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Pics from your State Sanctioned Exercise.

22 miles, must be getting fitter, then about five miles from the end Frau Bahn phones, “We’re at the Inn on the Lake...” two pints later and the good work is undone. Oh well.

Cosford Mill, Roger Taylor’s old recording studio: Studios – Roger Taylor beyond Queen – solo and with The Cross

The Three Horseshoes, Thursley. Seems happy to be open again...

Thursley Church

Which is the final resting place of an unknown sailor who was murdered by the Devil’s Punchbowl, the act of his murder recreated in stone on his grave...

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Dad school. Long Mynd, Shropshire...
bird watching, map reading, plant identification and making up fairy stories - we made up a story about super heroes. #3 decided to be Map Girl, who's superpower may or may not have been geographical orientation. followed by dam building, ice cream eating, and playing Billy Goats Gruff, in which your handsome, sweet-smelling hero had to act the shit out of it to be a convincing troll...038.1.jpg059.1.jpg
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