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my zen training - 100 days of meditation

Why can't you lie down and meditate? Why can't you sit on an armchair with legs at right angles at the knees, arms lightly resting on the side bits, back straight against the back of the chair, and just looking forwards? Very comfortable, and no internal organs stretched or out of place.
^^^ This ^^^

Notice that the guy dressed in black nearest the camera is kneeling on his zafu (his meditation cushion), and not sitting cross-legged in a lotus.


It is true, as physical yoga shows, and many posters have asserted, that particular postures can be conducive to particular mental states. And yeah, the full lotus has a great reputation for inducing the mindfulness of "sitting quietly doing nothing". But other positions are also good, including the kneeling posture illustrated in the picture, and even flat on one's back.

It's really a matter of choosing what works for one. Not all physiologies can comfortably hold a lotus (I've never been able to do it, despite being a life-long floor sitter!). Knee injuries, or hip troubles can rule it out. But they most certainly do not mean one cannot practice mindful meditation.
You're on your fortieth day forty today, and I'm joining in!

Yep, I'm shadowing you, just forty days behind! We'll see who completes 100 consecutive days first :D

Today was my first day, and I've done my 20 mins zazen already.
Excellent! :cool:
No more counting for now. I have been given a koan, which I am to meditate on, and come up with an answer...

"Who are you?"
You could try "I am becoming", at least it won't earn you a slap!

It's a fairly conventional move in the koan game ~ it's from the phrase ... "Going, going, going on beyond, always going on beyond, always becoming Buddha" (more here).

But the retort is likely to be that you're becoming nothing, that you are only realising what you always were ...
Well this koan stuff is a riot, I love it! "Anything can happen in this (dokusan) space," says zen master. "you can kill me if you like". :)
My susokkan has been getting steadily more flakey; day one was the most successful :oops:

On the other hand, at least I'm sure I'm getting enough sleep :D
My sleep has really improved as a result of this! I was able to get up before 6am this morning, and not be a zombie. keep it up Jonti! day 44 down. Nearly half-way, woo-hoo!
My sleep has really improved as a result of this! I was able to get up before 6am this morning, and not be a zombie. keep it up Jonti! day 44 down. Nearly half-way, woo-hoo!

I found my sleep really improved as well, when I used to do this.

When I made the decision to stop meditating, way back when, it was a surprisingly difficult decision to carry through.

I've been gently restarting for a while now.
When I made the decision to stop meditating, way back when, it was a surprisingly difficult decision to carry through.

I've been gently restarting for a while now.

I found myself stopping when I started smoking again. It just didn't seem to work. I am planning on quitting smoking again on the first of March (I have everything ready to do it), and meditating again is part of my plan.

My answers to 'who are you?' keep getting knocked back! :mad:

at one point I went to clout him across the face. He blocked it expertly
I've given up on my idea that it's possible for me to practice susokkan flat on my back in bed. Without falling asleep, that is ;)

The seiza position works much better for me. I'm soon in a quiet and relaxed, yet alert space.
The funny thing was this. When he pulled his aikido move and I found my arm going in completely the wrong direction, I was thinking... oh dear, I have gone too far here. But instead he went, "good!". Ha!
okay, suppose I'd like you to be Marilyn Monroe. Are you then Marilyn Monroe?

According to you, yes. But i'd better scarper off pretty quick in case you had funny ideas...!

But what i meant was the distinction between who you are according to you, and who you are according to everyone else that knows you. For example, if people suggest i'm arrogant, then that is the person they think i am, although it may well differ from the person i know me to be. If people tell me i'm selfish, then again, that is only their take on it, and often would have no bearing on my own reality of who i am.

Of course, i'm none of them, not selfish or arrogant or kind or nice or empathetic. But when people tell me i am, then that is simply their projection onto me.

Hence my suggested answer for you. So, when he says 'who are you', it really is up to him who you are. To you you are you, to him you are a reflection of his projections onto you. Unless of course he's a true master, in which case he won't project himself onto you. But he's asking you the question, so your answer is relevant to not him necessarily, but all those in life who project their own perceptions and upbringing and conditioning onto you by making character judgments on you.
According to you, yes. But i'd better scarper off pretty quick in case you had funny ideas...!

But what i meant was the distinction between who you are according to you, and who you are according to everyone else that knows you. For example, if people suggest i'm arrogant, then that is the person they think i am, although it may well differ from the person i know me to be. If people tell me i'm selfish, then again, that is only their take on it, and often would have no bearing on my own reality of who i am.

Of course, i'm none of them, not selfish or arrogant or kind or nice or empathetic. But when people tell me i am, then that is simply their projection onto me.

Hence my suggested answer for you. So, when he says 'who are you', it really is up to him who you are. To you you are you, to him you are a reflection of his projections onto you. Unless of course he's a true master, in which case he won't project himself onto you. But he's asking you the question, so your answer is relevant to not him necessarily, but all those in life who project their own perceptions and upbringing and conditioning onto you by making character judgments on you.
Actually 'Marilyn Monroe' is a fair answer to 'who are you?'. But I think 'whoever you would like me to be' is no good. It's loaded with thinking, separation and desire.
Actually 'Marilyn Monroe' is a fair answer to 'who are you?'. But I think 'whoever you would like me to be' is no good. It's loaded with thinking, separation and desire.

Well, if that is the case, then so is the question. In which case the answer to this question should be no answer since the question should be dropped in the first place. In fact, what kind of question is it? Why should a master be testing anybody?
Well, if that is the case, then so is the question. In which case the answer to this question should be no answer since the question should be dropped in the first place. In fact, what kind of question is it? Why should a master be testing anybody?

I asked him! He is serving me.

Curiously, it seems that in the monasteries, the Roshi gets to clean the toilets!
It can feel like a chore it's true, but for the last few days I've been looking forward to my sessions.

The next thing is to try to be more regular in my sitting time. At the moment, I'm sitting more-or-less when the mood takes me, usually early afternoon. The recommended time is first thing after rising and washing.

But I'm not so sure about that ~ surely one should give one's hangover a chance to lift first? :hmm:
But I'm not so sure about that ~ surely one should give one's hangover a chance to lift first? :hmm:
I was told it didn't matter, and some people prefer evening spots. I've been doing evening, my concentration is better.
I'm sure you're right, and that what really matters is consistency.

I'm struck by how long remnants of the dream space can stay with me, after waking up. More than a few times, I've been left :eek: at realising I, or someone else, has actually confused dream events with real life. It really does happen! So I tell myself that by sitting in quiet mindfulness in the mornings, I am clearly marking the dreamtime from realtime in my own mind at least.

The truth is probably that no nerd can make a decision without some sort of rationale, and I'm no different in that respect! :oops:
day 59. half an hour is flying by now. When the bell went it was like, already? I was in a purple patch too. Getting down to it is still something of an effort, and the legs still hurt. But no matter.

I'm finding that I am slipping into meditation before I sleep and also at other points, even noisy environments. Last night I got some food from a Thai restaurant. As I was waiting for the food I thought I'd get a quick meditation in. Why feel impatient waiting for food to arrive when one could meditate instead? When I opened my eyes, there was this lovely plate of food before me! King prawns and cashew nuts!
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