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Pensioner arrested on suspicion of murder after a suspected burglar was stabbed to death.

I would have thought most burglars are prepared for violence given they don’t have much diplomatic leverage as to why they’ve broken their way in to someone’s home.
Of course nobody knows how they’ll react in that situation but it’s a bit daft to think the exchange would be anything other than adrenaline driven.
you'd have thought so. but the burglar rolled a seven clearly wasn't prepared sufficiently.
I would have thought most burglars are prepared for violence given they don’t have much diplomatic leverage as to why they’ve broken their way in to someone’s home.
I reckon quite the opposite actually. I reckon most burglers would want to avoid confrontation. They're aware it may happen for sure but if they're just out and out thugs they can ring the doorbell and barge in like some do.

Of course nobody knows how they’ll react in that situation but it’s a bit daft to think the exchange would be anything other than adrenaline driven.

Sure, but not getting yourself killed should always be pretty high up anyone's agenda.
I have the sneaking suspicion that Mrs D meant they should know from might shits and th like that he was a wrong un. It's not like he's got no previous. He'd be well known to the old bill

It all about reasonable suspicion. If he’d stabbed a 7 year old girl it would be reasonable to suspect him of murder because the burglar story wouldn’t be plausible.
But often it’s due to dangerous driving. Why not arrest drivers anyway so the matter can be investigated properly?

Drivers are normally arrested after fatal accidents, as shown by a google news search for 'uk driver arrested after fatal accident', which returns over a million results.
But often it’s due to dangerous driving. Why not arrest drivers anyway so the matter can be investigated properly?
If there's evidence of an offence having been committed the driver is arrested.

I'd expect that the weight of the possible crime plays a part too. By not arresting a driver after an RTA the police leave a possible careless driver in the community. By not arresting a knife killer after a death they'd leave a possible murderer in the community.
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Drivers are normally arrested after fatal accidents, as shown by a google news search for 'uk driver arrested after fatal accident', which returns over a million results.

Yeah, I question the assumption that drivers aren't arrested after killing cyclists. Not charged, yeah, but that's not the same thing.

The length of time this pensioner was held wasn't very long and some of it might have just been for the police to finish checking his house over so that he could go home. Obvs cops often treat people badly, to say the least, but I'm pretty sure when it's an old man who killed a burglar that they've known about for ages he'll have been feted like a king at the station.
Absolutely not. If I was woken by surprise and found a burglar downstairs, I'd switch on the light and say: "Sorry to disturb you, but as you've gone to the trouble of waiting up till silly o-clock before visiting me, and the further trouble of forcing my lock, to say nothing of taking the risk of me NOT coming down but quietly calling the police instead, and risking a prison sentence, then you must surely be in greater need than me. Sit down while I make a cup of tea for us both, then explain your circumstances so that we can come to some agreement upon the equitable re-distribution of my assets."
Have you ever had this happen to you, because it sounds like do.
Having read more on this case, from sources like uk press reddit and a number of internet detectives, we should just leave doors open night and a note if we are sleeping inside and which rooms. Would this type of crime stop or othet crimes bloom?
Yes that's so funny. But again, do you think it's OK to murder a burglar, irrespective of whether your life is actually in danger? Do you think death is an appropriate response no matter what?
It's a stranger
In my house
They haven't RSVP'd whether they are there to rob me, rape me or murder me.
If I given them the benefit of the doubt my worse case scenario is that I'm murdered.
If I err on the side of caution the worse case scenario is that it isn't a murderer that I've killed but at least I'm still alive to argue about whether my life was in peril on not.
It's a stranger
In my house
They haven't RSVP'd whether they are there to rob me, rape me or murder me.
If I given them the benefit of the doubt my worse case scenario is that I'm murdered.
If I err on the side of caution the worse case scenario is that it isn't a murderer that I've killed but at least I'm still alive to argue about whether my life was in peril on not.
So that's a yes then? Anyone in your house can be murdered by you, even if it's a child, as it's a case of kill first, ask questions later?
So that's a yes then? Anyone in your house can be murdered by you, even if it's a child, as it's a case of kill first, ask questions later?
They can be struck by me. That may or may not result in a death and I don't know how many of them there are so I'm going to use as much force as I can muster.

As for a child, can we be sure they are really a child late at night with the lights off? Could be a dwarf with supernatural strength or a possessed doll like in the Chuckie movies.
Don't children ever commit burglaries then?

Oh why yes they do, Fucking loads of them:
One-in-six suspected burglars are children as more than 17,000 minors arrested
They also commit murders:

Back in 1989, 15-year-old Rhode Island teen Craig Price brutally stabbed and killed 39-year-old Joan Heaton and her two daughters, 10-year-old Jennifer and 8-year-old Melissa. Price was already a suspect in a previous murder investigation and when police came to question him, he was found with wounds on his body and the murder weapons in his room with dried blood. Before his 16th birthday, Craig was convicted on 4 counts of murder as a minor which meant he would be released by the age of 21. However, he was sentenced to an additional 10-25 years in prison thanks to a group called Citizens Opposed to the Release of Craig Price.

Notorious killer Willie Bosket was troubled from the moment he was born as his father was also a murderer serving life in prison in Milwaukee. Bosket committed dozens of crimes around New York City and eventually his first murder by the time he was 15-years-old. He first shot and killed two men during separate robbery attempts back in 1978. He also killed a transit employee before getting caught. Bosket pleaded guilty to the murders but since he was only 15, he was tried as a minor and received 5 years in a youth facility. His light sentence would bring about historic change as New York would become the first state to change juvenile laws to allow kids as young as 13 to be tried as adults. It was called the Willie Bosket law. Upon being released, Bosket continued a life of crime going in and out of jail until finally receiving a life sentence in 1989.
They also commit murders:

Back in 1989, 15-year-old Rhode Island teen Craig Price brutally stabbed and killed 39-year-old Joan Heaton and her two daughters, 10-year-old Jennifer and 8-year-old Melissa. Price was already a suspect in a previous murder investigation and when police came to question him, he was found with wounds on his body and the murder weapons in his room with dried blood. Before his 16th birthday, Craig was convicted on 4 counts of murder as a minor which meant he would be released by the age of 21. However, he was sentenced to an additional 10-25 years in prison thanks to a group called Citizens Opposed to the Release of Craig Price.

Notorious killer Willie Bosket was troubled from the moment he was born as his father was also a murderer serving life in prison in Milwaukee. Bosket committed dozens of crimes around New York City and eventually his first murder by the time he was 15-years-old. He first shot and killed two men during separate robbery attempts back in 1978. He also killed a transit employee before getting caught. Bosket pleaded guilty to the murders but since he was only 15, he was tried as a minor and received 5 years in a youth facility. His light sentence would bring about historic change as New York would become the first state to change juvenile laws to allow kids as young as 13 to be tried as adults. It was called the Willie Bosket law. Upon being released, Bosket continued a life of crime going in and out of jail until finally receiving a life sentence in 1989.
What is your point, caller?
And how predictable the liberal left leaving it wide open for him to be the voice of reason. Again.

Shakes fist at the liberal left for not pandering to what you and Tommy Robinson imagine are universally held working class prejudices by immediately tweeting to juxtapose the quick arrest of the pensioner against the decades of inaction against Muslim grooming gangs :mad:

Contrary to what's been claimed here, no-one I know has mentioned their outrage at the arrest of this pensioner, and most would regard any cynical attempt to link this case to so-called "muslim grooming gangs" with the contempt it deserves, because not every member of the working class is as susceptible to bigotry as you seem to be and seem to believe everyone else is.

And the idea that TR is regarded as the voice of reason beyond you and a handful of other twats who wank away over his every utterance is a joke, but I'm sure he's very grateful for your tireless work on his behalf.
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