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New camera footage of Pentagon impact released!

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editor said:
How about the dozens of eye witness accounts who saw the 757 plane, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan?

"Blast expert Allyn E. Kilsheimer was the first structural engineer to arrive at the Pentagon after the crash and helped coordinate the emergency response. "It was absolutely a plane, and I'll tell you why," says Kilsheimer, CEO of KCE Structural Engineers PC, Washington, D.C."

Y'see editor, this is where the likes of you just don't get it. He was the first (professional) to arrive at the scene. Yet he says "it was absolutely a plane". That very choice of language indicates that folk were questioning whether it was a plane or not. It had just happened, yet here is a man rebutting conspiracy theorists!!!!

If you could get past your self-delusion, you'd see it doesn't add up. Your call.
kyser_soze said:
Who exactly said this fela? The Judicial League? The USG? The group that put in the request said they 'hoped' that it would quell further speculation, but clearly (partly because of bonkers people insisting that there was no plane) it hasn't.

Yeah, that's usually your problem...lack of care for detail, especially detail that can derail your assertions...

Don't give a toss about detail mate. So it's no problem of mine.

Detail ain't important. Nothing is.
editor said:
I'll tell you what. If I'd had a loved one killed on that plane, I sure as hell wouldn't want to have a load of fruitloops pouring their deluded shit all over it.

Look what happened when a deludealoop got his grubby mitts on BK's account of the 7/7 bombing. Fucking disgraceful.

And that stopped the scenes of two planes flying into the Twin Towers being played how many tens of thousands of times how exactly?
Y'see editor, this is where the likes of you just don't get it. He was the first (professional) to arrive at the scene. Yet he says "it was absolutely a plane". That very choice of language indicates that folk were questioning whether it was a plane or not. It had just happened, yet here is a man rebutting conspiracy theorists!!!!

What about if some news bod asked him the question of whether it was a plane or not? I mean at the time it would have been a legitimate question by someone WHO WASN'T THERE when the plane hit...

Don't give a toss about detail mate. So it's no problem of mine.

Detail ain't important. Nothing is.

Is that a flounce fela? It looks a bit like a mini flounce...
Barking_Mad said:
And that stopped the scenes of two planes flying into the Twin Towers being played how many tens of thousands of times how exactly?
I've never seen any footage of the first plane that hit the towers - is there any?
fela fan said:
Y'see editor, this is where the likes of you just don't get it. He was the first (professional) to arrive at the scene. Yet he says "it was absolutely a plane". That very choice of language indicates that folk were questioning whether it was a plane or not. It had just happened, yet here is a man rebutting conspiracy theorists!!!!

If you could get past your self-delusion, you'd see it doesn't add up. Your call.
You've just made that up.

Did he say it when he arrived at the scene? Did he step out of his car and start proclaiming "YES SIRREE INDEED IT'S A PLANE ALRIGHT" to bemused reporters?

Or did he maybe say it later, after sifting through horrendous scenes of dead bodies, when some cunts on the internet said 'ooh I've looked at me animated GIFs and it's not a plane at all'?
mauvais said:
You've just made that up.

Did he say it when he arrived at the scene? Did he step out of his car and start proclaiming "YES SIRREE INDEED IT'S A PLANE ALRIGHT" to bemused reporters?

Or did he maybe say it later, after sifting through horrendous scenes of dead bodies, when some cunts on the internet said 'ooh I've looked at me animated GIFs and it's not a plane at all'?

Fuck knows, ask editor, he quoted the man.
El Jugador said:
I've never seen any footage of the first plane that hit the towers - is there any?

Ermm yeah, unless my mind is playing tricks on me. Wasn't there a video taken from street level by some workmen or something?
kyser_soze said:
Is that a flounce fela? It looks a bit like a mini flounce...

It's a flounce if that's what you want it to be mate.

But for me it's simply what i said, detail is not important. But if you want that to mean a flounce, then welcome.
Barking_Mad said:
And that stopped the scenes of two planes flying into the Twin Towers being played how many tens of thousands of times how exactly?

I doubt very much that editor could possibly answer your post mate.

I might also add that this repeat showing is emblamatic of our tv age...
fela fan said:
"Y'see editor, this is where the likes of you just don't get it. He was the first (professional) to arrive at the scene. Yet he says "it was absolutely a plane". That very choice of language indicates that folk were questioning whether it was a plane or not. It had just happened, yet here is a man rebutting conspiracy theorists!!!!
You stupid, ignorant fuckwit.

That's not what he said at the time or when he arrived on the scene.

It's what he said in response to conspiracy morons like you after the event.

Got that? After. The. Event.
fela fan said:
If you could get past your self-delusion, you'd see it doesn't add up. Your call.
Here's a tip: Learn to read and then you won't make such a fucking arsehole of yourself.
Apologies if this has been mentioned (TBH, I can't see how that it hasn't been till now), as I skipped from the first page of this thread to the last.

But I cannot beleive that anyone missed the real "missile" in use here, the plane/rocket/lightning/falling tree was just a cover, this police car hurtled into the building at over 5mph, and THAT is what caused the damage.

You can clearly see it cross the cctv screen here -

mauvais said:
Or did he maybe say it later, after sifting through horrendous scenes of dead bodies, when some cunts on the internet said 'ooh I've looked at me animated GIFs and it's not a plane at all'?
Absolutely correct.

At 9:37 am on 9/11, 51 minutes after the first plane hit the World Trade Center, the Pentagon was similarly attacked. Though dozens of witnesses saw a Boeing 757 hit the building, conspiracy advocates insist there is evidence that a missile or a different type of plane smashed into the Pentagon.
editor said:
You stupid, ignorant fuckwit.

That's not what he said at the time or when he arrived on the scene.

It's what he said in response to conspiracy morons like you after the event.

Got that? After. The. Event.
Here's a tip: Learn to read and then you won't make such a fucking arsehole of yourself.

I'll ignore all your totally impolite language and just ask you how on earth could he have said that before the event??
undercover said:
Apologies if this has been mentioned (TBH, I can't see how that it hasn't been till now), as I skipped from the first page of this thread to the last.

But I cannot beleive that anyone missed the real "missile" in use here, the plane/rocket/lightning/falling tree was just a cover, this police car hurtled into the building at over 5mph, and THAT is what caused the damage.

You can clearly see it cross the cctv screen here -

It clearly wasn't the police car, you wazz. That was just a distraction. Still, the evidence is just as clear to all and sundry - it was the big fucking green alien diamond in the middle of the picture!
editor said:
You stupid, ignorant fuckwit.

That's not what he said at the time or when he arrived on the scene.

It's what he said in response to conspiracy morons like you after the event.

Got that? After. The. Event.
Here's a tip: Learn to read and then you won't make such a fucking arsehole of yourself.

But i don't care if i make an arsehole of myself, you stupid, ignorant fuckwit.
fela fan said:
Y'see editor, this is where the likes of you just don't get it. He was the first (professional) to arrive at the scene. Yet he says "it was absolutely a plane". That very choice of language indicates that folk were questioning whether it was a plane or not. It had just happened, yet here is a man rebutting conspiracy theorists!!!

This is fantastic :D
Crispy said:
Fuck them all of course :rolleyes:

This footage is merely coroborating evidence. Something that lokos like a plane, about the right size, is seen in one frame. It's not iron clad, but it doesn't look like something else is happening, so it doesn't change my opinion.
It appears too skinny for a 757. There are no engines visible. It doesn't seem to have straight edges. Impact shots show a very narrow vapour trail visible (particularly from the camera I have labelled camera 1).

I would say it fits very well with a Global Hawk (which is what many have been saying it could have been). Unlike the straight edges of a 757 or a cruise missile, note the curious shape of the fuselage:

Stop pretending you know anything about aircraft Jazzz. You're a good musician, stick to that.
fela fan said:
I'll ignore all your totally impolite language and just ask you how on earth could he have said that before the event??
Let's make it easier for slow learners.

Your fact-free fairy tale that he turned up at the scene and started rebutting claims that it wasn't a plane has all been made up in your silly head.

However, when he learnt that conspiraloons were - after the event - claiming that it wasn't a plane, he strongly put forward his contention that it most definitely was a plane.

This is first hand evidence coming from someone who was on the scene, moments after the crash. Now, have you any proof - or even any credible reason to suggest - that he's lying or not, dreamer boy?

Christ's fat cock! I think I've just solved the mystery!

With me CAD skillz I've imaginated the scene and I think the spine-chilling recreation speaks for itself (well, once you add the caption, anyway):


"Fancy five sides? Not any fucking more"
Jazzz said:
It appears too skinny for a 757. There are no engines visible. It doesn't seem to have straight edges. Impact shots show a very narrow vapour trail visible (particularly from the camera I have labelled camera 1).
So all the eye witnesses - and blast expert Allyn E. Kilsheimer who was at the scene - were all lying because you know better, yes?
fela fan said:
Y'see editor, this is where the likes of you just don't get it. He was the first (professional) to arrive at the scene. Yet he says "it was absolutely a plane". That very choice of language indicates that folk were questioning whether it was a plane or not. It had just happened, yet here is a man rebutting conspiracy theorists!!!!

Alright, I am the messiah! Now please! Go Away!

Only the true messiah denies his divinity!
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