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Nadine Dorries: Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport

She's going on one of those celeb reality things for 3 months and drawing her salary at the same time - her local constituency party were not informed and have just called an emergency meeting.
Serve her right. If you're paid to do a job you should either do it or fuck off and give somebody else the chance.
Daily Shame quite rightly question in what way is Nadine Dorries a Celebrity, and suggest that even Louis Mensch thinks she's a twat.

Much as may vote for her to be covered in beetles or have to eat kangeroo balls ( you know you want to see that:))

As an aldulteress she really should be stoned to death as she harps on about biblical morality.
He who is without sin can cast the first stone.
Baggsy first place in the queue for absolution:)
Sorry no women aloud unless your wearing a false beard:)
New Statesmen quoting £5k per month plus expenses. She will claim more from the state in one month while poncing about in a jungle than the average person on benefits gets in a year.

not going to end well this.

For Dorries? Worst that can happen is her local party will de-select her, and that the standards commissioner censures her.
What's likely to happen is that nothing will happen to her.
that is the same Louise Mensch who abandoned her constitutiency for ever, as opposed to a few weeks. bit rich imo.

She resigned and let some other muggins have a go.
Rather than swan off for a couple of months of media love in.
For Dorries? Worst that can happen is her local party will de-select her, and that the standards commissioner censures her.
What's likely to happen is that nothing will happen to her.
They can withdraw the whip, which forces her out. By they I mean central party
Tory M.P goes on show where general public can choose to make them eat bugs, have crawly things chucked all over them, be covered in rats.

The problem isn't that there's one Tory, it's that the rest of the House of Commons aren't.
The problem is that there is a house of commons - i thought you were in the socialist party?
They can withdraw the whip, which forces her out. By they I mean central party

Withdrawing the whip doesn't force her out of her constituency, it simply leaves her as a loose cannon on the back benches, shades of Theresa Gorman. Also, the coalition aren't so stable that Cameron can afford to to lose a potential vote, so removing the whip from Dorries would be equivalent to him telling her "fuck off, go vote with the opposition, see if I care".
No, they can resolve to not select her for 2015. And probably send a letter to Central Office saying they want action taken.
So they elected her to represent them, she swans off to make some money and there is nothing they can do? Nightmare. And she's a money-grubbing cow, too
The much vaunted 'recall legislation' - promoted by Tories and Lib Dems after the expenses scandal, got buried after the Lib Dems realised they'd get hammered and Tories didn't win a majority.
Withdrawing the whip doesn't force her out of her constituency, it simply leaves her as a loose cannon on the back benches, shades of Theresa Gorman. Also, the coalition aren't so stable that Cameron can afford to to lose a potential vote, so removing the whip from Dorries would be equivalent to him telling her "fuck off, go vote with the opposition, see if I care".
I dislike her almost enough to wish Cameron had a majority....!
The much vaunted 'recall legislation' - promoted by Tories and Lib Dems after the expenses scandal, got buried after the Lib Dems realised they'd get hammered and Tories didn't win a majority.
Thx. I spend too much time in the US, I vaguely thought we were similar to them....
No, they can resolve to not select her for 2015. And probably send a letter to Central Office saying they want action taken.
and her seat i one of those for the chop in the boundry commission changes if it goes through, and her majority very small if it doesnt
So they elected her to represent them, she swans off to make some money and there is nothing they can do? Nightmare. And she's a money-grubbing cow, too

That's the great British (pseudo) democracy for you - vote for someone who won't represent your interests, but the interests of their party, sit and watch as they cover themselves in gelt and the general public in shit, and then have them fawn and grovel at you a couple of weeks in every 4-5 years so that you'll re-elect them and they can ignore you again.

No recall powers, no way of making sure they represent the interests of their constituents rather than their own interests and/or those of their party. Nowt but the current farce that allows these vermin to asset-strip the welfare state for ideological and pecuniary reasons (and not that as the welfare state shrinks, the call on the public purse, via income tax and National Insurance, remains the same for "the common herd"), and legislate to protect themselves while diminishing our freedoms.
So they elected her to represent them, she swans off to make some money and there is nothing they can do? Nightmare. And she's a money-grubbing cow, too
Tory is as tory does shocker.
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