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New camera footage of Pentagon impact released!

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free spirit said:
So it's not a case of you winning me round to your way of thinking, I was fairly convinced some members of the US government were involved in deliberately allowing this to happen to some extent pretty much from the day it happened.
Yes forgive me.
editor said:
So how many eye witnesses emphatically say the saw a missile hit the Pentagon then, fela?

Could you list them all here, please and they we can do a comparisin with the list of people who clearly say they saw a 757.

Can you do that?

Then you might explain why Allyn E. Kilsheimer - who was at the scene - said he found body and plane parts. Any ideas, mate?

No i can't do that coz you have often and clearly stated that you don't want the same old stuff repeated on these threads. I've done this before, and you read it before, so let's not go down the old path eh.

What does 'emphatically say' mean compared with 'say'?
free spirit said:
btw I generally try to stay out of slanging matches on these threads, but seeing as jazz and felafan have chosen to utterly ignore this post where I tried to reason through the whole thing, and have pointedly ignored any attempt to explain what happened to flight 77 and it's passengers in their version of events, never mind why the US government (or whoever) would decide the best plan is to hijack a plane, then hide it and all it's passengers for ever, while using either another plane or a missle to blow up the pentagon in such a way as to make it look like it was the hijacked plane, then mount a massive cover up operation to hide the fact that it wasn't the real plane that hit it...

why would anyone do that when it's way simpler to just hijack the plane in the first place and fly it into the pentagon.. job done, no need for a cover up.

Jazz and fela fan... if you 2 aren't on the payroll of cia psy ops then you fucking should be, you and other supposed truth seekers like you are the ones who are stopping anyone interested in finding out about the real conspiracy discussing it because you constantly bring up fucking ridiculous theories like this that just make no sense whatsoever.

Once you finally accept that it's pretty fucking unlikely it wasn't hijacked planes that did this you / we might finally be able to move onto discussing the really important issues like whether people high up in the US government cleared the way for 911 to happen, and if so who, and how can this be proven.

seriously it's time to move on from this missile, explosives bollocks.


Free spirit, you're nothing like your name. And i'd like you to post up any theory i've put forward please, coz i've come up with no theories whatsoever. I have not said what hit the pentagon, i have simply said that footage of a plane smashing into the pentagon has no plane in it. No plane has ever been seen. Plenty of camera footage exists that has not been released.

Now you just learn to read what people post properly instead of projecting your own internal understanding of the world onto me. I DON'T POST THEORIES OKAY.

"seriously it's time to move on from this missile, explosives bollocks."

You just look after your own life and stop telling others how to live. I've not claimed any theories about explosives or bollocks or missiles. Learn to fucking read.

"but seeing as jazz and felafan have chosen to utterly ignore ..."

utterly eh? Wow. What is 'utterly' ignore? Did you not get an answer, ah, poor dear.
Jazzz What caused the huge [url=http://www.pentagonresearch.com/exit.html said:
exit hole in the C ring[/url]?.
Oh look! Jazzzz has found another moronic site written by some loontwat with no relevant qualifications whatsoever who was nowhere near the scene!

And what is his unqualified opinion?
Well he believes that "the "exit hole" was caused by secondary explosives."

So what actual hard evidence has this buffoon got to support his conclusion?

Yep, you guessed it. Jack fucking shit.

But he still manages to dredge up the conspiraloon's favourite irrelevant yarn - Operation Northwoods - you know, the thing that never happened forty years ago.

Why do you listen to these idiots Jazzz?
The whole point editor is that Northwoods could have been used. It lays down as doctrine the facility to bomb your own citizens in false flag terrorism, in order to gain public support for war.

You can see that so stop being an ass.

Why do you defend these people, 9/11 was a set up, it was a self inflicted wound, it was the new reichstag fire, the new pearl harbour call it what you will....its so obvious YOU CANNOT DENY IT.


Just wake up. I can`t stand wilful ignorance, your just pontificating as if anyone gives a shit. You should listen to the experts, Paul Craig Roberts for example.
conspiracy theorist, conspirwank, conspiraloon, nutter, nutjob, loontwat

Can anyone help me compile this lexicion that i guess must be unique to this website. Which words have i forgotten?
Azrael23 said:
The whole point editor is that Northwoods could have been used.
But it wasn't - in fact it never got past the drawing board, just like the equally stupid/dangerous/pipedream plans drawn up for mutual nuclear nuclear annihilation during the Cold War - or any one of the millions of other extreme military plans dreamt up on paper that never happened.
Azrael23 said:
Why do you defend these people, 9/11 was a set up, it was a self inflicted wound, it was the new reichstag fire, the new pearl harbour call it what you will....its so obvious YOU CANNOT DENY IT.
Funny how you still can't produce a scrap of evidence though, isn't it?
editor said:
Oh look! Jazzzz has found another moronic site written by some loontwat with no relevant qualifications whatsoever who was nowhere near the scene!
I didn't even read the site. The point, Mr IbelieveauthoritywhilethinkingI'msoradical, was to produce a picture of the exit hole for you, because when Azrael23 asked what happened to the engines, you asserted that the entire plane vaporised on impact like in your video.

Furthermore you accused Azrael23 of being 'stupid', which is rather ironic.

Admit your fuckup like a decent poster?

Fat chance of that isn't there. Instead you come out with your usual nonsense :rolleyes: :p
Azrael23 said:
The whole point editor is that Northwoods could have been used. It lays down as doctrine the facility to bomb your own citizens in false flag terrorism, in order to gain public support for war.
But just because a (previous) government is willing to kill it's own citiznes doesn't not automatically mean that 9/11 was perpertrated by the government. This is not denying the maelevonalance of the state but it is not propogating it either.

Azrael23 said:
Why do you defend these people, 9/11 was a set up, it was a self inflicted wound, it was the new reichstag fire, the new pearl harbour call it what you will....its so obvious YOU CANNOT DENY IT.
Pearl harbour??? With my limited historical knowledge I thought Pearl Harbour was an attack by the Japanese on the US, but by comparing to the Reichstag fire you seem to be suggesting that it was staged by the US to get the US to enter WW2. Also the use of capital letters is not actually a strong argument, it simply means you know where the caps lock button is.
It seems pertinent to remind posters at this juncture whey we have conspiracy theories.

It is because conspiracies occur in practice, and such conspiracies are practised by those in power, usually politicians. Some become knowledge, many never do. Either way, all are hatched as ways of keeping and/or extending their power. At times leaders are suspected of committing abuses of power, but no proof comes out, and they get away with it.

Everyone knows that leaders abuse the power they have. They conspire regularly on how to do this, in such a manner that they don't get caught.

Knowing that they do this, it is left to members of the general public to suspect that an abuse of power has been committed. Thanks to the whole lexicon of 'conspiracy theory', the waters are nicely muddied, and they just watch us all argue between ourselves.
fela fan said:
Knowing that they do this, it is left to members of the general public to suspect that an abuse of power has been committed. Thanks to the whole lexicon of 'conspiracy theory', the waters are nicely muddied, and they just watch us all argue between ourselves.

yeah but fela fan it's you muddying the waters on this thread as far as i can see...

fela fan said:
Don't give a toss about detail mate. So it's no problem of mine.

Detail ain't important. Nothing is.
and this phlosophy get's pretty wearing in a thread like this when what it leads to actually seems to be you bouncing from one flawed arguement to another without acknowledging at all when someone's countered the previous arguement, because 'details not important'

Why's there no plane in the footage (because the frame speeds only 2 per second and the plane flys a couple of hundred metres in that time)
why no other pentagon cameras release (because they weren't requested on the FOI request)
why's the footage from the garage forecourt not been released (presumably because again nobodies requested it, unless you know different)
but there's no plane in the footage

ok so you've not specifically stated that you're a fully fledged member of the it wasn't flight 77 brigade, but you're rehashing all the same arguements, so sorry if I made the wrong assumption. If you ain't into this particular CT then why are you argueing the toss on it's behalf so much?

or are you just on a wind up mission?

if so congrats, you suceeded, which is a shame coz I don't actually think we're too far apart on our thinking on this, or a fair few other issues for that matter from the many posts of yours I've read.

if I misrepresented you or your views earlier then appologies, maybe I'd wrongly read between the lines of what you were saying... :confused:
I have not said what hit the pentagon, i have simply said that footage of a plane smashing into the pentagon has no plane in it. No plane has ever been seen. Plenty of camera footage exists that has not been released.

I fully accept that that footage in no way proves or disproves what hit the pentagon.

I also am pretty much signed up to the concept that somewhere in the background a shadowy hand (or more likely several hands) high up in the US power structure was at work either to make this happen, or more likely IMO to simply smooth the way for al queida to do there worst on a give em enough rope and they'll hang themselves kinda basis (or give em enough rope they'll give us the excuse we want to hammer them, afgahnistan and Iraq all in one fell swoop).

I'm also of the opinion that those involved have spent the last 4 years throwing out a smoke screen of wild conspiracy theories etc. to distract and discredit anyone who might actually be trying to sus out and find the evidence for what really went on... which I think might be what you're also saying with your muddying the water comment, and azrael with some of his recent posts... maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think we're that far apart, just having fucking pointless arguements about inconsequential shit.

anyway I'm hopefully off festivalling for the weekend, so enjoy.


free spirit said:
if I misrepresented you or your views earlier then appologies, maybe I'd wrongly read between the lines of what you were saying... :confused:

Thank you mate. I get plenty of it, and i understand how it happens, but quite simply i have no theories of what happened with each plane. All i have is deep suspicion that elements of the powerful elites in the US were behind the attacks. Various experiences and readings from my life help me towards this opinion.

It's amazing to see the things i'm accused of on such threads as these. I prefer to be on them simply to raise my questions. But i am forced into defending myself, and trying to put right misinterpretations. Never mind some rather foul language directed at me.

I also like to point out that many times those who decry what they call 'conspiracy theorists' are often unbelievably dogmatic even though that's what they aim at the 'CTers'.

Incidentally i've spent a lot of time reading up on the topic over the years. And i stick to mainstream sources, and also i cannot be doing with things in life when i have to believe them. I want to know. I cannot accept nutty theories any more than the next man, but in recent times i've not really seen any here. If i know great, if i dont' no probs.

Anyway, thanks for the apology.
free spirit said:
I'm also of the opinion that those involved have spent the last 4 years throwing out a smoke screen of wild conspiracy theories etc. to distract and discredit anyone who might actually be trying to sus out and find the evidence for what really went on... which I think might be what you're also saying with your muddying the water comment, and azrael with some of his recent posts... maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think we're that far apart, just having fucking pointless arguements about inconsequential shit.

anyway I'm hopefully off festivalling for the weekend, so enjoy.




I will try to enjoy my weekend, but due to stupid palava of 911 and all the fucking security stuff following it i'm in the middle of a nightmare getting visas for my girlfriend to visit france and see my mates in england, all coz she's born on the wrong rock. 911 fucked up the world of travel, and politics in general. If it came out that US people were responsible for the attacks, then it's my belief that a seismic shift will take place in politics. For the better.

Hence my interest in the subject.

Enjoy your music mate, one of the things i miss about england.
How many people, on reading or seeing the news that this footage was being released, thought "ah, good, the conspiracy theorists will shut up now"?
axon said:
by comparing to the Reichstag fire you seem to be suggesting that it was staged by the US to get the US to enter WW2.

and we've already seen that the Reichstag fire wasn't set by the Nazi's, merely exploited by them.
fela fan said:
It seems pertinent to remind posters at this juncture whey we have conspiracy theories.

...to allow some sad arseholes on the internet to feel important for once in their miserable little lives.
I come here to debate the issue of 911. I have no theories. I have deep suspicions of US powerful people's involvement in the attacks. I have many questions based on their version of events. In short, i cannot accept their version, coz even though the yanks are famous for things like friendly fire, i just cannot believe anyone or any group can be so staggeringly incompetent.

It's not easy to stand my corner. As an example, i have just gone through this thread and the following language has been aimed at me. The abuse is quite unbelievable, and often i'm accused of all sorts of things than none of my posts could give rise to such interpretations. Here, see what it's like to have the wrong opinions on urban over this topic:

But of course, the mighty FELA FAN understands all. Not like us mere mortals eh?
Yes of course, because only the mighty FELA FAN knows the truth.

you're an arrogant wanker aren't you?

Been smoking yaba again?

Yeah maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

go to bed fela fan, you're drooling

Oh shut up, you pathetic fraud.

go on piss off

i love the way you just make shit up

You've just made that up.

You stupid, ignorant fuckwit.

Here's a tip: Learn to read and then you won't make such a fucking arsehole of yourself.

Your fact-free fairy tale that he turned up at the scene and started rebutting claims that it wasn't a plane has all been made up in your silly head.

dreamer boy

Its only you and your mad mates that "know full well".

we only have fela fan's word for it - and he's a nutter
From my pov, you get the piss taken out of you because you come across as having some kind of superior spiritual truth and insight, but actually you come across like a 6th former who just read Jonathan Livingstone Seagull and thought it was really, like deep maaaaaaaaaaaaaan.
Blagsta said:
Its your utter arrogance and blind ignorance of said arrogance that gets my goat.

Well you know what blagsta, fuck your goat. Who the fuck are you anyway? What does your opinion count for more than anyone else's? All you do is chuck your own interpretations onto me and claim that that is who i am. You literally have no fucking idea about who i am.

You're quite simply an abusive person who delights in his attempts to deride others and to make them feel somehow abused.

What a sad fucker you are.
Touched a nerve have I? :D

No, of course I have no idea who you are, same as you have no idea who I am. All I have to go on is what you post, same as thats all you have to go on about me. You think I'm "simply an abusive person", I think you're an arrogant arsewipe. We're all winners. :D
Blagsta said:
From my pov, you get the piss taken out of you because you come across as having some kind of superior spiritual truth and insight, but actually you come across like a 6th former who just read Jonathan Livingstone Seagull and thought it was really, like deep maaaaaaaaaaaaaan.

Blagsta, you're a prick.

All your fucking projections. Your ego is out of control. Debate the issues instead of crying tears over people you think are claiming superiority over your poor deluded soul.
fela fan said:
Blagsta, you're a prick.

All your fucking projections. Your ego is out of control. Debate the issues instead of crying tears over people you think are claiming superiority over your poor deluded soul.

Aaaah, more pseudo-Freudian interpretations. Tell us about the mirrors, go on. :D Although I don't think you'd know your Freud from your Lacan.

Arrogant arsewipe. :D
btw, debate what issues? If there were issues to debate on this thread, I would be. However there aren't, its a fucking joke. Most people believe the eye witnesses and news reports from the day it happpened that a plane hit the Penatagon, because its the most rational view. A minority of people think its all a big conspiracy cos they think they're superior. Whoopdedoo, lets have a debate. :rolleyes:
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