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Netflix recommendations

I'm loving Supacell so far. Yeah, I get the Top Boy vibe, but I've never seen the misfits, is that about superpowers? It's also reminding me a bit of Attack the Block, with some of the London estate settings, youths sticking together to fight adversaries and overcome adversity, some unlikely pairings, and lots of gritty realism plus humour.
Yeh, Attack the Block crossed my mind too, love that film :D
I watched Beverly Hills Cop, and the two sequels in preperation for the new one.

Jesus, 3 is so bad. I'd never seen it before. It was dire. John Landis at his most stupid and lazy, with terrible FX. Beverly Hills Cop in a theme park? Who came up with that? It was an Arnie-lite action comedy full of over the top action and daft jokes. So bad. Even the soundtrack was messed up.
I watched Beverly Hills Cop, and the two sequels in preperation for the new one.

Jesus, 3 is so bad. I'd never seen it before. It was dire. John Landis at his most stupid and lazy, with terrible FX. Beverly Hills Cop in a theme park? Who came up with that? It was an Arnie-lite action comedy full of over the top action and daft jokes. So bad. Even the soundtrack was messed up.
Yeah, remember the reviews at the time. Couldn't bring myself to watch it.
I enjoyed Axel F. Probably more so than Beverly Hills Cop 2. They even make an in-joke of the 3rd film, and pull a little Shrek reference too. Lots of fun call backs, maybe too many, but it was zippy enough to keep things ticking along a fairly thin plot line. I laughed a few times. Good old fashioned car chases, trucks getting trashed, gunfights in warehouse and Beverly Hills Mansion shoot ups. 3 VHS tapes out of 5.
I missed the cancellation cutoff date by a day, so I've still got the cheaper, shitter netflix subscription for a month. Just tried to download some stuff to watch later (can't stream on my mobile data and I don't have broadband at home, so I download stuff via the WiFi at the library or wherever) only to find I'm now limited to 15 downloads a month. Wankers.
Watched the new Beverly Hills Cop. More decent than I thought it’d be. Still predictable and formulaic plot of course, but still pretty watchable, and with cameos & supporting roles by some old faces from the original films.
I watched box office bomb Captive State; I liked it. It's a fairly low key sci-fi film about an Alien Invasion. It's not an actioner, it follows a single act of resistance and the fallout from it for those involved. I was reminded of The French Connection a far few times due to the look and feel; it was shot in Chicago, not New York, but the locations and cinematography took me back to watching those 70s New York crime films. There were some story threads that could have been expanded and better developed, like the worldwide mobile device confiscation and data mining production line the Aliens have conscripted the humans to carry out for them. There's lots of good ideas, and perhaps the film is too short at 90 minutes to make the most of them all. It also reminded a little of The Kitchen, but it is not a slow paced or as undercooked.
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