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Police told to empty crisps into plastic bags to avoid advertising rival brands at Olympics

so they're shit despite 180+ years of experience. they really are shit, aren't they.
Just this morning there was a crash between a bus and a car outside Leeds bus station. The police were there dealing the traffic, so the paramedics could do their job :( You are telling me that is a pointless function? Your just talking rubbish.
Just this morning there was a crash between a bus and a car outside Leeds bus station. The police were there dealing the traffic, so the paramedics could do their job :( You are telling me that is a pointless function? Your just talking rubbish.
i'm quoting your post where you say 'they may be shit'

one incident on one day in one place doesn't make 130,000+ cops worthwhile.
i'm quoting your post where you say 'they may be shit'

one incident on one day in one place doesn't make 130,000+ cops worthwhile.
God your argument is weak :D It must have escaped your notice that RTAs happen every day, hundreds of them, in all parts of the country. Same with DV. Same with drunken fights. Neighbour disputes. Burglaries. Street crime.

Sometimes I think people like you live in this fantasy extreme-politics world, and cos the police don't fit in with your idealised notion of how people and society are supposed to be, you just ignore the blinding reality of the world. You think 'there should be no function for the police' as an ideal then just project that as 'the police have no function'. Bonkers. Really is.
the scum have their uses, sometimes. And an RTA is one of those times. But on the whole, they're nothing more than tax collectors with massive chips on their shoulders, not held to account, protected from the crimes they commit by a corrupt system. They're people of no morals, willing to carry out any order, no matter how against the oath of protecting the community that may be. And they'll justify any violence they use, any death they cause, cos it says they can do it in a little book. If that little book told them to go and shoot every new born baby, they'd do it without thinking, because they were told to. That's why the police only employ people with a very low IQ, the official reason is people who are too clever, would get bored. But it's quite evident that it is so that they have alot of mindless drones, willing to do the bidding of the goverment, and not cut crime and help people.
God your argument is weak :D It must have escaped your notice that RTAs happen every day, hundreds of them, in all parts of the country. Same with DV. Same with drunken fights. Neighbour disputes. Burglaries. Street crime.

Sometimes I think people like you live in this fantasy extreme-politics world, and cos the police don't fit in with your idealised notion of how people and society are supposed to be, you just ignore the blinding reality of the world. You think 'there should be no function for the police' as an ideal then just project that as 'the police have no function'. Bonkers. Really is.
no, your argument is weak. you do not need a police force to deal simply with incidents like road traffic accidents. that is not among the stated primary functions of the police force - the primary functions of the police are the prevention and detection of crime, not of one car crashed into another car and directing traffic. do you think we need a uniformed band of sworn constables to direct fucking traffic? it may have escaped your attention that, formally or informally, the police no longer investigate vast swathes of crime, including, in some areas, street crime and burglaries.

btw, please don't tell me what i think because you plainly don't know.
the scum have their uses, sometimes. And an RTA is one of those times. But on the whole, they're nothing more than tax collectors with massive chips on their shoulders, not held to account, protected from the crimes they commit by a corrupt system. They're people of no morals, willing to carry out any order, no matter how against the oath of protecting the community that may be. And they'll justify any violence they use, any death they cause, cos it says they can do it in a little book. If that little book told them to go and shoot every new born baby, they'd do it without thinking, because they were told to. That's why the police only employ people with a very low IQ, the official reason is people who are too clever, would get bored. But it's quite evident that it is so that they have alot of mindless drones, willing to do the bidding of the goverment, and not cut crime and help people.
Hyperbolic nonsense.
no, your argument is weak. you do not need a police force to deal simply with incidents like road traffic accidents. that is not among the primary functions of the police force - the primary functions of the police are the prevention and detection of crime, not of one car crashed into another car and directing traffic. do you think we need a uniformed band of sworn constables to direct fucking traffic? it may have escaped your attention that, formally or informally, the police no longer investigate vast swathes of crime, including, in some areas, street crime and burglaries.

btw, please don't put words into my mouth like 'the police have no function'. i never said that and it's not something i would agree with.
I am saying that it is one of their useful functions. Not necessarily the principle one (I mean fuck knows, is there data for what % of time police spend on different activities? Probably). I've already mentioned a list of other functions that I think are pretty fucking important.

It's you who is saying they have no function. Clearly your wrong. I mean we can argue the toss about what there function should and shouldn't include, but it's pretty obvious we do NEED a police force. And so to wish them dead from eating too much monster munch is fuckin ridiculous. Actually makes me laugh in a bit of a toe curly way :D
I am saying that it is one of their useful functions. Not necessarily the principle one (I mean fuck knows, is there data for what % of time police spend on different activities? Probably). I've already mentioned a list of other functions that I think are pretty fucking important.
what you said was
Edie said:
Just this morning there was a crash between a bus and a car outside Leeds bus station. The police were there dealing the traffic, so the paramedics could do their job :( You are telling me that is a pointless function? Your just talking rubbish.
i am saying it isn't something you need a police force for.

It's you who is saying they have no function. Clearly your wrong. I mean we can argue the toss about what there function should and shouldn't include, but it's pretty obvious we do NEED a police force. And so to wish them dead from eating too much monster munch is fuckin ridiculous. Actually makes me laugh in a bit of a toe curly way :D
i am by no means saying they have no function: their role in suppressing dissent is well known.

i would hope you'd join with me in thinking there should be no function for the police. but perhaps you'd like to continue living in a society like this: i don't want to.
Seems to me that the police force simply act as a sticking plaster for the many social issues that affect people committing crime.

They don't seem to do a lot of prevention work to me; there's lots of running after people who've robbed grannies on 'cops with cameras' and all that, I don't see a lot of working with people so that nobody is in a position where they feel the need to rob grannies in the first place.

That Channel 4 show Coppers summed it up really, when one of them remarked that they had watched several people grow up committing crime and for whom prison was just a normal part of every day life. Great deal of prevention work going on there.
This shit is just really weird. They're the police yer. Most of them are just normal blokes and women going about their daily business, doing a fucking job, protecting communities from street crime and burglaries, sorting out road traffic accidents, dealing with domestic violence, breaking bad news to folk and stopping pissed people kicking each others brains out in town centres on Friday nights.

We'd be fucked without them, same as we'd be fucked without our paramedics :confused: Then you get people on here saying mean pathetic shit like 'I hope they eat loads of crisps and die'. I mean wtf? Grow up.
Seems to me that the police force simply act as a sticking plaster for the many social issues that affect people committing crime.

They don't seem to do a lot of prevention work to me; there's lots of running after people who've robbed grannies on 'cops with cameras' and all that, I don't see a lot of working with people so that nobody is in a position where they feel the need to rob grannies in the first place.

That Channel 4 show Coppers summed it up really, when one of them remarked that they had watched several people grow up committing crime and for whom prison was just a normal part of every day life. Great deal of prevention work going on there.

that prog was weird, i don't know if it was meant to show them in a good light but it really really didn't. Particular fave was a copper explaining jovially to a protestor that he could punch him in the face and get away with it if he so wished/.
Dear Londoners™ the UK,
Your Olympics™ start in just a few days and we hope that you're excited! They are your Olympics™ that have cost you £2.5bn£9bn £11.7bn possibly £24bn of your money, that's 38p per household, that you really need in these times of austerity but were forced have chosen to spend on what is sure to be the best Olympics™ ever ever. So you have to enjoy them, you don't have a choice. We've put lots of measures in place all for your Olympics, including allocating tickets via a lottery system. We thought this would be better than giving free tickets to people in the local area as who knows what ruffians that may allow inside the Park™, so instead many of you used your VISA™ credit cards which all of the people we'd like to invite clearly have at their disposal to deposit unaffordable amounts of money only to get tickets to watch a horse dance™ or speed walking™ while our corporate executives get to watch Usain Bolt™, because it's your Olympics™.

The Banned Words.

The Olympics legislation bans the use by unauthorised businesses (non-sponsors) of 'controlled representations', depending on the context. This is the list of 'controlled representations':

The Olympic Symbol (the five interlocking rings)

The Olympic Motto (Citius Altius Fortius' / 'Faster Higher Stronger'

Olympic (s)

Olympiad (s)

Olympian (s)

The Paralympic Symbol (the three 'agitos')

The Paralympic Motto ('Spirit in Motion')

Paralympic (s)

Paralympiad (s)

Paralympian (s)




Two thousand and twelve


Twenty Twelve





Purenarcotic they don't have the resources and it's not their role to. Watching those programmes it seems they end up doing a lot of social type work as it is, specially with people with mental health problems.

ACAB :D Are you a 16 year old stoner by any chance? :D

Seen around Victoria Park.

This shit is just really weird. They're the police yer. Most of them are just normal blokes and women going about their daily business, doing a fucking job, protecting communities from street crime and burglaries, sorting out road traffic accidents, dealing with domestic violence, breaking bad news to folk and stopping pissed people kicking each others brains out in town centres on Friday nights.

We'd be fucked without them, same as we'd be fucked without our paramedics :confused: Then you get people on here saying mean pathetic shit like 'I hope they eat loads of crisps and die'. I mean wtf? Grow up.

please don't dare compare the plod to paramedics, how many paramedics kill people and get away with it?

i said the fat fucks need constant refuelling as that is my experience
my other experience is that they tend to be generally mindless drones following orders, hitting and containing people for peaceful protest, taking pictures of them, goading them, blindly doing what their told, enjoying sticking the boot in and hurting people who have done nothing.
also protecting huge tax dodging companies that do not pay their way.
and when i or someone i've know has been burgled they've been of no use at all beyond a crime number.
my uncle is a copper, heard some dodgy stuff he got up to and got promoted. i don't talk to him, he has been institutionalised and you can see it in his eyes. why do you think they have to go to hendon and used to be put in houses together? to make sure they get the message and are ready to do the state's bidding and have to rely on each other against the rest of us.

it is weird as you're not thick and you have lived so unless you are related to a copper what is your excuse?
you grow up
Dear Londoners™ the UK,
Your Olympics™ start in just a few days and we hope that you're excited! They are your Olympics™ that have cost you £2.5bn£9bn £11.7bn possibly £24bn of your money, that's 38p per household.....

It's actually 38p per household, per week, every week, from 2005 until now.
That Channel 4 show Coppers summed it up really, when one of them remarked that they had watched several people grow up committing crime and for whom prison was just a normal part of every day life. Great deal of prevention work going on there.

Police should not be social workers.Turning someone around from a life of crime is complicated and difficult work and probably best not performed by someone who joined a force whose primary role is seen as nicking crims and putting them in jail imho.
please don't dare compare the plod to paramedics, how many paramedics kill people and get away with it?

i said the fat fucks need constant refuelling as that is my experience
my other experience is that they tend to be generally mindless drones following orders, hitting and containing people for peaceful protest, taking pictures of them, goading them, blindly doing what their told, enjoying sticking the boot in and hurting people who have done nothing.
also protecting huge tax dodging companies that do not pay their way.
and when i or someone i've know has been burgled they've been of no use at all beyond a crime number.
my uncle is a copper, heard some dodgy stuff he got up to and got promoted. i don't talk to him, he has been institutionalised and you can see it in his eyes. why do you think they have to go to hendon and used to be put in houses together? to make sure they get the message and are ready to do the state's bidding and have to rely on each other against the rest of us.

it is weird as you're not thick and you have lived so unless you are related to a copper what is your excuse?
you grow up
Well I am comparing the police to paramedics. They're both emergency services, often called out to the same incident, and support each other. My cuz is a paramedic, they have a close working relationship with the police. They need to.

Your totally out of touch with what most normal people feel about the everyday police. No coppers in my family :D But my childminders daughter is one in Manchester. Great hardworking girl with a good heart.
Police should not be social workers.Turning someone around from a life of crime is complicated and difficult work and probably best not performed by someone who joined a force whose primary role is seen as nicking crims and putting them in jail imho.

Perhaps its a case of beggars cant be choosers, in the sense that, what other front line preventive measures are taken by other organisations?
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