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People stealing police hats

It's not like the old days


Western Daily Press - Thurs 22nd Sep 1932
Glastonbury green field sometime in the late '90s (I think, maybe early '00s!) some wandering few cops tried to nick someone (memory of what for escapes me) and then in the intervening scuffle that a few more police arrived for, a Landrover window got smashed and the cops got completely covered in thrown mud, and a few police bits, including a helmet, were nicked.

A while after all the mud-monster cops had fled the chief of the police on site arrived to ask for the gear back, and was obviously fucked off. The missing helmet (and truncheon iirc) were hoisted up high on some hippie arch entry thing as a warning to any other idiot police who thought trying to nick a hippie in a field full of not-all-hippies was a bright idea. Fun times!

Most enjoyable bit was imagining the mud caked cops arriving back in the police compound and being asked what happened and then having to say they tried to arrest a hippie. :thumbs:
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