Go on a protest and give them shit, and you get it back. Way the world works. If you threw a bottle at me then I'd fuckin charge you n all. Do you honestly think that rioters should just be able to brick and loot all shops in there path? The police have to balance the right to protest with the need to protect the local community too!

miner's strike, wapping, beanfield
yeah! people need to be kept in their place! by force! by the threat and use of violence!

most people think certain criminals should be hung. agree with that too?

I didn't give my opinion, just explained how things were. If you would like my opinion on the monopoly of force, and whether it is inevitable or essential, start a thread and I will be happy to discuss it.

i'll spell it out for you shall i?
if a nurse is getting abuse or attacked and the plod come to their assistance it would most likely be after the fact so the abuse and/or attack is not prevented.
if a copper is abused or attacked then there is immediate retribution, often many more times than the original attack. and also their mates jump in.

so who do you think is safer and more protected before, during and after abuse/attack???

see now?
So attacks on police aren't prevented either, they just invoke more retribution. What's your point?
But nurses are expected to be "angels" all the time, and when we fall below this impossibly high standard, there is very little understanding, just denigration. Whereas police get "its a difficult job, they're only human".
Cops are a loud to hit people nurses are not.
come on! that is twisting it!

i am not a 'protestor'
when i have been on protests or been ovbserving them i have seen plenty of people get shit for doing NOTHING, just standing near or going past. people pushed and shoved, beaten and restrained when they have nowhere to go and even when holding their hands up.
do you think they should have to stay at home? just in case the police lay into them?

you've got a pretty simplistic argument going on there tbf

and the reason why when you got nicked regularly they didn't do much as
1 they know there is not much point doing anything more and
2 you or someone else would be doing the same the next day or even later that day

it is not the same as protest if you want to go down that route. their intention is to scare, obstruct and/or hurt you so you stop doing it

do you see the difference?
Yes I do see the difference. And tbh the way police act as the states security and aggressors on protests is them at their worse and I'm not defending that.
allowed. And control and restraint procedures can be right nasty if the person applying them isn't living up to the spirit of the name.
This shit is just really weird. They're the police yer. Most of them are just normal blokes and women going about their daily business, doing a fucking job, protecting communities from street crime and burglaries, sorting out road traffic accidents, dealing with domestic violence, breaking bad news to folk and stopping pissed people kicking each others brains out in town centres on Friday nights.

We'd be fucked without them, same as we'd be fucked without our paramedics :confused: Then you get people on here saying mean pathetic shit like 'I hope they eat loads of crisps and die'. I mean wtf? Grow up.

Sorry to be a horrid old cynic, Edie, but your post made me chuckle, especially the first bit about "protecting communities from street crime and burglary". Not here, not on what you'd call a regular basis. You see coppers in the town centre, and you hear plenty of 'em buring around with their sirens going, but we don't see the fuckers walking the beat and actually doing much at all except "Stop and Search" on people who look like they might live on a council estate.

BTW, he didn't say "I hope they eat crisps and die", he said (and I paraphrase :) ) "The more crisps they eat, the sooner they'll die", which is, as our doctors repeatedly tell us while stuffing pork pies down their gobs, what happens when you eat fat-laden foods. ;)
I didn't give my opinion, just explained how things were. If you would like my opinion on the monopoly of force, and whether it is inevitable or essential, start a thread and I will be happy to discuss it.

So attacks on police aren't prevented either, they just invoke more retribution. What's your point?
i would say that a lot are prevented from the mere threat of retribution and more violence
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