love detective
there's no love too small
LD, did you/anyone you know go to the camp yourself? what were your/their impressions if so? all this is a real shame, because it could have been a really good opportunity.
i went along briefly on the Monday after the initial weekend and have to admit I had a pre-conceived idea as to what it would be like and how it would evolve - most of them were reinforced pretty much immediately on arrival - it seemed fanciful & self-indulgent even then to me (although i'm highly skeptical I held off any external criticism of it until now, as felt I should at least give it some time to see how the thing evolved)
In defence people may say well there are links being built up with anti-cuts groups in London, but from what I can see it's the same people linking up with themselves just under different formal labels and then presenting this externally as something happening which isn't really
In short, I felt alienated by the whole thing, like I do with most of these climate camp type things and the left in general - maybe it's just me, but maybe it's them also