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Pensioner arrested on suspicion of murder after a suspected burglar was stabbed to death.

I can speak from experience and it's not when you have some cunt ransacking your flat. I'm not sure beating the burglar to death comes into thought. I wouldn't be as violent on the street but when someone has violated my home i will treat fire with fire. Fuck waiting for the old bill not to turn up.

Yeah but unless some people on here really have their priorities skewed I don't think anyone's posting while in the middle of being burgled.
So what? Burglars are vermin. They’d have my sympathy if they were desperate and did Tesco’s rather than where someone lives.
Yebbut, why are they "vermin"? I don't carry any flag for the burglar, but I can't help wondering whether it's possible that the shitness of the society we are rapidly becoming might well have had an influence on his chosen means of acquiring means.

Not that this remotely makes it acceptable for anyone to invade the home of an elderly man who was probably put in fear of his life, but when we've finished blaming, there needs to be some room for a little careful thought about how it might have come to this.
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It's a well known and documented phenomena. I've been burgled twice and on one occasion who ever did it had the decency to just piss on my kitchen lino :D

This "I'm gonna get a large blunt object and beat a burglar to death" is testosterone fuelled nonsense

Slam your bedroom door and call the police.
Er, maybe "shut your bedroom door vewy vewy quietly, and call the police"? ;)
Not that this remotely makes it acceptable for anyone to invade the home of an elderly man who was probably put in fear of his life, but when we've finished blaming, there needs to be some room for a little careful thought about how it might have come to this.

We also need to consider whether this person who was burgled might have part of the Brinks Matt robbery or some other mistomena. There are a lot of old dodgy fuckers out there.

He is probably an innocent old man who freaked out and defended himself but we do not know any of the facts yet so it is purely speculation.
Yebbut, why are they "vermin". I don't carry any flag for the burglar, but I can't help wondering whether it's possible that the shitness of the society we are rapidly becoming might well have had an influence on his chosen means of acquiring means.

Not that this remotely makes it acceptable for anyone to invade the home of an elderly man who was probably put in fear of his life, but when we've finished blaming, there needs to be some room for a little careful thought about how it might have come to this.

Well I don’t know about you but I’m a communist. Of course capitalism will create the conditions for acquisition crime but you’re still a cunt if you choose to shit on the wc. I can’t see an avenue that leads me to a different position on that.
But of course society needs changing. I’ve never argued otherwise.
Well I don’t know about you but I’m a communist. Of course capitalism will create the conditions for acquisition crime but you’re still a cunt if you choose to shit on the wc. I can’t see an avenue that leads me to a different position on that.
But of course society needs changing. I’ve never argued otherwise.
I'm not an anythingist, really, so it's not so much for me about shitting on any class of person as not shitting on people in general.

Crimes like burglary rely on an imbalance of power, whatever class the victim and perpetrator are. In this case, it looks very much as if that imbalance of power shifted unexpectedly, and I applaud that as much as I decry the circumstances (whatever they might have been) that led someone to consider that breaking into anyone's home to steal is an acceptable way to behave.

Anyway, whatever happens, I don't imagine that the homeowner will ever have to buy himself a pint ever again.
This bloke, he's that old that his age will affect any decision to charge him or not surely?
This bloke, he's that old that his age will affect any decision to charge him or not surely?
As I understand it, the only criterion for a defence of killing in self-defence is that you are genuinely in fear for your safety. I think that's a lot easier to demonstrate when you're a 78-year-old with a disabled wife than if you're, say, a stroppy 54-year-old with an online history of claiming to have done a bit of karate (to take but one completely unrelated example *cough* :D)

ETA: Oh, OK, it's one of several factors. Self-defence in English law - Wikipedia
I'm not an anythingist, really, so it's not so much for me about shitting on any class of person as not shitting on people in general.

Crimes like burglary rely on an imbalance of power, whatever class the victim and perpetrator are. In this case, it looks very much as if that imbalance of power shifted unexpectedly, and I applaud that as much as I decry the circumstances (whatever they might have been) that led someone to consider that breaking into anyone's home to steal is an acceptable way to behave.

Anyway, whatever happens, I don't imagine that the homeowner will ever have to buy himself a pint ever again.
I don't think the fact it was a burglary has been proved yet. But Heho let us condemn the dead person as a burglar because the person who killed him said so.
I don't think the fact it was a burglary has been proved yet. But Heho let us condemn the dead person as a burglar because the person who killed him said so.
Fair point. That was a rather naive assumption on my part. Although I imagine it's going to be his word for it, given that the party allegedly brandishing a screwdriver (regardless of what he was there for, but we can reasonably assume he wasn't there to fix the boiler) isn't in any position to offer an alternative version of events.
are there a lot of burglars on urban?

No comment.


As I understand it, the only criterion for a defence of killing in self-defence is that you are genuinely in fear for your safety. I think that's a lot easier to demonstrate when you're a 78-year-old with a disabled wife than if you're, say, a stroppy 54-year-old with an online history of claiming to have done a bit of karate (to take but one completely unrelated example *cough* :D)

I wasn't digging out the old boy for doing, fair play to him and if it's gone down as reported then jobs a good 'un. I would worry though that he's made a target for the scrotes mates.
As I understand it, the only criterion for a defence of killing in self-defence is that you are genuinely in fear for your safety. I think that's a lot easier to demonstrate when you're a 78-year-old with a disabled wife than if you're, say, a stroppy 54-year-old with an online history of claiming to have done a bit of karate (to take but one completely unrelated example *cough* :D)

ETA: Oh, OK, it's one of several factors. Self-defence in English law - Wikipedia
You are allowed to use reasonable force. In the Tony Martin case, shooting a child in the back, who was running away, was not seen a reasonable force.
One would certainly hope not.

Reasonable force bollocks. If someone breaks into your home, whatever they get they deserve.

No doubt scoped that one out, old guy with a disabled wife, no problem. Wrong!
Interesting. No exceptions at all? Not suggesting this is what happened here of course, but in the hypothetical case of a homeowner who confronts a knife-wielding burglar and manages to knock him out with a baseball bat to the head, you’re saying that if CCTV footage showed the homeowner calmly proceeding to bash the now unconscious burglar laying on the floor repeatedly on the head until it exploded like a watermelon, you’d be happy to clear the homeowner of any wrongdoing?

Again, purely hypocritical case and no suggestion anything like that happened here, but I got the impression from your post you would de facto support the death penalty for burglary, and judged and administered by members of the public to boot.
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I don't think the fact it was a burglary has been proved yet. But Heho let us condemn the dead person as a burglar because the person who killed him said so.
Oh leave it out, ffs. It's being reported as a burglary gone wrong and there's an extremely high likelihood that what's happened is exactly what everyone thinks has happened. As far as 'condemning the dead person as a burglar' is concerned, people can change their minds if that turns out not to be the case and no harm will have been done by anyone posting on this insignificant corner of the internet.

This place is so up it's arse sometimes.
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You are allowed to use reasonable force. In the Tony Martin case, shooting a child in the back, who was running away, was not seen a reasonable force.

The Tony Martin case.

I am fucking sure that the coverage of that had a racist element to it given the burglars were part of the Traveller community. I certainly remember people (as in people that consume the news as opposed to put it out there) treating the dead kid as less than human because of it.
Fair point. That was a rather naive assumption on my part. Although I imagine it's going to be his word for it, given that the party allegedly brandishing a screwdriver (regardless of what he was there for, but we can reasonably assume he wasn't there to fix the boiler) isn't in any position to offer an alternative version of events.
So the screwdriver has been taken as evidence? I hope you never sit on a jury that if you presume that it was reported that a screwdriver was allegedly brandished by the deceased is enough to convict without the said screwdriver being produced. The facts are very thin on the ground at this point & I really think it it dodgy to jump to conclusions just because the victim was 78.
The reporting is awful & if anything could lead to the perpetrator getting off for not getting a fair trial. All we know bout this case is what has been reported to the press & the outrage that a 78 year old has been killed in his home. If it turns out he was himself a dodgy person or a nonce would you change your view?
are there a lot of burglars on urban?
From the way some are defending the burglars it makes you wonder.

Painting all burglars as down trodden by society.
As much as some (I'll even grant the tag many) may fit that bracket there are also also plenty that don't. Doing over houses purely from greed or suffering from a self entitled right to make an easy living off of others.
Oh leave it out, ffs. It's being reported as a burglary gone wrong and there's an extremely high likelihood that what's happened is exactly what everyone thinks has happened. As far as 'condemning the dead person as a burglar' is concerned, people can change their minds if that turns out not to be the case and no harm will have been done by anyone posting on this insignificant corner of the internet.

This place is so up it's arse sometimes.
So go back to my previous post where Oscar Pistorius killed a so called intruder. Is there not an element of doubt? Until the facts are established then I will keep an open mind. Do you have inside information or are you just going by the outraged press?
So the screwdriver has been taken as evidence? I hope you never sit on a jury that if you presume that it was reported that a screwdriver was allegedly brandished by the deceased is enough to convict without the said screwdriver being produced. The facts are very thin on the ground at this point & I really think it it dodgy to jump to conclusions just because the victim was 78.
The reporting is awful & if anything could lead to the perpetrator getting off for not getting a fair trial. All we know bout this case is what has been reported to the press & the outrage that a 78 year old has been killed in his home. If it turns out he was himself a dodgy person or a nonce would you change your view?

Stop crying ffs. If it wasn’t a burglary gone wrong his accomplice wouldn’t have fucked off to leave his mate bleeding to death in the street.
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