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Joe Dante has good form for this sort of thing. The largely forgotten Matinee has both the main feature, Mant! which is a straight-facedly-tongue-in-cheek pastiche of 50s creature features (including a scientists who feels the need to explain even simple terms like "grow"), and the zany The Shook-Up Shopping Cart where the uncle of a young Naomi Watts is a crime-fighting supermarket trolley with a slightly wobbly wheel.

Robocop: "I'll buy that for a dollar!"

I believe the in-show title of that was It's Not My Problem. What I liked best about it was that everyone who watched it was always laughing uproariously within seconds even when there wasn't a punchline :D But all of the little inserts in Robocop were brilliantly inappropriate.
There's also the esteemed Skirmish, the military-based general knowledge quiz show, on digital channel UK Conquest, which had the largest audience share for a digital channel at that time of day, in the Norfolk area, with up to 8000 viewers at its peak!
So significantly more successful than both GBN and TalkTV
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