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Northern Irish rape victim, 12, forced to travel to England under police escort for abortion


Truly obscene.

A 12-year-old rape victim in Northern Ireland has been forced to travel to England under police escort for an abortion, MPs have been told.

Dawn Purvis, former director of the Marie Stopes pregnancy advice service in Belfast, said an officer seized samples from the procedure as evidence.

The child, who was not identified, could not be treated in Northern Ireland due to strict laws prohibiting the procedure in most circumstances.

Northern Ireland has a ban on abortions in almost all cases – even rape or incest.

The 1967 Abortion Act, which established legal abortion, has never applied in Northern Ireland.

"The police had to go with her, they attended the surgical procedure to seize the evidence,” Ms Purvis said.

"That is inhumane treatment of a young child who did not have a passport and had to leave the country.”

12-year-old Northern Irish rape victim forced to travel to England under police escort for abortion
I'm speechless. The poor child. First the trauma of the rape, then this, and next the trial no doubt. Awfulness piled upon awfulness.
So when those scummy DUP fuckers are banging on about how they won't accept NI being treated differently from the rest of the UK, what they mean is except when it comes to how they further traumatize child rape victims.

How anyone can put a child through this beggars belief, the fact that they are doing so in the name of their God is just fucking staggering.
Utterly vile. The simple thing to do would be for Westminster to extend UK law to the six counties, and in doing so telling the dup to feck off.

Little chance of that happening until after the next General Election. :mad:

Polling is showing about 65% support for reform, even amongst DUP voters, and around the same supporting the idea of Westminster extending the UK law in the absence of a devolved government.

But, I am wondering how would it be play out in the north, if Westminster did so without a referendum?

The results show high levels of public support for abortion law change, with 65% of adults in Northern Ireland agreeing that abortion should not be a crime, and 78% of British people in favour of decriminalisation. More than two-thirds of people in Northern Ireland and three-quarters of Brits – the equivalent of 75% of the UK public - think the UK Government should act to change the law.

There is high support for reform of Northern Ireland’s abortion law amongst people of all political persuasions: 67% of DUP voters questioned agreed that having an abortion should not be a crime and 65% think that Westminster should reform the law in the absence of a devolved government; 74% of Conservative voters think the UK Government should act to change the law, as do 78% of Labour voters.

75% want government to change Northern Ireland abortion law
Utterly vile. The simple thing to do would be for Westminster to extend UK law to the six counties, and in doing so telling the dup to feck off.

I've no problem with blustering about the DUP but it is worth remembering that Sinn Fein, until it changed policy in June last year, was as opposed to abortion as the DUP
I've no problem with blustering about the DUP but it is worth remembering that Sinn Fein, until it changed policy in June last year, was as opposed to abortion as the DUP

However, as Stormont doesn’t sit, the north is under direct rule, it’s the dup that has be fucked over.

That’s not letting the shinners off, especially as they had a minor split over the issue in the south.
That Indy article says "Terminations are only allowed in cases where the woman's life is in danger or there is a permanent or serious risk to her mental or physical health".

Pregnant at 12 years old, AND through rape FFS?!? How by ANY standards does that not fit the bill??
That Indy article says "Terminations are only allowed in cases where the woman's life is in danger or there is a permanent or serious risk to her mental or physical health".

Pregnant at 12 years old, AND through rape FFS?!? How by ANY standards does that not fit the bill??
This. Surely the risk to mental and physical health is clear. If pregnancy and forced labour secondary to child rape isn’t deemed to pose a risk to mental health then what would ever?
That Indy article says "Terminations are only allowed in cases where the woman's life is in danger or there is a permanent or serious risk to her mental or physical health".

Pregnant at 12 years old, AND through rape FFS?!? How by ANY standards does that not fit the bill??

I wonder if in a situation like this it also comes down to finding somewhere and someone willing to perform the procedure. The Marie Stopes centre mentioned in the article has a cluster of protestors most days and I'm sure they'd love to find some health centre/doctor to go and vent at.

I know in the South there's been cases of Doctors refusing to perform procedures, and that was prior to the repeal of the 8th when termination was only permitted in similar dire straits.

You're definitely right that on first reading 'escort' implies the police were there for her protection, rather than simply evidence gathering. Entirely grim.
And evidence of what exactly? To prosecute the rapist? Or is she still a criminal having had the abortion in England?
That Indy article says "Terminations are only allowed in cases where the woman's life is in danger or there is a permanent or serious risk to her mental or physical health".

Pregnant at 12 years old, AND through rape FFS?!? How by ANY standards does that not fit the bill??
'Woman'? For shame. Let's start by admitting that these things happen, eh?

(Obviously not aimed at Judelo - just quoting).
Someone explain how or why any doctor would allow police officers to witness a medical procedure performed on a child, never mind leave with the 'evidence'.
Someone explain how or why any doctor would allow police officers to witness a medical procedure performed on a child, never mind leave with the 'evidence'.

I don't know what the legalities are, But I'd imagine they would require some DNA testing of the fetal matter for a successful prosecution of the rapist if there is no other proof. I don't know why they'd be required to witness or even be at the medical procedure though.
The report said the police attended, no mention of them actually witnessing the procedure.
It's not religion, it's people. Look for 'thou shalt torment traumatised and abused children for the craic' in the bible, it's not there.
Balls, it’s religion. Take away the years of indoctrination and excuses, then see how many people are still happy to hold their hands up and say “actually, I’m just doing this because I’m a pathetic cunt”. At least they’d be honest.
This is so horrific. And it's in part the result of the GFA and the institutionalisation of reactionary and sectarian politics.
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