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Most overused Clichés in movies/TV shows?

A tramp with trolley of possesions that fly everywhere or maximum shock value mummy pulls pushchair out of the way.

Cop car through a play park, or if it's in South America, down a back alley where crates get knocked over and chickens running around like headless chickens.
All chase scenes involving a non-Western location invariably involve packed markets where people are transporting things from one side of the street to the other. And it's ALWAYS time for the call to prayer whenever we open on any city in the Muslim world.
Squaddies ( other armed goons are available)
Continue to chase the kids /Hero even after they have been shown to have paranormal powers.
Rather than going fuck this shit or searching under every rock making lots of noise so whoever is being searched for has time to getaway ( my battalion did that when ordered to hunt down a Sgt who went mad and stole his sections ammo and fled into Cyprus countryside)

Armed goons taking it turns to have a go at the lone, obviously-invincible person with obvious physics-busting superpowers.
"You've just variously slaughtered my four comrades in turn with your big sword, instead of already having run away, I'm going to try and stop you with my bare hands"
A trail of petrol being ignited by a cigarette... bullshit!!

Dynamite going out in water... bullshit!!
Don't forget bullets killing people several metres under water. It is well known that even high velocity/ calibre bullets will stop dead within a metre or two at most.
All the cops are celebrating with whisky in paper cups and coffee mugs when a worried looking person approaches the chief and whispers in their ear.

There's been another victim, same modus operandi.
When someone hides from an assassin in the toilets of a nightclub or bar, they will hide in the furthest away cubicle. Every single cubicle door will be closed yet empty, and the baddie will leisurely kick open each one (even when he has a gun and could have simply shot through every cubicle in a few seconds), only to invariably by foiled by the goodie crawling under the partition to the bog next door right after that bog’s door has been kicked open. Either that, or the baddie gets distracted or attacked by a third party just as he’s about to kick open the last cubicle door.
The 'these men are gay' plot involves romance, subtle looks, hints, a snog, maybe a post coital moment with minimal nudity.

3 scenes earlier the lesbians have been going at it like dynamos in an extended scene in glorious HD.

You are not going to get many films about gay men with gratuitous lesbian sex scenes ;)
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Just remembered about two convenient yet unrealistic office building features: lift trap doors, and large air con vents that allow humans to crawl through. My other half has worked in commercial property management for many years (I’m talking proper City skyscrapers) and she tells me that in this country at least there simply aren’t any convenient ceiling trap doors for people to climb out of. She doubts it’d be any different in America. I certainly have never seen one I could access whenever I’ve been in a US hotel.

Ditto air con vent tunnels like those John McClane was so fond of in Die Hard. Even in large buildings here most of them aren’t large enough to accommodate an adult crawling through. And if they were I am told they’d be extremely unlikely to hold off the weight of a person.
You are not going to get many films about gay men with gratuitous lesbian sex scenes ;)

It's mostly me musing on series like Black Sails and yes GoT, not sure if films like Blue is the Warmest Colour and Call Me By Your Name are in a similar situation.
It's mostly me musing on series like Black Sails and yes GoT, not sure if films like Blue is the Warmest Colour and Call Me By Your Name are in a similar situation.
There is the general thing that full frontal male nudity is more taboo while female nudity gets used in an exploitative way more often. There are plenty of films about gay men with explicit sex scenes (Weekend, Stranger by the Lake) and lesbian romances without (Carol, Desert Hearts). I haven't seen Black Sails, but most of the nudity and sex in GoT was heterosexual and there were at least a couple steamy moments between men.
After previously squandered or dismissed various romantic advances by a long term friend or an ex, a character suddenly realises they’re in love with that person.

They go on impulse to their apartment and knock on the door unannounced intending to declare their love, only for the other party to open the door, look embarrassed, and someone shout from inside the flat “who the hell is it at this time? Come back to bed honey!”.
When someone gains access to a large underground facility with long corridors and turns on the lights, or alternatively when someone is being chased in a hospital or similar building also with long corridors and the antagonist turns off the lights, they do not go on or off at the same time like anywhere else in the world, but one by one at 1-2 second intervals from the far end of the room towards where the character stands.

Not only that, but as each of the lights come on or off they make a loud noise akin to someone hitting a metal cabinet with a baseball bat.
‘You don’t have to do this!’, as pleaded in desperation by someone who’s about to be tortured or killed by a deranged serial killer, or someone seeking revenge against a loved one of the victim.

Can’t blame someone in such dire situation to beg or say whatever they feel could change the mind of their would-be killer, but if someone’s fucked up enough to kidnap an innocent person and intend to kill them in horrible ways for kicks or to settle a score, ‘you don’t have to do this’ has as much chance of success as telling them God will hurt a kitten if they do kill you.
Car crashes in films which result in explosions. This almost never happens in real life.

Future films will have to come up with ways to dramatise electric car crashes - maybe have the vehicles engulfed by crawling electric discharges as the occupants writhe and spasm as they're electrocuted, before a massive violet-tinged plasma burst.
Conversations in the back of military helicopters or transport planes not happening incredibly noisy Hercules you wanted ear plugs and ear defenders
Someone is on the ground being strangled or about to be stabbed in the eye by a foe sitting on top of them. All seems lost, but at the last moment the protagonist spots a blunt object or shard of glass laying nearby, and manages to reach it and whack the villain in the head.

and the villain never spots them reaching for the object. sometimes they will even look sideways searching for an object to use.

also. a couple on the run from bad guys will somehow find time to have sex in some motel.
Pointing the remote and switching off the television half way through a dramatic report because he/she have got the gist and fuck everybody else watching that wanted the details.

Happened (in a nearby pub) just after one of the protests circa Iraq war, some loud posturing twat decided we didn't need to see Blair justify his excuse to invade, switched off the telly, and that was that. Understood his anger but ffs, needed to hear the reasoning from the god bothering warmonger all the same...
Car crashes in films which result in explosions. This almost never happens in real life.

Future films will have to come up with ways to dramatise electric car crashes - maybe have the vehicles engulfed by crawling electric discharges as the occupants writhe and spasm as they're electrocuted, before a massive violet-tinged plasma burst.
probably just stick with exaggerated fire & explosions.
battery packs do this

but the driver pinned to the dashboard watching with horror as a pool of leaking petrol expands towards a small flame will have to be let go.
On the subject of clichés involving vehicles, don't forget the humble city bus (and ocassionally rubbish lorry), which serve a crucial role in making baddies, stalkers, or otherwise surprsing characters that were supposed to be long dead, disappear as if by magic.

You know, our protagonist is walking down the street when they suddenly catch a glimpse of said shady character looking back at them from across the road; at that moment a bus zooms past, taking no more than one or two seconds to do so, but somehow the spot ocuppied by the creepy character a moment ago is now empty, leaving our protagonist all gaslighted and wondering if they're imagining things.
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