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Off topic anti-vaxx nonsense

Yet people are dying from it. :hmm:
If your immune systems shot the common cold can kill you, and the flu kills many many more; yet in the age of Covid, nobody catches a cold anymore, and nobody gets the flu anymore- only Covid.

Someone once stated:

Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, but three times is enemy action. OO7 😎
If your immune systems shot the common cold can kill you, and the flu kills many many more; yet in the age of Covid, nobody catches a cold anymore, and nobody gets the flu anymore- only Covid.

Someone once stated:

Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, but three times is enemy action. OO7 😎
At the moment it's unvaccinated people who are dying of covid. So much for having stronger immune systems. Nevermind eh.
As someone who has been unable to watch Hamlet this season due to the risk to my father in law - he has blood cancer - I find some of the comments here verging on offensive.

Last week the government signed off on trial drugs for blood cancer sufferers with Covid. Prior to that Covid was basically a death sentence - source a leading blood cancer expert at Royal Marsden. Flu would also kill him, another reason to avoid crowds right now.

Edited to say if anyone has sourced and peer reviewed articles contradicting the Royal Marsden consultant I am happy to review them. Please post them in this thread.
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Because your brand of selfish abject fucking pig ignorant stupid pontification is almost always attached to a man.
You it seems have been listening way too much to our former Prime Minister Anthony Charles Lynton Blair. When asked to tone down the rhetoric that discriminates against people that choose not to be vaccinated he replied:

“Theses people are not discriminated against, discrimination is what happens to black people and gay people, not to people that refuse a little liquid in their arm”.

Dear me, when such an educated and influential person such as he is heard being so selective with his definition of the term discrimination one is strongly reminded of is habit of being selective with his definition of the truth.
Protesting against lockdowns that don’t exist.

Protesting about vaccine passports that don’t exist.

When will Piers Corbyn’s nutty followers be happy?
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Protesting against lockdowns that don’t exist.

Protesting about vaccine passports that don’t exist.

When will Piers Corbyn’s nutty followers be happy?
Wrong forum mate. This is the DHFC forum and the conversation is the right to attend a football match unvaccinated or not. The clubs manager and the clubs director of football are on the record in favour of the freedom to choose to be vaccinated or not to be vaccinated.

Many people disagree.
Wrong forum mate. This is the DHFC forum and the conversation is the right to attend a football match unvaccinated or not. The clubs manager and the clubs director of football are on the record in favour of the freedom to choose to be vaccinated or not to be vaccinated.

Many people disagree.
Again - there’s no mention of needing a vaccine to go to DHFC but that’s not what your on about as you can’t be arsed to even take a test beforehand.

You’re just a troll that wants some drama and unfortunately I’ve helped give you that.
Again - there’s no mention of needing a vaccine to go to DHFC but that’s not what your on about as you can’t be arsed to even take a test beforehand.

You’re just a troll that wants some drama and unfortunately I’ve helped give you that.
There’s no need to prove that you’re fully vaccinated to attend champion hill that’s exactly why yesterday I purchased six tickets for Sunday. I didn’t have that information when I opened this thread ten days ago but I do today. The ad hominem attacks that clearly you are continuing this morning have not come from me at any time and neither has any of the resent profanity. As to testing: I test every ten days and not at your demand!
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There’s no need to prove that you’re fully vaccinated to attend champion hill that’s exactly why yesterday I purchased six tickets for Sunday. I didn’t have that information when I opened this thread ten days ago but I do today. The ad hominem attacks that clearly you are continuing this morning have not come from me at any time and neither has any of the resent profanity. As to testing: I test every ten days and not at your demand!
All that may be true. But you are still an ignorant , arrogant selfish cunt though.
He (and it will be a he) will be along to explain that all the........
I was actually convinced by this original post, that you had to be a [she] but having read your next two replies to me,it’s clear I was very wrong in that assumption as it would take a special kind of female to so comfortably use such profanity- especially the C-word. 😳
I was actually convinced by this original post, that you had to be a [she] but having read your next two replies to me,it’s clear I was very wrong in that assumption as it would take a special kind of female to so comfortably use such profanity- especially the C-word. 😳

So you're not happy with your original cuntitude and have decided to double down with a dose of transphobia and sexism.

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So you're not happy with your original continue and have decided to double down with a dose of transphobia and sexism.

I think the sexism began with A380s He.. and it will be a he... I note you had nothing to say about that. Like Tony Blair, you too, are selective in defining definitions. ⛄
I think the sexism began with A380s He.. and it will be a he... I note you had nothing to say about that. Like Tony Blair, you too, are selective in defining definitions. ⛄



You started with the transphobic digs old bean. But I guess you're likely narcissistic enough to be unable to recognise your own faults, much like your totem Mr Blair.
All companies producing the COVID-19 vaccines and its variant tweaked versions are immune from medical law suits against them.. it’s in the contract. I have no intention of taking part in a live medical trial and that is my right just as it is your right to participate.

If I had my way, selfish pieces of shit like you would be under house arrest, because you are fuckwitted and dangerous.

I am an RGN, who then did a degree in pharmacy, so I know exactly what is in the vaccines, and the different types of vaccine.

Because I know what needs to be done, I'm triple vaccinated, and will have further doses if required.

The sheep in this instance are the uneducated and unintelligent fuckwits who believe what Derek Dildo writes on Facebook.

Frankly, you are a complete and utter disgrace, and I'm more than a tad astonished that you haven't been booted from here.
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