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NuLabour hires ad firm to 'sell' ID cards

You will find this forum is full of critics who don't do anything constructive- even when i put a thread up asking what THEIR views were, they couldn't even answer!

I answered, as did a ton of other people who you claim regularly criticise you, but you'd lost interest in the thread by about post 35...
Which EU state insitagated that piece of legislation? Was it the UK?

You are aware that the UK isn't the only country that makes heavy data demands on it's citizens? Sweden, a country many on here lionize as some kind of privacy haven, have a single file system that's accesible via a smartID card that when used gives you and/or the state information stretching back to when you were born.
You are aware that the UK isn't the only country that makes heavy data demands on it's citizens? Sweden, a country many on here lionize as some kind of privacy haven, have a single file system that's accesible via a smartID card that when used gives you and/or the state information stretching back to when you were born.

Perhaps - and it's still wrong even in Sweden. However - it coudl br argued there's a quid pro quo in Sweden's case: Swedish citizens accept this surveillance in return for a pretty good welfare state and high standard of living. Here in the UK, we'll just get the state intrusion with none of the positives.
Well there are plenty of people working hard to do all they can. They need more people to help with the campaign so get in touch with your local group. Or if you prefer direct action then setup a Defy ID group and target and enrolment centre. It's easy to be critical but what have you done?

What have I done? not a lot, watched the political parties announcements about ID cards, noted that the tories seem anti and have almost pledged to do away with them. Resolved that if the tories do pledge as an election pledge to do away with ID cards then they will get my vote.

Its not much but I suspect a lot of people on here who are anti ID cards have not done that much as they would not be able to countenance voting tory. For me ID Cards may well be an election issue, i.e. I will vote based on that more than on other things. Normally I am OMRLP through and through but I could well be persuaded to vote tory on this issue alone.
So the entire EU citizenry will have to be fingerprinted if they want a passport? I've only just cottoned on to that. Is there any big EU-wide campaign against it?
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