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NuLabour hires ad firm to 'sell' ID cards

But you can't solve problems by throwing money at them*. Except when you want to. :rolleyes:

*(tm, capitalist shitbags the world over)
I cant emphasise the importance of these points enough:

Please find out your local No2ID group and ID "processing centre" at http://www.no2id.net and get involved with the campaign.

We will not neutralise this menace by posting on message boards, nor by complacent stuff like "it wont work" or "I wont get one anyway"

From November the schedule is to get their foot in the door by registering non EUs. This implementation is racist and any MP who supports it needs their racism to be exposed.

I've been with No2ID since dot and frankly we are short on veteran campaigners for when things very shortly are going to have to step up a gear.

This is a defining issue for our time. Please do what you can to wake people up and defacilitate the scheme from the off. Dont wait till they come for you, that is selfish, naive and complacent. Once they have their critical mass it will harder to stop the trend towards the biometrically databased / monitored population.
Wow, it's the exact plot of an episode of Absolute Power :D
:( :mad:

It pisses me off that I can get Lab Rats and Is it Legal? Two of perhaps the most generic unfunny, poorly written tripe on British TV, but can I get Absolute Power..can I fuck.

I just read that everyone over 16 will have an ID card by 2017. Are they going to make it a crime not to have one? I think that will criminalise a hell of a lot of people.
I just read that everyone over 16 will have an ID card by 2017. Are they going to make it a crime not to have one? I think that will criminalise a hell of a lot of people.

More likely it will simply become impossible to do anything without one. No ID card = no bank account, no alocohol purchase, no library ticket, no credit/debit card ... on and on. No anything without a sodding ID card.
From November the schedule is to get their foot in the door by registering non EUs. This implementation is racist and any MP who supports it needs their racism to be exposed.

How is it racist? - Canadians aren't EU nationals and Canadians aren't a "race" etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.
More likely it will simply become impossible to do anything without one. No ID card = no bank account, no alocohol purchase, no library ticket, no credit/debit card ... on and on. No anything without a sodding ID card.
^^^ this ^^^

Now, imagine that one day there is a "computer error" and your ID is deleted ...
A few of the lads working at our local asda who i have chin wag with will have to register i think .I will have to ask them what they think .it,s certainly getting close to home
A few of the lads working at our local asda who i have chin wag with will have to register i think .I will have to ask them what they think .it,s certainly getting close to home

Could you please tell your local No2ID and possibly asylum groups any details like letters arriving in the post for them or whatever.
It is trite shit, and it must work or they'd be out of business.

To be fair, NL employ a lot of consultants, directly or indirectly, who are rubbish at their jobs.

I would assume that their role here will be in designing and managing slightly subtle "pro" campaigns, rather than producing billboards with some crap pun about ID cards being great. They will probably do it through subsidiaries too, or write government literature and press releases to be distributed.
Is it just me, or do Saatchi political ads just come across as trite red-braces shit anyway?

Not just you, look at this one...


It's the anti-sell, and painfully so.

Doesn't even make as much effort as this namesake;

To be fair, NL employ a lot of consultants, directly or indirectly, who are rubbish at their jobs.

I would assume that their role here will be in designing and managing slightly subtle "pro" campaigns, rather than producing billboards with some crap pun about ID cards being great. They will probably do it through subsidiaries too, or write government literature and press releases to be distributed.

Get ready for a barrage of those horrible TV adverts with a female voice-over saying "we're helping you avoid ID theft and terorirsm by bringing in a handy card" - with the clear unspoken message of "and we're doing this whether you want it ot not. You'll have no choice in the matter".
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