' Mark Edwards
So, when is it that you all are going to stand up against certain men and women we all know have hijacked the St Pauls occupation for their own, quite dangerous needs?
Or am I, as one of the few black occupiers, meant to recognise the fact that we just aren't wanted? And the only time you want to see us is at 2 in the morning walking around as part of night watch or tranquility, so that you all ca...n have a good nights sleep, while we have to deal with the racism that has clearly raised its ugly head in this occupation?!?!
I'm disgusted and ashamed to think that while I attempt to help a cause that I truly believe in, you allow certain characters to swan around making covert videos and recordings that are then sold to the press, check online, damning everything we have all done since 15\10!
No response or reply is needed to this post, my answer was given when I was left to the mercy of a racist and the police, he says, I work for, and then spent 19 hours in custody! All because I wouldn't allow a drunken coked up banker to assault a female occupier!
You should be ashamed of yourselves, truly ashamed!'
Anyone know anything about this, is it genuine or a crank? if its the former , its worrying...