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Pensioner arrested on suspicion of murder after a suspected burglar was stabbed to death.

The point being that you sneered when I brought up the point about many burglaries being committed by children, as if it was a fantastic notion.

I took it as sneering at your "think of the children" response to someone saying they would twat a burglar.
I do have a hefty torch by the bed, it has a very bright light, so my plan of action (i.e. fantasy) would be to disorient the burglar with the bright light and shout at them to get the fuck out of my house. ;)

What if, and a topic for my students, they are disorentated and fall?

Breaking an arm or shattering their spine? What would you do?

A.call the police,
B.call an ambulance or
C. drag them outside to let fend for themselves

I am interested as a tricky/experence fuelled moral dilema my students will have to struggle with tomorrow.

I need some sleep, and after reading all this, double bolting the door and windows tonight.
Burglars shouldn't be killed as a matter of course. but I'm not going to discuss if they intend to do me harm If I encounter one in my house they can run away or if It comes to a fight I'm going to stop them which means inflicting enough hurt to stop them any way I can.
if they die well tough burglar runs fine if they don't. I don't have any problem at all with them being killed.
once I stopped them I'd, of course, phone and ambulance render first aid might be too late by then though:eek:.
Dont have any weapons close at hand and the dog would probably chase them off.
What if, and a topic for my students, they are disorentated and fall?

Breaking an arm or shattering their spine? What would you do?

A.call the police,
B.call an ambulance or
C. drag them outside to let fend for themselves

I am interested as a tricky/experence fuelled moral dilema my students will have to struggle with tomorrow.

I need some sleep, and after reading all this, double bolting the door and windows tonight.

Dump them on the street and wish them the best of British luck I reckon. Calling an ambulance is likely to also bring police to the scene if you mention a break-in/intruder, and the police are 102% guaranteed to turn an already stressful situation into a complete horror show.
Burglars shouldn't be killed as a matter of course. but I'm not going to discuss if they intend to do me harm If I encounter one in my house they can run away or if It comes to a fight I'm going to stop them which means inflicting enough hurt to stop them any way I can.
if they die well tough burglar runs fine if they don't. I don't have any problem at all with them being killed.
once I stopped them I'd, of course, phone and ambulance render first aid might be too late by then though:eek:.
Dont have any weapons close at hand and the dog would probably chase them off.

I bet you'd lose. To be frank I bet most of the people giving it the big one on this thread would lose.
I bet you'd lose. To be frank I bet most of the people giving it the big one on this thread would lose.

I think they'd be pretty drug-addled to be trying to burgle me - I'm struggling to think of anything worth nicking.
They'd more than likely hurt themselves tripping over the mess, which would enhance my chances.

Plus the place looks like its already been done over.
That's higher than I might have expected. Have a source for that?

That didn't surprise TBH, considering the link I posted earlier showing 400-500 people are assaulted by burglars every week in the UK.
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I love how this thread has turned into a battle of the strawmen. On one side, a strawman who would grab a 12-year-old burglar as they climbed out of the window and slowly beat them to death, on the other, a strawman who would get down on their hands and knees and beg the burglar to take everything they have. Nobody here actually espouses either of those positions but I guess it's more fun to pretend they do than admit we're mostly in agreement.

This is one of the most male threads on Urban (outside of the railway threads). Do no female urbs want to come on here and fantasize about what they'd do if someone threatened their faaammlleee?

Lets face it the most likely outcome of fronting up to a burglar is losing. This pensioner guy probably got lucky.

I'm still female. Though I'm also quite badly disabled so the chances of me winning a fight with anyone would be pretty low.

My ex does still ask me to go and check what's happening if she thinks there's someone in the house. I think most burglars would leg it if they knew someone was there so I make lots of noise as I go round. There never has been anyone, so if there ever is, my plan is to yell weird things, pull stupid faces and basically make them think they're being confronted by a nutter and encourage them to run. My enormous Medusan bed hair makes me look insane without any effort, so that helps, and I sleep naked except for a massive plastic splint on my arm which looks a little odd. I also quite like the idea of using a shield - an actual shield, the kind you get for fancy dress, that you loop over your arm - because then I could protect myself and they couldn't take it off me to attack me with, like they probably could with any actual weapon. So, naked screaming crazy limping Medusa with a splint and a shield; I think it'd probably work as well as any other plan in this thread.
Let the geezer go and buy him a bottle of malt.
1. Sexist. Assuming it's a him.
2. How do you do that whilst tied to a chair?
I guess technically you will be buying them lots of drinks with the money they get fencing your belongings and credit cards.
Listen guys the guy was cornered by a man wielding a screwdriver, so now everyone supporting him wants to murder a child without checking first ? What's going on

I don't think we have any info on what happened in that house. For all we know the home owner may have stabbed him in the back as he tried to escape.
Listen guys the guy was cornered by a man wielding a screwdriver, so now everyone supporting him wants to murder a child without checking first ? What's going on

Every single person here is supporting him (assuming it went down as reported, which seems very likely) but some people are making things up about other people's POV, presumably because they're bored.
If you are in fear of your safety or the safety of those around you, yes. I understand the guy had a wife with Alzheimer's and he was terrified these scum would hurt her. In a decent, socialist society we will eliminate the cruel and anti social just as this chap has done.

Oh FFS. You KNOW he wasn't talking about this bloke but responding to someone who was grandstanding.
Every single person here is supporting him (assuming it went down as reported, which seems very likely) but some people are making things up about other people's POV, presumably because they're bored.
That's surely assumption as many haven't stated either way.
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