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People stealing police hats

Weird how cops get so funny about their hats being stolen in public but they'll just leave them hanging up all over the place in police stations, where some impulsive teenager there on other business could just put one in their backpack and walk out with it. Allegedly.
Mate of mine has a pair of plod handcuffs acquired when about half a dozen Manchester filth charged into a crowd of protestors to nick some fleeing youth and then realised that the crowd was made up of people who didn't want this lad to get nicked and didn't much care for coppers. Much shouting and shoving ensued as everyone realised that yes, the stupid fuckers had barged into a crowd of 100+ angry people with no backup and yes, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity to put the boot in.

The coppers eventually scrabbled their way out again, looking like they were all in need of clean underpants and without a hat or a baton between them. In their dishevelled state they didn't notice the lad they'd been chasing slip past them and stroll off back the way he had come, having dipped into a pub and borrowed a change of clothes off someone :D
At the colchester poll tax riot in 1990, the cops blocked the route along main high street. In response, the march simply bypassed the police line by going through the pedestrianised shopping precinct instead. Realising what had happened two brave plod tried to stop the about 4000 people marching past WH Smiths and on to the poll tax office. As the crowd surged around they stood there rather forlornly with their arms outstretched.
A certain young man (;)), finding himself directly behind one of the said constables could not resist the temptation and pushed the tit hat of his head where it rolled away into the crowd of protesters. The copper ran to try and retrieve it but ending up making an arse of himself instead, running to and fro as people started playing footie with his lost helmet.
I'm loving how pleased with himself the Millwall chap is. He can't wait to get it home to show his mam.
When he got home the old bill and a cunt with a camera from the sun newspaper were waiting for him.
We stole a helmet and a riot shield from inside a cop van while we were being bussed around to look for a missing child.

This abominable moral outrage was slightly redeemed when they were raffled in aid of the local hunt Sabs.

Pan!K did such wicked raves. I miss those days.

Tim from Xbones showed up at the meet for Brett Youngs' memorial party in full riot gear purloined from a van, (it was a fancy dress do). The meet was at the Mucky Duck in Ockham, Surrey's finest turned up, saw Tim and laughed, they followed the convoy to the Sussex border and left it, Sussex plod didn't show up once even though the party was still going when we left at 3 the next afternoon :thumbs:
Not coppers, but close. In Berlin new years eve 89/90 when the wall was coming down we were walking along the bit between the Cafe Adler and where the Brandenburg Gate is. There were some large holes in the wall going down the middle of the road and each one had East German guards on the other side to stop pissed westerners going through them into the no man's land/wire/mines/dogs. The walls were about a meter thick with steel bar reinforcement that had also been cut. The idea was to make a noise to get the guard looking into the hole then grab his fur hat knowing that he couldn't come through to chase or shoot us. One bloke did get one but a passerby pointed out that the kid on guard would probably be in the shit for losing it so we chucked it back through.
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Policeman's hats and helmets (especially the big tit ones) are being stolen to order in Tower Hamlets and other parts of east London. This is because that whilst supplies of chicken are getting through, the delivery firm charged with supplying the various packaging sundries to KFC still have not caught up hence the rush to grab anything that will hold a bucketful
Imitation rather than stolen, obviously, but nevertheless such a great image is that I am amazed that no one else has posted it

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