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Nadine Dorries: Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport

Again, there's nothing at all surprising about this unless you expect everybody without exception to be rational on all issues at all times.
Yes, thank you for that blindingly obvious, magisterially insightful and stunningly helpful addition to the discourse.
where would be without you?
Again, there's nothing at all surprising about this unless you expect everybody without exception to be rational on all issues at all times.

You can work out the disconnect; don't you think that a lot of other people will also be able to do so? If that is the case, then Dorries choice of political battle field might seem at best inept if not surprsing.

Louis MacNeice
You can work out the disconnect; don't you think that a lot of other people will also be able to do so? If that is the case, then Dorries choice of political battle field might seem at best inept if not surprsing.

Louis MacNeice

But why is her ineptness (is that a word?) surprising?
Again, there's nothing at all surprising about this unless you expect everybody without exception to be rational on all issues at all times.

my you are awfully clever

when you've finished painting your bedroom black why not write us all a poem about how you feel
Juvenile fake anarchists like you are more emo than most, sunshine.
non-surprise No 2; after the blindingly obvious bit of "wisdom" you felt you hadto enrich all our lives with...comes the descent into the sneery put downs. God, you're so fucking predictable LLETSA
non-surprise No 2; after the blindingly obvious bit of "wisdom" you felt you hadto enrich all our lives with...comes the descent into the sneery put downs. God, you're so fucking predictable LLETSA

Look up and you'll see that it wasn't me who started with the sneery put-downs.

And when it comes to being predictable, the likes of you can't really talk. Are you genuinely shocked or outraged at what the likes of Nadine Dorries say?
There is nothing more reprehensible than the morally bankrupt sermonising about morality.

An adulteress lecturing on, and promoting legislation for, female sexual abstinence... It's just too :facepalm: for words. I tried to come up with a suitably strong metaphor for it but every single one just withers in the full on glare of the hypocracy of the situation...
There is nothing more reprehensible than the morally bankrupt sermonising about morality.

An adulteress lecturing on, and promoting legislation for, female sexual abstinence... It's just too :facepalm: for words. I tried to come up with a suitably strong metaphor for it but every single one just withers in the full on glare of the hypocracy of the situation...

Things like this have never happened before.
woman from bpas on newsnight just called nadine dorries a liar to her face. nadine dorries was adament that the department of health had offered bpas and marie stopes a seat on advisory group on sexual health to rotate between the two on a weekly basis, woman from bpas sad that was bollocks and the offer of any seat at all was withdrawn. anyone know who was telling the truth? im guessing the woman from bpas considering she sounded more informed on everything else. she appeared to have nothing but contempt for nadine dorries which was quite funny
I think there is definitely cause for an Anti Nadine Dorries march on London.
She is vile and poisonous and I am frankly quite terrified that she has anything to do with things that will effect my life.
Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I set up a Facebook campaign against her bill and it's already grown to over 1000 members in just 3 weeks! It's at http://facebook.com/stopdorries and also I've been blogging about it and mapping which MPs support her bill and which have promised to vote against it (that's at http://bethgranter.com)

@KittyP we've been talking on the Facebook Page about doing a sex ed teach-in in London, but nearer the time her bill gets its second reading (20 Jan 2012)...
being grudgingly fair to that hate-filled bigot, she is by no means the only MP with family on the payroll
I she can prove her daughter was the best qualified candidate from a varied field and was appointed after a fair and impartial selection and interview process then I think it's fair.
Until I see such proof it only reinforces my view of her as one of the vilest snouts in the trough.
She's going on one of those celeb reality things for 3 months and drawing her salary at the same time - her local constituency party were not informed and have just called an emergency meeting.
She's going on one of those celeb reality things for 3 months and drawing her salary at the same time - her local constituency party were not informed and have just called an emergency meeting.

New Statesmen quoting £5k per month plus expenses. She will claim more from the state in one month while poncing about in a jungle than the average person on benefits gets in a year.

not going to end well this.
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