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Pensioner arrested on suspicion of murder after a suspected burglar was stabbed to death.


Maybe it would be helpful in soothing tempers if Billy Jeeves (above), who has been named by the Metropolitan Police as someone who can assist them on this matter, would come forward to help clear up any misunderstandings as to what took place in the premises concerned.

Apparently, he has not been seen since a man closely fitting his description and appearance left 78 year-old Mr Osborn-Brooks and the Late Henry Vincent downstairs in the property concerned to go upstairs, where Mrs Osborn-Brooks, also in her 70s and variously described in reports as "disabled" or "suffering from dementia", was on her own in bed.

I feel certain that this would be helpful to all.

Does anyone know why he has not come forward to assist?
The fact they haven't yet spoken to him - the bloke who may well have been a witness to the stabbing - makes it odd that the police announced no further action against the pensioner last Friday. Not suggesting there would be any other outcome - and rightly - but the OB did seem keen to keep ahead of public opinion on this one and acted very quickly. I've not much sympathy for the bloke who got killed given the way he was preying on the elderly, but the OB have, essentially, interviewed one person on a fatal stabbing - the bloke who did it - and accepted his word. Again, to be clear, I've every sympathy with the old bloke and glad he's not had to go through it for a fortnight, but there seems to have been a willingness to at the very least truncate the whole thing to stop the police coming under media fire.


No doubt decisions will be reviewed once the Metropolitan Police have heard from Mr Jevees (above) - presumably that is why they have indicated an anxiety to discuss the incident with him.

It seems strange that he does not seem as anxious as they are to discuss the incident.
Wow. The news just showed the family putting back up the flowers when suddenly a third party turned up and started stamping on the flowers

Looks like that family has beef with other families
Jesus Christ, this thread is getting more and more Daily Mail by the minute.
It just feels like an excuse for ‘chav’ bashing now. What’s next, single mothers? Have we covered travellers enough yet? Laughing at their fucking ugg boots etc Surely we’re better than this.

Yes he and some of his family have done awful things but there’s a lot of hateful stuff being said here that feels far bigger than being targeted at the bloke who actually burgled the house.

Hence my dailymail75.net comment on the first page of this thread. It was clear where it was going even then.
Yep. Everyone who doesn't give a tinker's cuss for armed robbers of pensioners and wishes them ill is a DAILY MAIL reader! :rolleyes:

We do seem to love a good polarised debate here, don't we.

I find myself in the confusing position of thinking the two burglars who carried this out are cunts and not being terribly concerned that one of them is now dead, and simultaneously not thinking that their families should be evicted from their homes and/or stripped of any state benefits they may currently be receiving.

I just can't make up my mind if I'm a Daily Mail reader or a Guardianista, because of course every situation however complex can and should be reduced to a stark choice between those two polarities...
I find myself in the confusing position of thinking the two burglars who carried this out are cunts and not being terribly concerned that one of them is now dead, and simultaneously not thinking that their families should be evicted from their homes and/or stripped of any state benefits they may currently be receiving.
I don't think many people are serious about evicting the families (unless they're causing anti-social problems). After all that just displaces the problem to somewhere else. However most of the reporting on this suggests that the families are just as bad as dead wanker, so if that's the case forgive me for not giving a fuck about them either.
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Yep. Everyone who doesn't give a tinker's cuss for armed robbers of pensioners and wishes them ill is a DAILY MAIL reader! :rolleyes:


You can almost hear the disappointment that they can’t extend the smug ‘daily mail’ reader analogy to any criticism of the perp. Initial attempts to portray him as no doubt driven by ‘the cuts’ to acquisitive crime ran aground when his CV became public.

But still the determination to side with lumpen elements engaged in activity that is directly against the interests of those they profess ambition to speak for persists.
You can almost hear the disappointment that they can’t extend the smug ‘daily mail’ reader analogy to any criticism of the perp. Initial attempts to portray him as no doubt driven by ‘the cuts’ to acquisitive crime ran aground when his CV became public.

But still the determination to side with lumpen elements engaged in activity that is directly against the interests of those they profess ambition to speak for persists.
It's the Urban way but for some reason most of the usual plonkers have given this thread a swerve.
will be interesting to see what further info comes out on this - the screwdriver, if carried by the burglar, serves as both a tool for access and a weapon - its the difference between being done for going equipped for thieving and carrying a weapon - the burglars know this well enough.
will be interesting to see what further info comes out on this - the screwdriver, if carried by the burglar, serves as both a tool for access and a weapon - its the difference between being done for going equipped for thieving and carrying a weapon - the burglars know this well enough.

Not really, the sentences are broadly similar (3 years vs 4 years), it is an easy arrest to make (especially if they have previous for burglary and/or its at odd times of the day) and the moment they use a screwdriver as a weapon during a burglary then it becomes one in terms of the law (making the burglary aggravated).
Seriously trying to put myself a little and more honestly closer to this...My mum wakes up and finds a couple of burglars in her house, is threatened/intimidated by one of them who is armed with a screwdriver which can be used to stab and wound, they scuffle, she fights back and stabs one of them...they die whilst fleeing. Tributes go up to the burglar near my mum's house, my mum can no longer live there, is being threatened and her place is boarded up. The story is all over the news public opinion divided etc.

My mum would now be homeless, traumatised, under threat of death and having to start again elsewhere...because someone burgled her home....

Hmmm.... :(
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