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Pensioner arrested on suspicion of murder after a suspected burglar was stabbed to death.

So go back to my previous post where Oscar Pistorius killed a so called intruder. Is there not an element of doubt? Until the facts are established then I will keep an open mind. Do you have inside information or are you just going by the outraged press?
I know what you do and my mind is no less open but I'll judge the facts as I see them and alter my opinion as they change. As it stands it looks like a scumbag tried to rob the wrong bloke and came second. If that's not what happened I will revise my opinion accordingly.
I know what you do and my mind is no less open but I'll judge the facts as I see them and alter my opinion as they change. As it stands it looks like a scumbag tried to rob the wrong bloke and came second. If that's not what happened I will revise my opinion accordingly.
That would be fair play if you have had the facts. So far you have had what sounds best in the media. :thumbs:
So the screwdriver has been taken as evidence? I hope you never sit on a jury that if you presume that it was reported that a screwdriver was allegedly brandished by the deceased is enough to convict without the said screwdriver being produced. The facts are very thin on the ground at this point & I really think it it dodgy to jump to conclusions just because the victim was 78.
The reporting is awful & if anything could lead to the perpetrator getting off for not getting a fair trial. All we know bout this case is what has been reported to the press & the outrage that a 78 year old has been killed in his home. If it turns out he was himself a dodgy person or a nonce would you change your view?
I'm usually the first to dispute reporting.

There are two unassailable facts.

A 75 year old man (with a disabled wife) has killed someome.
That someone was a 34 year old man.

It's not unreasonable to assume from these two facts that a self defence killing has taken place.

As much as we can come up with all sorts of senarios this one is the most likely.
Just heard on the midnight news that the 78 year old is still being held. If it was a straightforward case of self defence I doubt he would still in custody. Maybe, I don't know & coincidentally nor do you.

Do you ?
Just heard on the midnight news that the 78 year old is still being held. If it was a straightforward case of self defence I doubt he would still in custody. Maybe, I don't know & coincidentally nor do you.

Do you ?
They keep shoplifters and petty thieves for 10 plus hours. The process of going through custody let alone being interviwed can take hours.
I'm usually the first to dispute reporting.

There are two unassailable facts.

A 75 year old man (with a disabled wife) has killed someome.
That someone was a 34 year old man.

It's not unreasonable to assume from these two facts that a self defence killing has taken place.

As much as we can come up with all sorts of senarios this one is the most likely.
Is it a good thing that the current justice doesn't work on the most likely principle?

How about an abusive grandchild goes round & winds up his grandpa who does him with the carving knife? Could be absolute bollocks but I will keep an open mind. This shit happens & dodgy criminals are getting older.
How about an abusive grandchild goes round & winds up his grandpa who does him with the carving knife? Could be absolute bollocks but I will keep an open mind.
Tell you what, Ski, if it turns out that something like this has happened, or indeed any scenario other than 'old man kills burglar', everyone here will say "oh, well that's a bit of a turn-up innit?" but YOU can say "well I was keeping an open mind anyway" whilst sagely tapping the side of your nose with an index finger.

I shall congratulate you heartily! ;)
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Is it a good thing that the current justice doesn't work on the most likely principle?

How about an abusive grandchild goes round & winds up his grandpa who does him with the carving knife? Could be absolute bollocks but I will keep an open mind. This shit happens & dodgy criminals are getting older.
Slighly different than facing two burglars.

Neighbours say there have been quite a few burglaries in this area recently - this is a relatively well-off part of south east-London with streets of semi-detached houses.

You live in fucking Lewisham, call if Hither Green Village all you want, it's just the bit down the railway tracks that has fuck all there.
Slighly different than facing two burglars.
As is reported. We know nothing about this case till it comes out in the courts. So far we have been told 78 year old man stabbed a man who was supposedly one of two intruders intent on burglary. This has not been confirmed but we will take the BBC outrage on it as gospel?

We don't know what has happened but only what has been reported. It is not always correct. I am not saying it didn't happen as they say but at this stage it is worth keeping an open mind.
I'm usually the first to dispute reporting.

There are two unassailable facts.

A 75 year old man (with a disabled wife) has killed someome.
That someone was a 34 year old man.

It's not unreasonable to assume from these two facts that a self defence killing has taken place.

As much as we can come up with all sorts of senarios this one is the most likely.
Most likely? Is that how you want a justice system to work? I think it is unreasonable to presume anything. Haven't you watched " Murder She Wrote"
I will keep an open mind till Angela Lansbury tells me not to or I hear the facts & not just the sensationalist reporting. :):D:thumbs:
you mean you'd rather trust a dozen ordinary people than a jury?
The last time I checked a jury was comprised of a dozen ordinary people. However they are put in a position of being part of a legal framework where they are constrained as to decisions they might make. It becomes about law, not what is morally correct.
its going to take the police at least 24 hours to clear this even if it is burglar gets stabbed.
tony martin had his legal shotgun taken off him after shooting at "trespassers" and being more than willing to kill burglars having stated so publicly.
although he had been burgled several times and police response was less than amazing.
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