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Mouse in a kitchen drawer

The cloves failed. I'm going to try cayenne pepper, then handkerchief soaked in peppermint oil if that fails.

It will be impossible to set and clear traps - just the way the kitchen is - so I'm going to continue the deterrents before a full-on chemical attack.
Make sure they can't get hold of any food and they'll go and live somewhere else, they say - problem is that the little fuckers will eat anything - spill a dribble of veg oil down the outside of the bottle and find in the morning that the little shits have eaten the oil-infused paper label right off the fucking bottle.
They gnawed into a bag of Arborio, too. I hate Tupperware, but it's the way forward for me. :(
Yeah its a pain but after one really bad year when they were everywhere, not scared at all, literally sitting on the sofa next to me like "what?" :eek: everything that doesn't come in glass of tins has to go in big jars, tubs, tins, Tupperware or hanging in a bag for life on a hook on the wall.
just bought some poison off Amazon, hope it works :-(
traps sounds a bit messy, would rather they just fucked off. I think blocking every single tiny hole in a victorian terrace sounds impossible - likewise cleaning up food, they can find morsels anywhere I think.
Never fancied using poison. I found most success with Little Nippers (may have mentioned this above), the ones with the big fuck-off spike you put the food on.
Never fancied using poison. I found most success with Little Nippers (may have mentioned this above), the ones with the big fuck-off spike you put the food on.
This. Caught one or two with a fancy electric one then the others ignored it. I came into my kitchen to see a mouse jumping out of my toaster :mad: then bought three old school wooden snap traps and caught one within 40 minutes of putting it down. They don't always result in a clean kill which is a bit brutal when you have to dispatch a maimed mousie :( but they do catch them.
This. Caught one or two with a fancy electric one then the others ignored it. I came into my kitchen to see a mouse jumping out of my toaster :mad: then bought three old school wooden snap traps and caught one within 40 minutes of putting it down. They don't always result in a clean kill which is a bit brutal when you have to dispatch a maimed mousie :( but they do catch them.

Oh aye, I keep the top of my toaster covered (with a baking tray) or the wee fuckers will go right in the slots when it is cool.
Never fancied using poison. I found most success with Little Nippers (may have mentioned this above), the ones with the big fuck-off spike you put the food on.
as in you didn't think it would work or other reasons? I just know that when we paid for a professional she came in and whacked a load of poison down... and that was it.
as in you didn't think it would work or other reasons? I just know that when we paid for a professional she came in and whacked a load of poison down... and that was it.
no sorry I should have said, I particularly don't like it because I've had a dog, although I don't really like the idea of them - if mouse goes off and dies then something might eat it? Not sure about this admittedly but with a trap it's in one place and you can see progress.
no sorry I should have said, I particularly don't like it because I've had a dog, although I don't really like the idea of them - if mouse goes off and dies then something might eat it? Not sure about this admittedly but with a trap it's in one place and you can see progress.

Yeah I'm wary for similar reasons - first concern my cat (cats in the past) as they do catch and eat mice, then other predatory/scavenging pets and wildlife who might find a poisoned mouse easy pickings, then what happens when it decomposes is that poison going into the ground etc.
I still think young energetic cats (and possibly some dogs, terriers etc.) are probably the best pest control, but traps in places that pets can't access are next best.
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