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Peter Bone's time is up! Wellingborough by-election.


Chief seagull hater & farmerbarleymow's nemesis.
Well this appears to be a proper 'time is up' thread, I mean WTF?

A Conservative MP is facing a six-week suspension from the House of Commons over allegations of bullying and sexual misconduct against a staff member.

A report by parliament's Independent Expert Panel (IEP) found that Peter Bone "trapped" a member of staff in a room where he exposed himself - in what the panel said was a "deliberate and conscious abuse of power".

Mr Bone, the MP for Wellingborough, "committed many varied acts of bullying and one act of sexual misconduct" against a member of his staff in 2012 and 2013, the panel said.

It recommended that he be suspended from the House of Commons for six weeks - paving the way for another potential by-election and headache for Rishi Sunak.

Five allegations by a Westminster staffer were made in October 2021 after a complaint made to then prime minister Theresa May in 2017 went unresolved, the IEP said.

The complaints included four allegations of bullying, detailing that Mr Bone "verbally belittled, ridiculed, abused and humiliated" his employee and "repeatedly physically struck and threw things" at him.

The report said Mr Bone also imposed an "unwanted and humiliating ritual" on him by forcing him to sit with his hands in his lap when he was unhappy with his work and that he ostracised his staff member following an incident on a work trip to Madrid.

More detail -

A six-week suspension from the Commons will no doubt result in a recall petition and by-election in Wellingborough, where he has a majority of 18,540, having received 32,277 votes, followed by Labour on 13,737. LDs on 4,078, and Greens on 1,821.

Electoral Calculus was already predicting Labour would take it with a majority of 5,205, with their chance of winning being 79%, and that's before today's news!

Let the fun begin!
As others have pointed out Ian (anarchist Class War editor of handcuffing himself to Jonathan Ross infamy) and Peter (Thatcher-licking, expense-fiddling, alleged wrong 'un) aren't related.

Not all Bones are connected, just (according to the traditional late October folk song) Foot, Leg, Knee, Thigh, Hip, Back and Neck x
Another one to watch with great interest.
Will Bone be re-called [pushed] or will he resign first [jump]
Wonder how long it will take for the by-election to be called ?

I suspect, if suspended, he'll jump, knowing the game is up, and not wanting to face the embarrassment of defeat in a recall petition and by-election.
No, that's his brother Ian. They were once in a 70s British pub rock band before getting into politics, and both the band, and the brothers' legendary falling out directly influenced Oasis. Ruddy Yurts played percussion on 2 of their albums, including the legendary lost classic, Billy Bone Gruff.
He was credited with percussion. That's all we can be certain about.
Six weeks suspension for what he's been found to have done? I'd have thought it would mean the sack for organizations that weren't a private lads club that set its own rules.

There's a fairly good chance he'll be kicked out the Tory party, which would leave him sitting as an independent MP.
No, that's his brother Ian. They were once in a 70s British pub rock band before getting into politics, and both the band, and the brothers' legendary falling out directly influenced Oasis. Ruddy Yurts played percussion on 2 of their albums, including the legendary lost classic, Billy Bone Gruff.
I always thought it was Woody Mortars was the percussionist.
He was credited with percussion. That's all we can be certain about.
I thought that was Guerillas In The Myths: their 1978 attempt to cash in on Punk. Which, as Peter was unable to leave Droitwich at the time due to an unspecified legal matter, they had to record his vocals over the phone from the phone box on Hanbury Street.

eta wasn't Woody Mortars the name Ruddy was using then for tax purposes?
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From Sky News

Former Tory minister Peter Bone has been kicked out the parliamentary party after a report found he committed acts of bullying and sexual misconduct.

Mr Bone has lost the Conservative whip - meaning he will have to sit as an independent MP.

A spokesperson for Chief Whip Simon Hart said: "Following a report by the Independent Expert Panel (IEP), the Chief Whip has removed the Conservative whip from Peter Bone MP."

On Monday, a report by parliament's IEP found that Mr Bone "trapped" a member of staff in a room where he exposed himself - in what the panel said was a "deliberate and conscious abuse of power".

Mr Bone, the MP for Wellingborough, "committed many varied acts of bullying and one act of sexual misconduct" against the staff member in 2012 and 2013, the panel said.

It recommended that he be suspended from the House of Commons for six weeks - paving the way for another potential by-election and headache for Rishi Sunak.

Mr Bone said the allegations are "false and untrue" and "without foundation" as he vowed to continue representing his constituents.

Five allegations by a Westminster staffer were made in October 2021 after a complaint made to then prime minister Theresa May in 2017 went unresolved, the IEP said.

The complaints included four allegations of bullying, detailing that Mr Bone "verbally belittled, ridiculed, abused and humiliated" his employee and "repeatedly physically struck and threw things" at him.


The report said Mr Bone also imposed an "unwanted and humiliating ritual" on him by forcing him to sit with his hands in his lap when he was unhappy with his work, and that he ostracised his staff member following an incident on a work trip to Madrid.

The complainant also alleged that Mr Bone had "repeatedly pressurised" the member of staff to give him a massage in the office and, on a visit to Madrid with the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Human Trafficking, indecently exposed himself to the complainant in the bathroom and bedroom of the hotel room they were sharing.

In its findings, the IEP said: "This is a serious case of misconduct. The bullying involved violence, shouting and swearing, mocking, belittling and humiliating behaviour, and ostracism.

"This wilful pattern of bullying also included an unwanted incident of sexual misconduct, when the complainant was trapped in a room with the respondent in a hotel in Madrid. This was a deliberate and conscious abuse of power using a sexual mechanism: indecent exposure."
From The Guardian:

Source: Labour prepares to force byelection if Tory MP Peter Bone suspended

Labour is ramping up plans to force another byelection ahead of a vote on Wednesday to suspend Peter Bone from parliament for six weeks.

Bone was stripped of the Conservative whip after being found by a watchdog to have bullied and harassed a member of staff and exposed his genitals near their face.

His suspension from parliament was recommended by an independent expert panel in their report and rubber stamped by the standards committee – but must be approved by the Commons to take effect.

Bone denies any wrongdoing and said in a statement last week that he would continue serving the people of Wellingborough, the Northamptonshire seat of which he has been MP since 2005 and which he won with a 19,000 majority at the last election.

The Guardian understands the vote to suspend him from parliament will be held on Wednesday, though there will be no debate.

Given the recommended suspension is longer than 10 days it would trigger a petition in his seat that, if signed by more than 10% of constituents in six weeks, would automatically lead to a byelection being called.

The motion is all but certain to pass, though allies of Bone suggested he has some sympathetic supporters.

Labour sources said they were already preparing to launch a campaign to encourage Wellingborough voters to sign the petition. “I wouldn’t be feeling comfortable if I were Peter Bone,” one said.

A Tory MP in a nearby seat said: “I would imagine they will get the [10%] target easily.”

It follows a successful bid by Scottish Labour to force a byelection in another seat where an MP was suspended for more than 10 days. In Rutherglen and Hamilton West, the former SNP politician Margaret Ferrier became the fourth MP to face recall after 15% of eligible constituents signed the petition, paving the way for a byelection that Labour won.

Bone has sought to remain active in his constituency since last week’s report. He shared a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, with a photo of himself canvassing with leaflets for a council candidate.

Tory MPs are braced for the vote on Wednesday, and know that abstaining or not voting could be used to attack them by opposition parties. There have been some notable absences on recent occasions, including Rishi Sunak, who declined to vote on a report that found Boris Johnson had committed five contempts of parliament.

Such issues are traditionally treated as a “free vote” – meaning party whips do not instruct MPs in their party which way to vote. The convention had a reprieve, however, when Johnson’s government whipped MPs to spare one of their own – Owen Paterson – from suspension after he was found to have broken lobbying rules.

In a separate development affecting parliament’s ethics watchdog, the Guardian understands that two Tory MPs are preparing to quit the standards committee.

Charles Walker and Andy Carter are planning to focus more on their backbench amibitions, with two coveted spots on the cross-party group that scrutinises allegations of MPs’ bad behaviour up for grabs.
Has anyone hung around for the petition since these rules came into effect?
There have been three successful petitions since they were introduced: Fiona Onasanya, Christopher Davies, and Margaret Ferrier.
For him to have been banned from parliament for 6 weeks what he did must have been pretty egregious. Especially considering others who have been accused of bullying and haven't any sanction.
For him to have been banned from parliament for 6 weeks what he did must have been pretty egregious. Especially considering others who have been accused of bullying and haven't any sanction.
The Parliamentary report is quite an entertaining read. The panel were clearly very unimpressed by Bone's defence.

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