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Pensioner arrested on suspicion of murder after a suspected burglar was stabbed to death.

That's why I started the other thread. I think we'd all like to think that we'd heroically see off any intruder but the re
ality is far different. When I thought there was a burglar in our kitchen I was fucking terrified. Absolutely shitting it. I could hear and feel the blood pumping around my head and neck. You have no idea what you'll be confronting; is he armed/big/desperate?

There's a "There's a rat in my kitchen, what am I gonna do?" thread ?
That's why I started the other thread. I think we'd all like to think that we'd heroically see off any intruder but the reality is far different. When I thought there was a burglar in our kitchen I was fucking terrified. Absolutely shitting it. I could hear and feel the blood pumping around my head and neck. You have no idea what you'll be confronting; is he armed/big/desperate?

This is what happens when citizens are disarmed. They just become prey.
1. There is a mass popular anger about crime/anti social behaviour;
2. Within that expression there are a range of views;
3. The left is not part of the debate generally as it's either not interested or secretly is queasy about popular opinion. This matters when it seeks a hearing on the things it is interested in;
4. I do think he should have been arrested- but see no point holding a pensioner in a cell, he could have been bailed much more quickly - but if the people I work with and know and the social media I read (bar this board obviously) is accurate I am in a minority. Most people I know think 'they should give the bloke a medal';
5. Most people believe the police and the state are not on their side on this issue.

I generally agree with you on this stuff. but it's not unreasonable for someone arrested on suspicion of murder to be held over night. The alternative is just to take any suspect's word at face value, let them on their way and pop round later when you've got your investigation in gear. Which, would be a bit daft.

Let's see if charges are brought. Given what we know so far, I would be surprised and pissed off if they were.
I remember kenneth noye got off after something like a 30 stabs. I remember at the time (of the me watching a docu, I amn't that old) thinking 'why didn't he stop after the first few stabs' but the jury said legit action through fear. Mad world. And it was a police officer as well so normal world jury would have been up for dropping a library on him.

I suppose once you've gone forwrd with the stab a rage/fear would make you continue.

not a situation I'd care to be in, unless you are stone scum like noye that action would haunt you
And it was a police officer as well so normal world jury would have been up for dropping a library on him.

But Noye didn’t know it was a police officer (or was able to argue successfully that he didnt) - to him it was someone masked up loitering in his grounds which, let’s face it, would shit anyone up. That’s what swayed the jury.
We've endured no burglaries fortunately, which is astonishing really, given the area we live in.

All I know is that I'd be shit scared of any burglar (who for the avoidance of any 'doubt' :rolleyes: would be a scumbag, no argument).

I doubt I'd be able to do any more than try to scare him off, if that.

All this talk along the lines of 'I'd do whatever I had to' is all very well, but how much are a lot of people even capable of doing? Really?

All this 'If I had to I'd beat him up I would, and if he ended up dead that's his own fault' just sounds like talk to me.

There are surely many more than let on who are simply incapable of beating anyone up, or of threatening them with a household weapon. I doubt I'm alone in this.

I'm a rubbish householder then. Feel free to show your contempt :hmm:
At the risk of going down the “speaking as a parent...” line, it’s having kids in the house that’s changed things for me. The old cliches of being willing to die for them etc are very real. Make me think they’re in any sort of danger and I wouldn’t give a fuck who the other person was.
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Two is nowt, my old man used to have around two dozen in the house.

Some of the family kept guns about a century or so ago and I believe some of the US branch still do but (for me, at any rate) the thought of a weapon in the home would freak me out.

But who knows when a home invasion occurs, all my rationality might go out the window!
Some of the family kept guns about a century or so ago and I believe some of the US branch still do but (for me, at any rate) the thought of a weapon in the home would freak me out.

But who knows when a home invasion occurs, all my rationality might go out the window!

They wouldn't have been any good to the old man if someone broke in, as they were locked away in a secured room, he would have just grabbed one of the swords, or even a spear, off the wall instead.

Our house was like a fucking armoury. :D
It was unreasonable to arrest the guy and detain him for 24 hours.

People who kill while driving are not routinely arrested unless there is sufficient grounds to suspect them of dangerous driving etc

In this case the police should have known straight away that the dead guy was on their most-wanted list for burglary.
If only there was a way for an individual not to find themselves in an individuals

At the risk of going down the “speaking as a parent...” line, it’s having kids in the house that’s changed things for me. The old cliches of being willing to die for them etc are very real. Make me think they’re in any sort of danger and I wouldn’t give a fuck who the other person was.

For sure but you're not much use to them dead (dependent on the value of your life insurance policy). Still better to get intruder out of the house rather than engage him in a battle to the death, no?
Me too.

A BB gun and a glue gun.

Don't make me have to lay down some justice. :mad:
They'll have to prise the glue gun from your cold sticky dead hand, no doubt.

And what a joy to see the usual leftie bashers jumping on this and acting as Tommy Robinson's publicity agency, yet again.
It was unreasonable to arrest the guy and detain him for 24 hours.

People who kill while driving are not routinely arrested unless there is sufficient grounds to suspect them of dangerous driving etc

In this case the police should have known straight away that the dead guy was on their most-wanted list for burglary.


I don't think the character of the victim is the deciding factor in all this.

I don't know enough about how the police should or shouldn't operate in these circumstances but a man has died a violent death. An interview under caution would seem absolutely necessary to establish all the facts. Of course they could have just sent Chief Inspector Barnaby around to have a chat on the sofa over a cup of tea.
For sure but you're not much use to them dead (dependent on the value of your life insurance policy). Still better to get intruder out of the house rather than engage him in a battle to the death, no?

I would have thought most burglars are prepared for violence given they don’t have much diplomatic leverage as to why they’ve broken their way in to someone’s home.
Of course nobody knows how they’ll react in that situation but it’s a bit daft to think the exchange would be anything other than adrenaline driven.
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