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Off topic anti-vaxx nonsense

I’m really fucked off now. Your type of rabbit hole knobbery was kind of funny when it was faked moon landings and Kennedy being shot by aliens. But now thanks to your kind of loonspudery the rest of us have to see our kids mental health broken and entertainment business we love go out of business all because of the 5% of the population who were too fucking thick to learn basic arithmetic at junior school or the simplest of science at secondary. You are fucking selfish ignorant loons and whilst you are, and will always be hilarious to the vast majority, the consequences of your stupid selfish behaviours are getting boring now. Fuck off to an island with no immunisations, no WiFi or Mobile phone coverage and no vaccinations.
That’s probably the closest yet on this thread that I’ve received that resembles anything like a tirade of abuse; it’s such a pity that the self proclaimed better educated lower themselves with such unnecessary profanity.😳
Probably a good idea as on this thread one fascistic type has already called for pens for the unvaccinated at champion hill... That’s so 1930’s and very scary- rather like Boris’ mandated inoculations debate.
It doesn't sound that scary, I love a good free pen. Sad to learn that I've missed out on my free DHFC pen by getting vaccinated.
COVID passports- to travel abroad
If you're that bothered by the idea of the state demanding specific documents before you can travel abroad, you're going to have a really bad day when you find out what Covid passports are named after.
That’s a terrible analogy to use. The reality of the 20 MPH speed limit is to guarantee an average speed of 25- 30 MPH in town. Most people drive at a strict 20 MPH when they get the camera ahead warning or they see the speed marker lines ahead or spot a police car. The 20 MPH limit was effectively brought in to insure 30 MPH or less as 30MPH wasn’t working.
Sorry my friend it’s not a terrible analogy, you choose to not get vaccinated therefore you have to accept the rules. I’m not bothered whether you are vaccinated or not. Just don’t complain when you can’t get in anywhere! Enjoy your sofa!
That’s probably the closest yet on this thread that I’ve received that resembles anything like a tirade of abuse; it’s such a pity that the self proclaimed better educated lower themselves with such unnecessary profanity.😳

Its not self proclamation that makes me feel I'm better educated, your brand of idiocy shows that there are ape creatures of the Indus who have had a more effective education that you.

But if you thought the above was wasted have some profanity that isn't unnecessary. You are a cunt.
Its not self proclamation that makes me feel I'm better educated, your brand of idiocy shows that there are ape creatures of the Indus who have had a more effective education that you.

But if you thought the above was wasted have some profanity that isn't unnecessary. You are a cunt.
Ahh, ape creatures of the Indus, the forerunners of man himself... our very ancestors. I’ve never heard anything profane from any of them.
You've made your choice not to get vaccinated. Why shouldn't the NHS have a choice on whether or not to treat you? Starting to feel like double standards to me - you're allowed to make your choices, but if someone else makes a choice that you don't like, that's not okay?

Also waiting for your answer to the first part of my post - I've copied it below to make it easy for you:

So in not taking the preventative options that have been made available to you, you don't think you're being innately selfish in the potential impact you're having on others? I've read your posts in this thread and I've yet to see you set out why you believe that's the case. I'm genuinely interested to understand your thinking on that.
DTM_DHFC - just to let you know that I absolutely respect your choice to not answer my question, and am exercising my choice of taking it as confirmation that you absolutely are being innately selfish in the decisions you're making.

Hope that works out for you.
Who says? Think it would be a good idea to do a test on the day of the match. What’s the downside?
I’ll not have you tell me when or where to take a test for anything anymore than I’ll take your advice on vaccinations or anything else to do with my medical past present or future thanks very much!
I’ll not have you tell me when or where to take a test for anything anymore than I’ll take your advice on vaccinations or anything else to do with my medical past present or future thanks very much!
I wasn’t telling you 🤪

What are the downsides to doing a test on the day to help protect others?
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I’ll not have you tell me when or where to take a test for anything anymore than I’ll take your advice on vaccinations or anything else to do with my medical past present or future thanks very much!
It's not all about you though, is it?
Won’t get vaccinated

Won’t get tested

Downplays severity of covid

1. Absolutely true.
2. I test ever 10 days
3. The current variant is best described as worse than a cold but not as nasty as the flu.

Britain is partially locked down fearing a heavy case of the common cold.
A conjecture is a proposition that is unproven. Conjectures are related to hypotheses, which in science are empirically testable conjectures. In mathematics, a conjecture is an unproven proposition that appears correct.

Hypotheses are always being proven only later to be disproven even I know that 👍
If you're just going to just copy-paste from Wikipedia you should at least credit your source.
That’s probably the closest yet on this thread that I’ve received that resembles anything like a tirade of abuse; it’s such a pity that the self proclaimed better educated lower themselves with such unnecessary profanity.😳

Self proclaimed educated.:D
No I wouldn’t have done that as that would have been a position of justified fear unlike this era of government and media propagated hysteria.
That's what the MSM would have you believe, but I would expect a free thinker like yourself would do you own research and check out independent sources. Like Lord Haw-Haw.
1. Absolutely true.
2. I test ever 10 days
3. The current variant is best described as worse than a cold but not as nasty as the flu.

Britain is partially locked down fearing a heavy case of the common cold.
Yet people are dying from it. :hmm:
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