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Pandemic personal consequences

As an example a bloke I work with had Covid nine months before getting double vaccinated in May. He tested positive again eight days ago. He is a home and still ill (not hospital ill but spent a few days with heavy flu symptoms) now.

He is younger than me abd plays rugby. Was working outside with unlimited access to free PPE when it seems to have got him.

The vaccines are protecting him from the worst symptoms (and hospital) but he has had a rough time of it regardless.
I generally hate the 'singalling' stuff that is going on, but I think it's reasonable to conclude the maskless are more likely to be the people going to the super-spreading events that are going on, so can see why you'd have some concerns.
Based on my tube journey into the West End today the majority of people are wearing masks. Unfortanately on the way in two "lads" decided to sit near me wihout masks - then one had several coughing fits. As they were about to get out one said to the other 'you'll need this' and handed him a mask. :facepalm:
Yes....definitely. I'm worse now than earlier in the pandemic...
I've "coped" with some of my extended family dying from covid last year and early this year.
I've "coped" with my sis having a stroke after AZ vacc.

I was actually happy being fully vaccinated and looking forward to getting to go out again.

Then Delta arrived.
And it looks like I have fuck all immunity due to meds and my immune system.

Final straw for me has been waiting for occhealth to decide if I am too much of a risk to return to face to face work. It's three weeks since I did their covid tool age kit and questionnaire which indicated that I was still very high risk...but they have to factor in vaccination. They have yet to decide what I will be doing.

The irony is that Occ Health delays have left me feeling extremely stressed. And last week I actually felt life wasnt worth living another day.

Luckily I have people around me who spotted I wasnt great and one of them helped me...a lot.

Liked for the last sentence, not the rest. Please do take care of yourself as best you can, and continue to let others help you as much as poss. Solidarity m
Anecdata: My mum is isolating now after attending a picnic with 8 other 70+ years old on Saturday, and finding out yesterday that two of them now have Covid. With symptoms. Both are double-jabbed. One had Covid quite severely last Autumn.

I've been reading up on the Delta/Johnson variant. How much more transmissible it is, but also how is has been transmitted outdoors with only fleeting contact between people. Scary stuff indeed.
Urgh, the day after reporting on the Zoe app that I’ve never been pinged to isolate, guess what! Until 27th.
So exposure day was Saturday 17th in Brighton.
I ate outside a restaurant, never went inside.
I sat outdoors at a comedy gig.
I sat outdoors at 2 pubs. Went inside one to use the loo but it was a single cubicle for about 1 minute.

All that was really well distanced and no close contact with anyone but my two friends.

I did use 2 Ubers.
It’s the wider impact that’s upset me. Big friendship group that I’ll now need to avoid if she’s there. And she’s always there.

She also said some horrible things to me.
This is all a bit much before I’ve even had a cup of tea.

Hard relate.

Sorry this happened to you, Looby.

Hope others in friendship group will reach out to you at some point, when they realise.

Oh I know that - I'm one of them! - but I was wondering if doubled vaxxed people were getting the virus twice.

I'd have thought that the the numbers of people that this happening to is small, purely as you would have to have had covid, then been double vaccinated, and then caught it again, not non-existent, but relatively small (and very unlucky!). Those getting both vaccines and then catching it twice after that would be even smaller, just down to timings if nothing else.
She's not feeling good. I am a few hundred miles away and feel powerless. I don't want to keep calling her and making her tired but also get worried when she doesn't reply (although may just be asleep). Really don't know what to do.

Very sorry to hear that. Sometimes there just isn’t anything one can do, and one had to accept that and not beat oneself up about it. Maybe ask about agreeing a check-in time each day when she thinks she’s likely to be awake? She’s fully vaccinated, so paracetamol and fluids, plus if she has the appetite some easily digestible proteins (boiled eggs are ideal) and simple carbs for energy, and let it pass. Hopefully it’s quick and not too unpleasant during.
It’s the wider impact that’s upset me. Big friendship group that I’ll now need to avoid if she’s there. And she’s always there.

She also said some horrible things to me.
This is all a bit much before I’ve even had a cup of tea.
Hopefully the friendship group as a whole will be on the side of sanity
Hope your mum's OK miss direct - vaxxed people can still feel pretty shite without it being dangerous.

My daughter has a residential camp for 2 weeks from 2 August (in theory) and we went to Zoom meeting about it yesterday. They do have lots of precautions but gsv and I reckon the chances of all kids and staff making it to the end are slim. So we may have to suddenly pick her up from the Norfolk coast :eek: - it's as well gsv is between work contracts at the moment, so he will be able to go straight away if he has to. They've asked everyone to do a PCR 2-3 days before, so have booked a private one as obviously mustn't use NHS for that, as well as a LFT literally before they get on the coach, so we have to get to pick up point 1/2 hour early for that, as well as doing one on Day 3. Basically in her group, I figure it'll either fall apart before Day 5 or they'll make it. It's a Jewish thing and it may help, I suppose, that one of the Jewish secondaries a lot of daughter's mates go to has had a lot of cases and isolated that whole year, so a lot of the kids will have had the last week or so not in school. We've sacked in a theatre trip this week - were going to see a drag show but I figured this would mean being in a pretty full theatre with exactly the demographic that is likely to be out clubbing all this weekend. Daughter was philosophical about it and is similarly understanding that camp could be off or cut short.

Confused about what happens re the 'double vaxed people won't need to isolate' post 16th August thing as we're due to go on our (UK) holiday 4 days later - if one of us gets T&T'd in the 9 days before that would we be obliged to isolate the full period or just until 16th?! Wouldn't hugely surprise me if no one's considered this yet :rolleyes:
Me and my partner self-isolated for 10 days (until midnight Friday) after contact with a friend who had symptoms and tested positive for covid (and who tbh had done more covid-risky things like indoor pubs than we had - and has admitted to having a bit of a cough for a few days before he saw us).

We both took 3 LFT tests and a PCR test during that time, all negative for covid, and neither of us had the core covid symptoms, but both feeling a bit ill. My partner ended up in A&E last night with breathing problems and apparently she (and therefore I suppose I) probably has a different respiratory virus.

Now one of my clients, who is physically disabled, is ill with covid. And my neighbour/friend is in hospital with a collapsed lung (don't think its covid-related).

Various friends on facebook seem to have gone full anti-vax recently, and it seems like half my mates have gone back to clubbing, pubs, gyms, and parties while the other half barely leave the house.

I had my second vaccination yesterday.

My head is a bit messy today.
Hope you feel better soon - I had an awful cold last week, not hospitalisation stuff but there are some serious other viruses circulating because of everyone being out of contact with one another.

I basically think the chances are daughter will miss some or all of her camp or we'll miss our holiday. I think we'll be lucky to manage both!
The friend I went out with last week (we sat outside) contacted me yesterday to say he had Covid symptoms (he's been massively careful too).

Texted earlier to say his PCR test was negative. Thank God as that would've put the kibosh on me going up to Scotland in a couple of days to see my family for the first time since before lockdown #1.
I did a PCR yesterday as a precaution as my hay fever symptoms are bad this week and I also had a bit of a temp which is fucking hormonal. 😡

Anyway, PCR negative and my captivity ends at 11.59. Freedom! Except I’m stuck at my desk on duty for two days tomorrow and Thursday. 😄
Why do you now have to book a slot at the dump a week in advance because of ‘covid’ :confused: Had to stop cutting my hedge cos I can’t get rid of the bits. This is a trivial pandemic consequence I grant you.
Still?! Ours never did it but it was a free for all last time we went.
I know they were having massive queues last summer because everyone was doing their house/garden up.
Mum is up and down -still having symptoms and feeling pretty rotten. She says her isolation ends on Saturday night and is planning to go to choir on Sunday - does she not need to completely recover and have a negative test first?
Why do you now have to book a slot at the dump a week in advance because of ‘covid’ :confused: Had to stop cutting my hedge cos I can’t get rid of the bits. This is a trivial pandemic consequence I grant you.

They do that around here, although you can normally find slots in under a week, and a maximum 5 dumps a month.

They are basically limiting the number of vehicles, around here it seems more about coping with far higher demand then usual, rather than social distancing on site. The police have had to close my two nearest tips on a few occasions, because long queues were backing up onto main roads and causing traffic chaos.
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