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Northern Independence Party

Shitposting is a legitimate political campaigning technique now, and online virality is one of the only ways smaller parties can make an impact. There is almost zero clicks in appearing like a very serious and sober party.
#moretroops #morepolice
Shitposting is a legitimate political campaigning technique now, and online virality is one of the only ways smaller parties can make an impact. There is almost zero clicks in appearing like a very serious and sober party.

Agree. I wouldn't bother with long, windy, fully costed and audited manifestos too. Just a few bullet points that could fit on a credit card. Also absolutely no point in having an official line on Israel/Palestine or the situation in Myanmar (sorry, I know Lefties love to do this as it gives them a puffed up sense of their own self importance but it really doesn't matter in the great scheme of things). Keep it punchy and purely limited to the bread and butter issues in their area of operation.
I joined. Behind the jokey façade there is a pretty serious operation going on. Pretty professional. Lots of enthusiastic people who were part of the JC 2017 campaign. Lots of young energetic talented creative people who Labour pissed off enough to join a separatist movement.

Labour did not have to lose these people by declaring war on them.
Some twitter antisemitism 'names' appear to have turned their attention to Proudfoot.

I'm in favour of a more confederal Britain, so I like the idea of northern independence, even as someone who lives in the southern part of England. Whether or not actual independence is in the offing, I think it's a good thing for there to be a political movement which highlights regional disparities in this country.
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