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New camera footage of Pentagon impact released!

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Azrael23 said:
Its common knowledge the area hit, had recently undergone renovation aimed at additional reinforcement to the structure.

Al Qaeda were responsible for the attack on the Pentagon. One side of the pentagon was not especially reinforced.
axon said:
Al Qaeda were responsible for the attack on the Pentagon. One side of the pentagon was not especially reinforced.

Would you like to tell me who Al-Qaeda are? Please? ;)

Yes that area had undergone reinforcement.
Certainly, Al Qaeda are a semi-affiliated group of muslim terrorists led by Osama bin Laden. They are currently having a dispute with the "West", primarily America and to a lesser extent Western Europe and governments they see as pandering to Western influences, such as Pakistan. They are not members of either the US government, the freemason, or a race of lizards.

No that side of the Pentagon had not undergone any special reinforcement.
Crispy said:
What are we looking for here?

I know fuck all about fuck all.........

but my first reaction when veiwing vid was, i didnt see the plane hit, just it come into shot briefly then explosion........doesnt add up to my eye.....

Fuck knows what it means as my limited knowledge on this subject, plus the fact i dont give two hoots.....

All the same, that video doesnt add up..........

*common garden poster retiring from thread out of her depth*
Jazzz said:
Fine, well do produce this fine evidence of yours that we have that proves flight 77 hit the Pentagon. :)
Is that your way of saying, "Yes, you've caught me out. I have no idea what a radar plot is and I'm talking out of the back of my arse in a desperate attempt to prove a conspiracy"?
Azrael23 said:
Its common knowledge the area hit, had recently undergone renovation aimed at additional reinforcement to the structure.
And was that the only area reinforced and what proof have you that the plane/missile/wind up Airfix balsa wood plane staffed by pixies was directed to this area?
haylz said:
I know fuck all about fuck all.........

but my first reaction when veiwing vid was, i didnt see the plane hit, just it come into shot briefly then explosion........doesnt add up to my eye.....

Fuck knows what it means as my limited knowledge on this subject, plus the fact i dont give two hoots.....

All the same, that video doesnt add up..........

*common garden poster retiring from thread out of her depth*
The reason it seems weird is that the camera only takes one frame every 1/2 second or thereabouts. Think of shop security camera footage on TV, it's often jerky. Now think about how fast that plane must have been going. 100's of mph. You won't get more than a few frames in.

The reason it seems to disappear is that a plane is nearly all air. They are as flimsy as they can possibly make them, due to it being difficutl to lift stuff into the air. A reinforced concrete structure like the Pentagon will come off far better than a thin tube of aluminium. (notice that the steel + glass of the WTC was less strong and so was damaged more) - As a result, most of the plane was pretty much instantly turned into fragments. Any holes in the pentagon (windows, impact damage) would act as pathways for this debris. There are plenty of photos showing parts of the plane and its cargo distributed throughout the floors of the pentagon.
paolo999 said:
No probs - go to the aviation industry forum site - www.pprune.com - post that question in the ATC forum. You'll get all the answers you need from people who have spent a long long time in the industry.

Do it now.

Tell me when you've done it, so I can have a look at the answers. My username there is paulo by the way. Let me know yours.
Don't be ridiculous. If you have evidence that flight77 hit the Pentagon, produce it. If you can't, you can't.
And the evidence that it didn't? (ie, evidence of the final state of flight 77, NOT whatever hit the pentagon)

when challenging the accepted story, the onus of proof is on the challenger, as you well know.
Crispy said:
The reason it seems weird is that the camera only takes one frame every 1/2 second or thereabouts. Think of shop security camera footage on TV, it's often jerky. Now think about how fast that plane must have been going. 100's of mph. You won't get more than a few frames in.

The reason it seems to disappear is that a plane is nearly all air. They are as flimsy as they can possibly make them, due to it being difficutl to lift stuff into the air. A reinforced concrete structure like the Pentagon will come off far better than a thin tube of aluminium. (notice that the steel + glass of the WTC was less strong and so was damaged more) - As a result, most of the plane was pretty much instantly turned into fragments. Any holes in the pentagon (windows, impact damage) would act as pathways for this debris. There are plenty of photos showing parts of the plane and its cargo distributed throughout the floors of the pentagon.

you are the first poster to respond to me on a serious thread, thanks for that mate;)

And to boot, i even understand what your on about:cool:

I may come back someday;)
Crispy said:
And the evidence that it didn't? (ie, evidence of the final state of flight 77, NOT whatever hit the pentagon)

when challenging the accepted story, the onus of proof is on the challenger, as you well know.
Eh? This is nonsense Crispy.

The burden of proof is on the USG for the official story. They need supply the evidence - after all, they have all of it. Why is it accepted by default?

None of the debris you refer to has been identified as coming from flight77.
haylz said:
All the same, that video doesnt add up..........

*common garden poster retiring from thread out of her depth*
I think you were bang on with this post Haylz! There is no flight77 in these pictures. Where is it?
axon said:
Are you reading this thread, or do you simply not understand the concept of frame rate?
Of course I do. Look at the pictures of camera 2. The second picture shows that the object that hit the Pentagon has arrived and is in the frame. However, you can't see flight77 anywhere in it.
Jazzz said:
Of course I do. Look at the pictures of camera 2. The second picture shows that the object that hit the Pentagon has arrived and is in the frame. However, you can't see flight77 anywhere in it.

Thats how my eye reads it.........

But the delayed frame theory seems to hold tight, dont you think????
Jazzz said:
Don't be ridiculous. If you have evidence that flight77 hit the Pentagon, produce it. If you can't, you can't.

I'm not being ridiculous at all.

If you wanted to know about the deeper intracasies of something (in this case radar plots and other ATC ops stuff), would you rather ask an interested bystander (in this case me, who knows a little about aviation), or an entire group of highly trained and (by the nature of their work) ostensibly very objective professionals?

Who do you treat as an authoratative view in ATC operations? Me? You? ATC staff? Who?

If you said the moon was made of cheese, would my lack of proof that the moon is made of rock (having not been to the moon myself) , therefore mean the moon was indeed made of cheese? Or indeed mean that there was a 50% argument that it was made of cheese?

You're not going to ask the ATC community are you?
paolo999 said:
You're not going to ask the ATC community are you?
No, I'm not. :)

If you want to ask them for evidence that flight 77 hit the Pentagon, by all means, you can even link to the thread here. They won't have the radar plots. When the object came in controllers had no idea it was flight77 Danielle O'Brien
Can't see any hint of any plane in the video - how is this meant to stop the conspiracy hypothesists.
Jazzz said:
If you want to ask them for evidence that flight 77 hit the Pentagon, by all means, you can even link to the thread here. They won't have the radar plots. When the object came in controllers had no idea it was flight77 Danielle O'Brien
Do you know what really pisses me off about people like you?

It's your dishonesty, your unpleasant twisting of the truth and the way you keep on posting up wilful misrepresentations because you're so obsessed with finding a conspiracy.

I challenge you right now to produce a shred of credible evidence that proves that Danielle O'Brien actually believes that the Pentagon was hit by a missile and not Flight 77.

You see, her comments in context don't support your idiotic theories in the slightest - but you've deceitfully ignored that.

Here's what she actually believes:
O'Brien believes the hijackers were flying too fast and couldn't see the presidential mansion because they were flying east, into the sun, and "because the White House was beyond a grove of trees."

What makes it worse is that you know damn well that this full transcript exists because it's been pointed out to you before, but instead of posting up links to her actual words, you point to a selectively quoted version in an attempt to deceive and distort her meaning.

You wouldn't know the truth if it kissed you in the face. With tongues.
It's not - it's simply been released under an FoIA request. It's of bugger all use to anyone as we already had the stills.

Why exactly would the US government release a video of their own faked crash - a video without a plane in it, if anyone in their right mind would think, 'oh look, there's no plane in it'?

They just might have managed to produce, ooh I'm struggling, I'm straining, I'm serving up another crazy one here, a video with a plane in it?
paolo999 said:
You're not going to ask the ATC community are you?
Of course not. He'll find all the answers he needs from laughably unqualified nutjobs posting up their loonspud fantasies on the web.
mauvais said:
They just might have managed to produce, ooh I'm struggling, I'm straining, I'm serving up another crazy one here, a video with a plane in it?
It's a crazy idea, but you might be onto something!

Evil Lizard Govt Official 1: "Shit, those conspiraloons are right on our case and if we don't come up with something soon, they'll know we used disappearing planes, missiles and the CIA Mike Yarwood squadron for the Pentagon hit"

Evil Lizard Govt Official 2: "No problem. Despite having enough technology on hand to produce Speilberg challenging special effects, a bottomless budget and enough time to create the perfect footage of a plane smashing into the Pentagon, we'll just release some crap footage instead. You know, the kind of thing that looks like it was filmed on a car park camera with a frame rate so low it's almost guaranteed to miss the crash"

Evil Lizard Govt Official 1: "Great idea!"
mauvais said:
It's not - it's simply been released under an FoIA request. It's of bugger all use to anyone as we already had the stills.

Why exactly would the US government release a video of their own faked crash - a video without a plane in it, if anyone in their right mind would think, 'oh look, there's no plane in it'?

They just might have managed to produce, ooh I'm struggling, I'm straining, I'm serving up another crazy one here, a video with a plane in it?

Well, the intention was ...
The release of the video, taken from a Pentagon security camera, comes after a Freedom of Information Act request by legal watchdog Judicial Watch.

The group said it hoped to dispel conspiracy theories about the crash.
Oh well.
axon said:
Certainly, Al Qaeda are a semi-affiliated group of muslim terrorists led by Osama bin Laden..

Semi-affiliated....thats a good one I like it...I think its in my conspiracy theory dictionary. :D

That would be the same Osama bin Laden who worked/works for the CIA, previously under the pseudonym Tim Osman. The Bin Laden whose father Salem, provided the capital for George W Bushs first oil company Arbusto right? The brother from a family whose construction interests have gained billions in no-bid contracts. The same Osama Bin Laden who was in a US field hospital in Dubai two days before 9/11. ;) Lets also not forget that the Bushes also holiday with the Bin Ladens...what a merry joke this must seem to them.

axon said:
They are currently having a dispute with the "West", primarily America and to a lesser extent Western Europe and governments they see as pandering to Western influences, such as Pakistan..

How long has this dispute been waging? Because they seemed friendly enough to fight as our mercenaries in the Balkans, we didn`t just hire al-qaeda, we have mujahadeen fighting being used as well. Let us also not forget who created Al-CIAda in the first place...oh I gave it away. Documented historical fact.
Pakistan are so very friendly with Al-Qaeda though, I`m sure there was a good reason the chief of pakistani intelligence met the money man on the morning of 9/11. I`m sure the ISS are trustworthy fellows though....

axon said:
They are not members of either the US government, the freemason, or a race of lizards..

Well your right on two of those. Well as far as we can know.

axon said:
No that side of the Pentagon had not undergone any special reinforcement.

Errrr I think you`ll find renovation on that wing was completed the morning of 9/11 and yes it had been reinforced against "blasts".
editor said:
It's a crazy idea, but you might be onto something!

Evil Lizard Govt Official 1: "Shit, those conspiraloons are right on our case and if we don't come up with something soon, they'll know we used disappearing planes, missiles and the CIA Mike Yarwood squadron for the Pentagon hit"

Evil Lizard Govt Official 2: "No problem. Despite having enough technology on hand to produce Speilberg challenging special effects, a bottomless budget and enough time to create the perfect footage of a plane smashing into the Pentagon, we'll just release some crap footage instead. You know, the kind of thing that looks like it was filmed on a car park camera with a frame rate so low it's almost guaranteed to miss the crash"

Evil Lizard Govt Official 1: "Great idea!"


Elite PIxie: "Shit these conspiraloons are spreading ideas of complicity slightly too well after oklahoma, it nearly came out mcvey had Iraqi accomplices....hmmmm"

Elite PIxie Esq "Well next time we`ll leave something wildly open to speculation by purposefully raising suspicion...we`ll play it dead shady mofo like....."

Elite PIxie:"What then?"

Elite PIxie Esq:"We`ll release the evidence showing the govt was right all along and the masses will assume all other theories are wrong too, by default"

Elite PIxie + Elite PIxie Esq. "MUHAHAHAHA"


mauvais said:
Why did the US have a field hospital in Kandahar? :confused:

My mistake, it was Dubai....
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