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It canna!

It can and does rise by the time the oven's up to temperature, not as much as for bread but enough for a base. BTW the kitchen here isn't heated. IME you can add the topping before the dough has risen fully. Slightly warmed tomato passata seems to help the base rise a bit faster.
Re TruXta's comment: You mean you can't? Actually the dough (and rolling it out) takes 15 mins or less - the rest of the time can be spent chopping and/or grating the toppings.

You don't roll pizza dough. It squeezes the air out of it. You shape it using various techniques. The most flamboyant being the twirl-around-the-head, which should only be used when tourists are looking on.
You mean you don't - I do and IME it no more squashes the air out than rolling squashes the air out of puff pastry.
I use a fast-action yeast and let the dough rise for 15-20 minutes while the oven heats up and I prep the toppings.

Just try out different methods and see what works for you.
I tried that once thinking "butter & hash works so why not weed & oil." Twas a waste of good oil (and good weed.) I confess that I didn't use Pecorino, but even so it was a terrible disappointment.

Did you gently heat the oil with the weed in it to release the THC? Thats the key when using ganja and oils. Proper activates it. :)
It can and does rise by the time the oven's up to temperature, not as much as for bread but enough for a base. BTW the kitchen here isn't heated. IME you can add the topping before the dough has risen fully. Slightly warmed tomato passata seems to help the base rise a bit faster.

Yeah, ok, but IME you get a much inferior product that way, compared to leaving it overnight in the fridge. Still much better than a ready-made I'd think. Dammit, I'll have to make one soon then, using your philistine ways.
Facking tempting innit? It's still wrong tho, even more wrong than doing a pizza with a pita-bread as the base.
Who the fuck does that tho?
People who haven't got any yeast in the house. It's also mentioned in 2 different cookery books I've got lying around. The result is edible, but heavy, and IMHO not much faster or easier than using a quick yeast dough.
God damn you all, I've started making a Speed Pizza now. I'm going to see what it's like with limited rising time.

Make sure you use a fast-action yeast.

Strong flour, unless I've run out of yeast, and then I'll resort to self-raising flour - not authentic, but it rises and it's edible.

I always use strong white flour too. Been trying to source 00 flour but nowhere seems to stock it :confused:
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