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New camera footage of Pentagon impact released!

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Blagsta said:
Been smoking yaba again? :confused:

No, i'm just living my life, debating issues, and getting abused by the likes of yourself.

You really don't get it do you mate. If you say i'm arrogant, then i'm going to be so, just so that you can confirm to yourself how correct you are.

Meanwhile i just watch you getting it all wrong. Try learning to listen mate, you might understand a bit more. Instead of worrying your little ego about someone yonder far who apparantly thinks he is cleverer than yourself. How dare anybody think they're cleverer than others. What a crime!

Of course i don't, but if that's what you want to think, go ahead mate, it's fine by me. I can't help it if you want to believe the USG's version of events.

Now, quit being so impolite towards me, and we might have a decent discussion. Or just carry on. No problems either way.
WouldBe said:
Funnily enough they are all CCTV cameras as well. There isn't a requirement for high speed cameras to watch over petrol station forecourts.

Well, if they want to silence 'conspiracy theorists' then release them all. One of the cameras will have the appropriate half second piece of action of the plane.

And again i ask, why over four years to release proof of a plane smashing into the pentagon, yet no plane can be seen??!! It's a fucking joke. Is there an intelligence bypass going on here?
paolo999 said:
This video shows what I'd expect a 530mph air crash to look like. Very little chance for the 30fps (or less) camera to catch the aircraft - although the nose does appear in both videos, appearing to be grounded when in the frame.
Innit, it is precisely what I expect to see, the only thing I don't understand is how the people who released this footage thought that it would shut up the CT people, it is based on the assumption that they are rational, they aren't.

I believe that the whole CT phenomena is a result of the fall of the church as the superior repository of people who want to believe fantastic weird and wacky shit vis-à-vis supreme beings creating the Earth in seven days, making women out of a bit of Adam's rib, so on and so forth. We are talking about fantasy land on a similar scale backed by similar quality of evidence. Humans are highly adapted to believing what they want to believe and seeing what they want to see, there is fuck all anyone can do about this.
Crispy said:
Why then, if they could pull off this massive conspiracy, did they not fake this video to show a plane? The quality is so low, even I could do it.

They don't need to fake anything mate.

Not when truth is stranger than fiction.

Just look at this thread. Footage released to prove a plane smashed into the pentagon has no plane in it. And folk are accepting this!!!! Do you see how it all works?
fela fan said:
Well, if they want to silence 'conspiracy theorists' then release them all. One of the cameras will have the appropriate half second piece of action of the plane.

And again i ask, why over four years to release proof of a plane smashing into the pentagon, yet no plane can be seen??!! It's a fucking joke. Is there an intelligence bypass going on here?

Due to perspective, the plane (which is visible in both the videos linked earlier) is so small it's hard to see it. If you take the video from a CCTV camera even further away the plane will be smaller still and even harder to see.
fela fan said:
You do the maths editor.

A group of people tell us we ought to see this video of a plane smashing into the pentagon in order to silence the 'conspiracy theorists'.
Why not ask the "group of people" who made the claims?

I trust you'll now admit that your earlier claim that it was the USG producing the video in an attempt to silence the 'conspiracy theorists' was in fact a load of ill-informed, unresearched codswallop, yes?
Kameron said:
I believe that the whole CT phenomena is a result of the fall of the church as the superior repository of people who want to believe fantastic weird and wacky shit vis-à-vis supreme beings creating the Earth in seven days, making women out of a bit of Adam's rib, so on and so forth. We are talking about fantasy land on a similar scale backed by similar quality of evidence. Humans are highly adapted to believing what they want to believe and seeing what they want to see, there is fuck all anyone can do about this.

Conspiracy 'phenomena' is based on the reality that those in power plot to do things in order to keep and/or extend that power. History is littered with conspiracies and their outcomes.

However, if a conspiracy is about the current moment, then it's a term used to abuse and stifle those who question what those in power are doing.

Ironically done by normal people against normal people, on behalf of those in power. They couldn't get it easier.

If you think 'conspiracy theorists' are not rational, and that those in power are rational, then you have your own problem with rationality.
fela fan said:
No, i'm just living my life, debating issues, and getting abused by the likes of yourself.

You really don't get it do you mate. If you say i'm arrogant, then i'm going to be so, just so that you can confirm to yourself how correct you are.

Meanwhile i just watch you getting it all wrong. Try learning to listen mate, you might understand a bit more. Instead of worrying your little ego about someone yonder far who apparantly thinks he is cleverer than yourself. How dare anybody think they're cleverer than others. What a crime!

Of course i don't, but if that's what you want to think, go ahead mate, it's fine by me. I can't help it if you want to believe the USG's version of events.

Now, quit being so impolite towards me, and we might have a decent discussion. Or just carry on. No problems either way.

Yes, of course!
To silence your critics, release suspect looking evidence!

Please. If there was a clear image of the whole plane, people on this thread would be saying "pfft. they were simple security cameras, how could they have coincidently captured the split second where the whole plane was in view?"
fela fan said:
So why don't the USG release the footage from the other cameras?
I'll tell you what. If I'd had a loved one killed on that plane, I sure as hell wouldn't want to have a load of fruitloops pouring their deluded shit all over it.

Look what happened when a deludealoop got his grubby mitts on BK's account of the 7/7 bombing. Fucking disgraceful.
editor said:
Why not ask the "group of people" who made the claims?

I trust you'll now admit that your earlier claim that it was the USG producing the video in an attempt to silence the 'conspiracy theorists' was in fact a load of ill-informed, unresearched codswallop, yes?

Got their phone number?

Ahh, yes if you want editor, but only in a way. I'd not quite accept your adjectives though. Nor the noun come to think of it.

Why don't you address my points on this thread?
fela fan said:
They don't need to fake anything mate.

Not when truth is stranger than fiction.

Just look at this thread. Footage released to prove a plane smashed into the pentagon has no plane in it. And folk are accepting this!!!! Do you see how it all works?

No, only fela fan sees it all. Praise fela fan!

Crispy said:
Please. If there was a clear image of the whole plane, people on this thread would be saying "pfft. they were simple security cameras, how could they have coincidently captured the split second where the whole plane was in view?"
fela, are you wilfully ignoring the fact that the FOI request was for JUST THIS CAMERA? Insofar as that means that SEPARATE applications would have to be made (since Camera 2 is the one all the CT sites in the US focus on and up til now there've only been stills available) to see footage from OTHER cameras...which wouldn't have been looking at this angle so wouldn't have seen the plane coming in...so releasing the footage of other cameras around the Pentagon would be pointless.

It's not a conspiracy fela, just obvious that there is little point in showing what's on the other cameras because they weren't pointing at the right place (see, the pentagon has 5 sides with carparks on each, so each carpark camera can only see one side of the building at any time)

Is any of this seeping in?
fela fan said:
Your ego is rearing up quite nicely at this stage of events. I wonder how much longer it will be presenting itself.

Naaah, that's my super-ego mate. Get it right. :rolleyes:
editor said:


... on the other hand, we have footage with no plane in it, yet folk like yourself are prepared to accept this as evidence that a plane smashed into the pentagon.

Absolutely fucking amazing. You're all far far more dogmatic and inflexible than those you pour scorn on by calling them 'conspiracy theorists' or 'conspiraloons'.

Life's funny sometimes.
kyser_soze said:
It's not a conspiracy fela, just obvious that there is little point in showing what's on the other cameras because they weren't pointing at the right place (see, the pentagon has 5 sides with carparks on each, so each carpark camera can only see one side of the building at any time)

Is any of this seeping in?

And the camera from the petrol station that the fbi siezed within minutes?

I don't care who said what. What i find funny is that various people said this footage would silence 'conspiracy theorists', yet the footage has no plane in it.

What's even funnier is that i can see the contortions that people on this thread are putting themselves into by accepting this 'proof' that a plane smashed into the building.

Fucking amazing man.
fela fan said:
And the camera from the petrol station that the fbi siezed within minutes?

I don't care who said what. What i find funny is that various people said this footage would silence 'conspiracy theorists', yet the footage has no plane in it.

What's even funnier is that i can see the contortions that people on this thread are putting themselves into by accepting this 'proof' that a plane smashed into the building.

Fucking amazing man.

Yeah maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
editor said:
I'll tell you what. If I'd had a loved one killed on that plane, I sure as hell wouldn't want to have a load of fruitloops pouring their deluded shit all over it.

Look what happened when a deludealoop got his grubby mitts on BK's account of the 7/7 bombing. Fucking disgraceful.

What plane? The one on the footage just released???

Typical western view. What about the millions upon millions of families who've lost loved ones through the actions of the USG?? What do they have to put up with?
fela fan said:
What plane? The one on the footage just released???

Typical western view. What about the millions upon millions of families who've lost loved ones through the actions of the USG?? What do they have to put up with?
Fuck them all of course :rolleyes:

This footage is merely coroborating evidence. Something that lokos like a plane, about the right size, is seen in one frame. It's not iron clad, but it doesn't look like something else is happening, so it doesn't change my opinion.
fela fan said:
What's even funnier is that i can see the contortions that people on this thread are putting themselves into by accepting this 'proof' that a plane smashed into the building.

Fucking amazing man.
How about the dozens of eye witness accounts who saw the 757 plane, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan?

Blast expert Allyn E. Kilsheimer was the first structural engineer to arrive at the Pentagon after the crash and helped coordinate the emergency response. "It was absolutely a plane, and I'll tell you why," says Kilsheimer, CEO of KCE Structural Engineers PC, Washington, D.C. "I saw the marks of the plane wing on the face of the building. I picked up parts of the plane with the airline markings on them. I held in my hand the tail section of the plane, and I found the black box." Kilsheimer's eyewitness account is backed up by photos of plane wreckage inside and outside the building. Kilsheimer adds: "I held parts of uniforms from crew members in my hands, including body parts. Okay?"
various people said this footage would silence 'conspiracy theorists'

Who exactly said this fela? The Judicial League? The USG? The group that put in the request said they 'hoped' that it would quell further speculation, but clearly (partly because of bonkers people insisting that there was no plane) it hasn't.

I don't care who said what.

Yeah, that's usually your problem...lack of care for detail, especially detail that can derail your assertions...
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