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New camera footage of Pentagon impact released!

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TAE said:
Doesn't change the fact that I can't see any plane in that footage.
So fucking what?

There's more than enough credible eye witness accounts (and a complete lack of credible alternative theorry) to convince me that's what happened.
fela fan said:
It is good enough proof for him. After all, the witnesses he keeps wheeling out said they saw a plane. So there's not one in the video footage? No problem, it was there.
Right. So unless something's captured on video then it never happened as far as you're concerned, no matter how many eye witnesses queue up to say that's what they saw?

In which case, there's no point entertaining any further comment in the subject.

Without any proof, evidence or an even remotely credible alternative theory, you have declared the dozens of eye witnesses to all be liars without any basis in fact to do so - apart from your own obsessional conspiraloonery of course.
editor said:
So fucking what?

There's more than enough credible eye witness accounts (and a complete lack of credible alternative theorry) to convince me that's what happened.

I know and I agree and have stated so repeatedly.

A hijacked passanger plane hit the pentagon. I have no reason to doubt that.


What I find rather funny is that for some reason this footage is meant to SHOW that plane hitting the pentagon. Which is barking. It can't and it doesn't. As many have pointed out on this thread, you would not expect these cameras to have captured the plane in any recognisable detail. And indeed they didn't. Hence my assertion that I can't see anything that looks like a plane.
fela fan said:
Now then. I will not show any quotes by people who either saw a missile or categorically saw a missile.
Come on! Where's these eye witnesses who saw a missile!

Haven't you got even any? Not even one?!!!!!

Now - you clueless idiot - perhaps you might tell me the difference in sound between a high speed jet-powered missile hitting a solid object and a high speed jet-powered plane hitting a solid object?

And then you might explain away all those eye witnesses who categorically stated that they saw a plane and NOT a missile?
TAE said:
What I find rather funny is that for some reason this footage is meant to SHOW that plane hitting the pentagon. Which is barking.
Yes. But why not take that up with people who made the claim?
editor said:
Come on! Where's these eye witnesses who saw a missile!

Haven't you got even any? Not even one?!!!!!

Now - you clueless idiot - perhaps you might tell me the difference in sound between a high speed jet-powered missile hitting a solid object and a high speed jet-powered plane hitting a solid object?

And then you might explain away all those eye witnesses who categorically stated that they saw a plane and NOT a missile?

Message to person who just cannot read english properly:

I have now told you twice i'm talking about witnesses who heard a missile not saw one. I've told you this, i've pointed it out, yet you continue to ignore what i'm saying.

You either can't read, or you wilfully twist what i'm saying to fit your own agenda. And that is of course exactly what you accuse others of. Funny that.
editor said:
Without any proof, evidence or an even remotely credible alternative theory, you have declared the dozens of eye witnesses to all be liars without any basis in fact to do so - apart from your own obsessional conspiraloonery of course.

You have declared that, not me. I've never said anything about doubting what any witnesses said.

You said they all saw a plane, i said that was wrong. I'm right you're wrong, do you get that?

You keep calling me a clueless idiot, but you demonstrate quite clearly that the idiot is in fact yourself.
editor said:
Right. So unless something's captured on video then it never happened as far as you're concerned, no matter how many eye witnesses queue up to say that's what they saw?

You really do have an understanding problem don't you editor.

What you've posted here has nothing to do with me, just your fevered imagination. Let me spell out as clearly as possible what i've been saying, along with a few other posters:

they told us here is some video footage to prove that a plane smashed into the pentagon. Yet there is no plane in the footage.

Do you understand this? Is the language too complicated for you?
fela fan said:
they told us here is some video footage to prove that a plane smashed into the pentagon. Yet there is no plane in the footage.

The white thing in the video looks a lot like a plane to me, and I worked in an airport for years and am used to seeing aircraft from all kinds of distances.
I've seen that kind of plane from that kind of distance thousands of times, what you can see on the video doesn't look all that different.
Fair enough - to me it does not look very conclusive either way.


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Oh good, they heard the missile?

Any closer to finding out what sort of missile/UAV/small jet it might have been? Even any suggestion? A possible hint to what it might have been? Or just 'a missile'?
mauvais said:
Oh good, they heard the missile?

Any closer to finding out what sort of missile/UAV/small jet it might have been? Even any suggestion? A possible hint to what it might have been? Or just 'a missile'?

You know, i have no clue what smashed into the pentagon. Could have been a plane, could have been a missile. Both are possible, the former most likely.

But i do not accept footage of a plane smashing into the pentagon that has no plane in it as proof. If you want to, that's up to you mate.

And to sum up over this missile thing, witnesses say they heard what sounded like a missile. Editor knew this from a while back, but told this particular thread that ALL the witnesses said they saw a plane. I had to simply correct this erroneous information.

I haven't got a bloody clue what smashed into the pentagon. No-one here has. It's all conjecture coz none of us were witnesses.
Did the witnesses who heard what sounded like a missile see anything at all? How could they tell what a missile sounds like from what a plane sounds like?
mauvais said:
Oh good, they heard the missile?

Any closer to finding out what sort of missile/UAV/small jet it might have been? Even any suggestion? A possible hint to what it might have been? Or just 'a missile'?
Indeed. I've had enough of this moronic shit.

All further 9/11 threads repeating the same fact-free bullshit, asking the same ridiculous "questions", citing the same credibility-lite, unqualified 'sources' or anything featuring drivel regurgitated from comedy sites like prisonplanet will automatically be closed/binned.
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