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New camera footage of Pentagon impact released!

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Dandred said:
What are jet engines made from?

What is the melting temp? What temp does jet fuel burn at? :confused:

Where are the engines from the crashes?

well presumably the jet engines being the most dense bit on the plane when smashed into solid concrete at 3-500 miles an hour would have a fair degree of momentum and would smash through the walls of the pentagon like unguided missiles and bury themselves somewhere deep in the pentagon.

so no real mystery why they aren't on any pictures is it?
editor said:
I suggest you look at the video footage I posted up ages ago showing a fighter jet vapourising as it hit a concrete wall at high speed.

I believe that might answer your questions.

Well, quite. I'm wondering if 1/2mv(squared) anyway of doing superscript on here? means anything to Jazzz et al
free spirit said:
well presumably the jet engines being the most dense bit on the plane when smashed into solid concrete at 3-500 miles an hour would have a fair degree of momentum and would smash through the walls of the pentagon like unguided missiles and bury themselves somewhere deep in the pentagon.

so no real mystery why they aren't on any pictures is it?

I would have though that they would have broken a window or two, or even left some marks on the grass? :confused: :confused:
Dandred said:
No, only seen pics on vid...

I undersatnd you point, but did maradona use his hand? Did you see it? were you there?

er we saw that on tv, as did millions of others, are you trying to say that you've seen the fbi retrieve a tape from a cctv camera in a petrol station on tv?

eta : if so it should be easy enough for this point at least to be proved, just point us in the direction of the footage and we'll be forced to conceed the nutjobs a point.

btw I'm not saying this footage couldn't possibly exist, or that the FBI doesn't have it, but the reason they've not released it would presumably be because nobodies actually had the gumption to track down the clerk of said petrol station, get a sworn and witnessed statement from him / her saying that the FBI took the tape (presuming they don't issue receipts when they collect evidence) and then made a freedom of information request to the FBI to release the tape. The is no conspiracy involved here, just the FBI doing their job and gathering evidence, and conspiracy theorists being too shit to actually do what this other lot have done and put in an FOI request.

Even if they had put in an FOI request, and had it turned down this wouldn't convince me of the conspiracy they believe in because they appear to be such fucking nutjobs, incapable of rational arguement that they'd probably fuck up the FOI request anyway..

nutjob 1... we want to see the tape

fbi... what tape

nutjob 2... the fucking tape man show us the fuckng tape we know you've got it coz it says so on www.nutjobcentral.net

fbi... I've no idea what tape you mean I'm just the desk clerk

nutjob 1 and 2... give us the fucking tape man, we fucking know you've got it, you nicked it from the garage to coverup 911 and if you don't give us the tape that'll be final proof it was an inside job

fbi... I've still got no idea what tape you are talking about, and you're becoming irate so I'm going to have to call security.. security please escort these gentlement out.

free spirit said:
er we saw that on tv, as did millions of others, are you trying to say that you've seen the fbi retrieve a tape from a cctv camera in a petrol station on tv?

Look I'm not a loopie, I'm just asking questions I think need to be answered.........

I saw the twin towers collapse on TV......I still think it's stange they both went down, just straight down.
Blagsta said:
i've been posting long enough on these boards to know that a certain contingent are nuttier than squirrel shit

Well look at my posts, can you point out any loopy shit from the last two years?
btw I generally try to stay out of slanging matches on these threads, but seeing as jazz and felafan have chosen to utterly ignore this post where I tried to reason through the whole thing, and have pointedly ignored any attempt to explain what happened to flight 77 and it's passengers in their version of events, never mind why the US government (or whoever) would decide the best plan is to hijack a plane, then hide it and all it's passengers for ever, while using either another plane or a missle to blow up the pentagon in such a way as to make it look like it was the hijacked plane, then mount a massive cover up operation to hide the fact that it wasn't the real plane that hit it...

why would anyone do that when it's way simpler to just hijack the plane in the first place and fly it into the pentagon.. job done, no need for a cover up.

Jazz and fela fan... if you 2 aren't on the payroll of cia psy ops then you fucking should be, you and other supposed truth seekers like you are the ones who are stopping anyone interested in finding out about the real conspiracy discussing it because you constantly bring up fucking ridiculous theories like this that just make no sense whatsoever.

Once you finally accept that it's pretty fucking unlikely it wasn't hijacked planes that did this you / we might finally be able to move onto discussing the really important issues like whether people high up in the US government cleared the way for 911 to happen, and if so who, and how can this be proven.

seriously it's time to move on from this missile, explosives bollocks.

Dandred said:
I would have though that they would have broken a window or two, or even left some marks on the grass? :confused: :confused:

I can see more than a broken window or 2 on here

and why would it have left any marks on the grass if it had just flown straight into the pentagon?:confused: :confused:
Hi free spirit,

I didn't see that post, sorry.

My opinion:

It was necessary to swap the flights for drone aircraft firing missiles before impact that is the only way to control the outcome. You are going to have considerable difficulty recruiting a team of patsies to not only forcefully hijack a plane but deliberately crash it - this is going to be an exceptionally difficult way to commit suicide. Also these guys can barely fly! Not only that, but you have a trillion-dollar defense system to subvert and the vast majority of your military is defending its country. If you have a normal hijacking then everyone knows precisely what is going on and it would be impossible to prevent the routine interceptions. Not only that but you an automated missile defence at the Pentagon which is going to shoot down anything that doesn't have permission.

Similarly with the demolition of the WTC - you can't possibly expect them to fall down.

The chance of such a plot succeeding would be zero. It's like expecting a five-year old to take out Lennox Lewis.

I am going to continue as I have been which is standing up for the truth as I see it, and to hell with the consequences. This is the only way I feel that the manipulation can be stopped and it is precisely what these people are afraid of. If you play the 'everyone assumes the truth is somewhere in the middle, so don't upset them' game - a trap of course - you allow manipulators to get away with the 'big lie'. I have no intention of letting them do so, not where I am concerned anyway.

My theory is basically the same as I said years ago, and I'm proud that it has taken hold to the point of being no #1 on google video and featuring on Newsnight Yes, at the start even other truth campaigners were saying 'don't say that, people can't handle it'. Now people on this board like you are joining in that having finally come round to a LIHOP conspiracy view. Now that's very welcome - but granny isn't having lessons on how to suck eggs ;)
Despite the fact that the mainstream media never broadcasts the pictures, the Pentagon only collapsed some half hour after the impact. Photographs taken soon after the event show unbroken windows and hardly any hole of which to speak of.

Anyone with any interest in this stuff must watch Loose Change (currently no#1 on google video)
free spirit said:
well presumably the jet engines being the most dense bit on the plane when smashed into solid concrete at 3-500 miles an hour would have a fair degree of momentum and would smash through the walls of the pentagon like unguided missiles and bury themselves somewhere deep in the pentagon.

so no real mystery why they aren't on any pictures is it?

The mystery remains as to why the engines DIDN`T penetrate the wall. There weren`t any holes in the side of the building where the engines would have been.

Why do people always want to talk about the pentagon?

What about the proveable things I`ve already brought up that show beyond reasonable doubt the terrorists were receiving help from the US govt. Never want to talk about FBI agents living with the bombers, Never want to talk about them training at Pensacoloa Naval Airbase, Never want to talk about the insider trading being traced to the then deputy chairman of the CIA, Buzz Kronby.... no lets talk about crap we can never prove, lets allow ourselves to be distracted by fancy tales about holograms, lasers and cruise missiles.....I could kick you all! lol
Dandred said:
I saw the twin towers collapse on TV......I still think it's stange they both went down, just straight down.
Would you have preferred it if they'd done a little jig on the way down?

Ever considered doing some actual research before offering your opinion or do you prefer to make your comments from a position of total ignorance?

Here's a good place to start. Please note that it's not written by anonymous loonspuds who wouldn't know how to construct a Lego kit, let alone pass informed comment on the supposed invisible 'explosives' invisibly installed in the WTC:
Jazzz said:
It was necessary to swap the flights for drone aircraft firing missiles before impact that is the only way to control the outcome.
Proof? Evidence? Credible sources?

No, of course not. It's just you having a conspirawank again.
Jazzz said:
Photographs taken soon after the event show unbroken windows and hardly any hole of which to speak of.
<deep sigh>

Why wasn't the hole as wide as a 757's 124-ft.-10-in. wingspan?

A crashing jet doesn't punch a cartoon-like outline of itself into a reinforced concrete building, says ASCE team member Mete Sozen, a professor of structural engineering at Purdue University.

In this case, one wing hit the ground; the other was sheared off by the force of the impact with the Pentagon's load-bearing columns, explains Sozen, who specializes in the behavior of concrete buildings. What was left of the plane flowed into the structure in a state closer to a liquid than a solid mass. "If you expected the entire wing to cut into the building," Sozen tells PM, "it didn't happen."
(See the video link I've just posted up for absolute proof of this)
CLAIM: Many Pentagon windows remained in one piece--even those just above the point of impact from the Boeing 757 passenger plane.
FACT: Some windows near the impact area did indeed survive the crash. But that's what the windows were supposed to do--they're blast-resistant.
It's the Pentagon air defence bit that I like most. What a system, that could avoid firing on all the departures from/arrivals to Reagan National next door yet also pluck a rogue airliner from the sky should it stray too near :cool:
Azrael23 said:
Why do people always want to talk about the pentagon?

What about the proveable things I`ve already brought up that show beyond reasonable doubt the terrorists were receiving help from the US govt. Never want to talk about FBI agents living with the bombers, Never want to talk about them training at Pensacoloa Naval Airbase, Never want to talk about the insider trading being traced to the then deputy chairman of the CIA, Buzz Kronby.... no lets talk about crap we can never prove, lets allow ourselves to be distracted by fancy tales about holograms, lasers and cruise missiles.....I could kick you all! lol

my point pretty much exactly

not necessarily agreeing with all the specifics of your post, but the back story is what we should be debating and investigating, not the bollocks getting talked on this thread IMO
Azrael23 said:
Why do people always want to talk about the pentagon?

What about the proveable things I`ve already brought up that show beyond reasonable doubt the terrorists were receiving help from the US govt. Never want to talk about FBI agents living with the bombers, Never want to talk about them training at Pensacoloa Naval Airbase, Never want to talk about the insider trading being traced to the then deputy chairman of the CIA, Buzz Kronby.... no lets talk about crap we can never prove, lets allow ourselves to be distracted by fancy tales about holograms, lasers and cruise missiles.....I could kick you all! lol
Yeah. But you're doing it too. It's pretty much summed up, though this could have gone much further, in a short piece called A Conspiracy of Dunces (Guardian) that someone linked to in General earlier.

The main problem is it's exhausting. Like the boy who cried wolf, there's only so much we can take, and imaginary holomissiles is that 'so much'.
Jazzz said:
Hi free spirit,

I didn't see that post, sorry.
no probs, cheers for the reply.

Jazzz said:
My theory is basically the same as I said years ago, and I'm proud that it has taken hold to the point of being no #1 on google video and featuring on Newsnight Yes, at the start even other truth campaigners were saying 'don't say that, people can't handle it'. Now people on this board like you are joining in that having finally come round to a LIHOP conspiracy view. Now that's very welcome - but granny isn't having lessons on how to suck eggs ;)
I'm pretty sure my opinion on this has barely changed since 2001 / 2002, and if the posts didn't get lost in some cull along the way I'm sure you could find me making very similar points on these threads around this time.

So it's not a case of you winning me round to your way of thinking, I was fairly convinced some members of the US government were involved in deliberately allowing this to happen to some extent pretty much from the day it happened. What you've actually managed to do with the stream of silly theories over the last 4 years is just make me give up almost entirely on these threads because of your refusal to accept when you might be wrong, or your theory is just plain illogical.

I'm not trying to teach granny to suck eggs mate, I'm trying to point out to granny that the eggs grannies sucking are rotten and have been for some time... ;)

might be time to step back for a minute look afresh at the bigger picture and ask yourself if you're really asking the right questions.

I'll try to answer the rest of your points in a bit, got to do some work first;)
editor said:

I'd be very wary of accusing others of stupidity if I were you editor in fear of what you may come out with yourself. You are suggesting that the whole plane, including the heaviest bit, the engines, atomised on impact? In which case how do you explain your own eyewitness who talked of picking up crew members uniforms from inside the Pentagon (which are presumably a lot less tough than an engine). What caused the huge exit hole in the C ring?

In this case, one wing hit the ground; the other was sheared off by the force of the impact with the Pentagon's load-bearing columns, explains Sozen, who specializes in the behavior of concrete buildings. What was left of the plane flowed into the structure in a state closer to a liquid than a solid mass. "If you expected the entire wing to cut into the building," Sozen tells PM, "it didn't happen."
No wing hit the ground - we know this because of the many photos showing the pristine lawn. If the other wing sheared off, where is it? This is a nonsensical way of explaining the lack of penetration from the wings. The sensible way is that the wings if there were any weren't those of a 757.

sorry editor you are really not doing very well here.
Jazzz said:
No wing hit the ground - we know this because of the many photos showing the pristine lawn. If the other wing sheared off, where is it? This is a nonsensical way of explaining the lack of penetration from the wings. The sensible way is that the wings if there were any weren't those of a 757.

sorry editor you are really not doing very well here.
What happened to the wings in your global Hawk theory then?
mauvais said:
Yeah. But you're doing it too. It's pretty much summed up, though this could have gone much further, in a short piece called A Conspiracy of Dunces (Guardian) that someone linked to in General earlier.

The main problem is it's exhausting. Like the boy who cried wolf, there's only so much we can take, and imaginary holomissiles is that 'so much'.

I heard Guardian are in with MI5 ;) :D

So can we talk about where the hijackers were trained to fly? You know that US naval airbase?! plz...
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