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Urgent: Baroness Louise Casey's Review into the Culture of the Metropolitan Police Service Public Meeting Karibu Centre Mon 24th Oct 6 pm

You could always come to one of my meetings and find out...
Find out what? That people had been misleadingly informed by you that you are a former deputy mayor? Or that you are holding a meeting on a preliminary report that you weren't even aware had already been published online by the Met despite it being the topic of the meeting?

ETA: It being the guttersnipes of this forum who informed you of such...
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1. I have never ever worked with Searchlight in over 40 years; you're probably thinking of Marc Wadsworth,

2. Ss for the paid police role that is precious. You clearly haven't been paying attention to what has been happening with the Met and Black communities. Only an imbecile could believe such rank idiocy, which probably explains why Marc and searchlight threw you out of their conference.

3. I see you haven't got the minerals to accept my invitation to debate publically. Speak volumes. But hey I get it some white men find articulate black people 'intimidating' and quite 'scary'
1. You were the person who physically ejected me: that you now lie/claim amnesia about it is characteristic of your zero integrity. Do you really think I do not remember which thug manhandled me? Ludicrous

2. You were at one point paid as part of Operation Trident: that you evade answering and further bring in Wadsworth is further proof of your lack of integrity.

3. You dont scare me at all: butxare clearly a bare faced liar. Who has not answered my questions
1. You're lying, and I challenge you to bring objective evidence.
2. I've never, nor had any other Trident advisers been paid by the Met.
3. You refused my public debate challenge, which speaks volumes about your character.
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It's a pity that this thread has degenerated into a standoff between two aging walruses.

Anyway, how did the meeting go?
1. You're lying, and I challenge you to bring objective evidence.
2. I've never, nor had any other Trident advisers been paid by the Met.
3. You refused my public debate challenge, which speaks volumes about your character.
1. I will do when I dig it out from the archives: will take a few days as have other important things to do. And a liar like you is, frankly, not important
3. What exactly, would I want to 'debate' with a thug like you, who assaulted me and now lies about it? Better things to do with my time. You did not debate with me when calling me a fascist and physically assaulting me. Something you have now compounded by denying it.
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For information:

Thanks for this Garvey.

I've started watching. Will watch all of it over weekend.

After first few minutes getting wound up.

Cllr Jacqui Dyer is a typical right wing Labour wind up merchant.

At this meeting she is going all police are really bad.

I was at community meeting while back. Raised issue of the behaviour of police at Clapham Common.

She was all " Lambeth Council has good relations with the local police"

Its this kind of two faced politician that really gets me.

Presenting themselves as one thing at one meeting and another at a different meeting. Depending on the audience.

Still these Labour Cllrs in Lambeth have secure "jobs" with nice allowances. As Cabinet member get big "salary" called allowances. So they can present themselves like this.

As far as I'm concerned she is part of the political establishment that run this country.
Thanks for posting the video. Sadly I couldn't attend, but I see there was a large panel of speakers, so apologies to Jasper for speculating that the event might be a sham. Sometimes I am too cynical. Could anyone summarise the key points, so I don't have to watch all two and a half hours?

Watched the first hour so far. Well chaired meeting by Lee Japser

Speakers from American police, Black police in UK , lawyer and local Cllr Jacqui Dyer. They spoke then questions.

First round of questions from audience put issues of policing of people with disability ( whether mental or physical) This led to good answer from the lawyer. Who pointed out that Black community ( or to add any community) aren't all the same. ie issues around disabilities.

On policing. I noticed one lady from audience put really interesting viewpoint that appeared so far to be ignored. That policing history was about policing slaves and the Peelers. That the history of origins of policing shows its oppressive institution.

This was not taken up by any of the panel.

As an aside the BLM from US did put forward defunding the police. Based on idea it was not capable of reform in any meaningful sense.

Given their were two police on the panel disappointed that this was view got no reply.

The policeman from US in his introductory talk put forward two arguments for reforming policing. Using the legal system to force police to change. (Which might be possible under US legal system. Be interested to know more about this. As I don't think it would apply here at this time}

Secondly Appointing police using "character" rather than putting them through training programmes. As lot of police forces have all the right policies etc but this doesn't change the culture. So culture will improve if people of the right character are employed.

TBF this kind of view reduces change to policing down to individuals. Rather than the structure. Which the lady in the audience was raising as an issue. That the historical origins of the police were to keep working class and black people in their place.

So getting people of right "character" isn't going to change much.

There was a lot of criticism of the Police Federation. Who represent the "ordinary" copper on the street. Well hardly surprising that the rank and file representation doesn't take any criticism on board.

The lawyer- who I thought was the best speaker- pointed out the new head of Met was making all the right noises. But he would now. Whether this would come to anything long term is another matter. She did say that the new head of Met was listening and drew distinction between him and the way Cressida Dick went on.
The police officer who represented Black police officers was from Northern Ireland. Who said he grew up with issue of "sectarianism"

Rather curious about this as policing in NI was always different to rest of UK. Sector of population didn't want to be in UK and it was more colonial style policing there for years.

Didn't really go into this.

One of things about 81 riot was that the lead up to it was Operation Swamp. In Brixton Black population started to get more colonial style policing.

Finished Caroline Elkins magisterial study of later British Empire "Legacy of Violence". Cant praise it highly enough. "Policing" the Empire required what she termed legalised lawlessness. Where state institutions developed techniques of policing that meant they could police with a veneer of "reform" which meant nothing in reality. Going back to the lady at beginning of meeting putting question of history of policing and reminded of this book. UK state has been adept at appearing to listen, bring out reports etc but the reality of policing Empire onwards adapts but doesn't at heart change. The legacy of this history carries on now.
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