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Police told to empty crisps into plastic bags to avoid advertising rival brands at Olympics

Suppose all these security guards who didn't turn in were striking in solidarity with Burger King and KFC. And does Gary Lineker will be able to steal crisps in the humourous way he does? :(
Do the police walk around eating crisps much while on duty? I can't recall seeing a cop on duty eating out of a potato chip bag.

Me neither. It did strike me as a bit of an odd directive. How many cops do you see munching on crisps and swigging pop out in the open? Surely they've got at least a vehicle to eat their lunch in.
Mind you.. how bloody stupid are all these sponsor brand protection laws?

As if someone's going to be influenced to buy Walkers crisps because a copper is eating a packet, or someone's gonna choose Nike over Addidas because some child in the opening ceremony dons a pair of Nikes. Fuck off.
Do the police walk around eating crisps much while on duty? I can't recall seeing a cop on duty eating out of a potato chip bag.

I've queued behind fully tooled up (i.e. armed) and uniformed OB in Tesco Westminster, while they were buying a few packs of doughnuts before.
I've queued behind fully tooled up (i.e. armed) and uniformed OB in Tesco Westminster, while they were buying a few packs of doughnuts before.

You'll see cops in restaurants or coffee shops on their breaks: they don't seem to brown-bag it much around here. I honestly can't recall seeing a cop eating while on duty and not on a break.
The OP is about the filth going over the top in interpreting the rules, but the fact remains is the rules are fucking mental.

And it really does put me off, I'm a big fan of Addidas trainers, just bought a new pair of sneaks and they ain't Addidas, that's a conscious decision based purely on this overblown sports day; and the fact that the ones I bought are proper comfy.
I'm doing a load of wheelchair accessible transport transport for the Olympics and Paralympics. I have not had the routes, uniforms or ID cards yet!
the generally fat fucks need constant refuelling!
e2a to geri
let them eat

Encourage them to eat

The more shit they eat the younger they'll die
This shit is just really weird. They're the police yer. Most of them are just normal blokes and women going about their daily business, doing a fucking job, protecting communities from street crime and burglaries, sorting out road traffic accidents, dealing with domestic violence, breaking bad news to folk and stopping pissed people kicking each others brains out in town centres on Friday nights.

We'd be fucked without them, same as we'd be fucked without our paramedics :confused: Then you get people on here saying mean pathetic shit like 'I hope they eat loads of crisps and die'. I mean wtf? Grow up.
We'd be fucked without them, same as we'd be fucked without our paramedics :confused: Then you get people on here saying mean pathetic shit like 'I hope they eat loads of crisps and die'. I mean wtf? Grow up.
you fucking grow up. if you think 'we' would be fucked without the police you're very much mistaken.
Former Labour sports minister Richard Caborn, who took the legislation through Parliament, defended the Act as both necessary and successful, and pointed out that no-one had yet been prosecuted over it.
He told the programme: “The reality is that most people have accepted we’ve got to raise £2 billion from the private sector. £750 million of that is in sponsorship.

And the rest of the £9billion has come out of our fucking pockets, we should be able to do what we like with their poxy rings.
you fucking grow up. if you think 'we' would be fucked without the police you're very much mistaken.
Do you go out drinking on a Friday night in town? :confused: Never been burgled? Who'd a mate call if she got 7 shades of shit kicked out of her by her boyfriend and she was scared he was gonna come back round looking for her?

I know that there is corruption. And I know a lot of what they do is fucking shit. For example at the moment West Yorkshire police are being total cunts about street workers, basically putting asbos on wg's then when they break their asbo, printing flyers with the girls face on and leafletting local houses so locals can grass them up. I think that's shit, like tar and feathering someone, like outing working girls for fuck sake. Makes me fucking angry. But do I blame the coppers that are doing it, the same ones that are breaking up fights and dealing with frightened people who have been attacked on the street or just had an accident? No. The problems are political, and not the fault of the front line copper. Wishing them dead is just childish.
:D god bless you
What, you don't think they deal with domestic violence? :confused: They do mate, and a lot of the time, they do it really fucking well. Ask bmd, he works with vulnerable people who need protecting, in conjunction with the police, and he'll tell you that they often do a fucking good job.
Do you go out drinking on a Friday night in town? :confused: Never been burgled? Who'd a mate call if she got 7 shades of shit kicked out of her by her boyfriend and she was scared he was gonna come back round looking for her?

I know that there is corruption. And I know a lot of what they do is fucking shit. For example at the moment West Yorkshire police are being total cunts about street workers, basically putting asbos on wg's then when they break their asbo, printing flyers with the girls face on and leafletting local houses so locals can grass them up. I think that's shit, like tar and feathering someone, like outing working girls for fuck sake. Makes me fucking angry. But do I blame the coppers that are doing it, the same ones that are breaking up fights and dealing with frightened people who have been attacked on the street or just had an accident? No. The problems are political, and not the fault of the front line copper. Wishing them dead is just childish.
1) i don't drink

2) yes, i have been burgled: they took a betamax video and a couple of stereos which didn't work

3) a mate?

everyone knows the police solve FUCK ALL crime. everyone, that is, but you.

e2a: does their wondrous ability with domestic violence justify the many millions spent on them?
What, you don't think they deal with domestic violence? :confused: They do mate, and a lot of the time, they do it really fucking well. Ask bmd, he works with vulnerable people who need protecting, in conjunction with the police, and he'll tell you that they often do a fucking good job.

my ninja editing skills don't seem to be on form today- DV is an area they are notoriously shit with, yes improvements have been made in recent times but there still remains a great reluctance to deal with domestics properly. I'm going on what I've been told by a woman who works for the sunflower centre in npton (agency set up to help victims of DV)
1) i don't drink

2) yes, i have been burgled: they took a betamax video and a couple of stereos which didn't work

3) a mate?

everyone knows the police solve FUCK ALL crime. everyone, that is, but you.
So because you personally have no experience of the police having a useful function you conclude they are pointless. Fantastic.
my ninja editing skills don't seem to be on form today- DV is an area they are notoriously shit with, yes improvements have been made in recent times but there still remains a great reluctance to deal with domestics properly. I'm going on what I've been told by a woman who works for the sunflower centre in npton (agency set up to help victims of DV)
They may be shit, they certainly are improving, and 'better than nothing' is a pretty strong argument.
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