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Most overused Clichés in movies/TV shows?

They also win their ex wife back

And in general a man's reward for his heroic deeds is that he can get together with his love interest
Since at last the 70s that gets rejected as too corny. The Spielberg War of the Worlds, Ant Man and others come to mind where the hero wins back the affections of his kid/s but they don’t get the wife back. Kramer vs Kramer was the film where that was at the center of the plot and since then the best the hero can hope for is being on good terms with his ex and maintaining a relationship with his kids.
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Since at last the 70s that gets rejected as too corny. The Spielberg War of the Worlds, Ant Man and others come to mind where the hero wins back the affections of his kid/s but they don’t get the wife back. Kramer vs Kramer was the film where that was at the center of the plot and since then the best the hero can hope for is being on good terms with his ex and maintaining a relationship with his kids.
Don’t the McClaine’s reunite at the end of Die Hard?
Don’t the McClaine’s reunite at the end of Die Hard?
There are no kids in the film.

There are still plenty of films where the hero gets the girl back but this reunion of the nuclear family due to the hero’s redemption is rare these days.
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There are no kids in the film.
Yes they are. The daughter is interviewed on tv. It lets the cat out of the bag as to her mum’s real identity.
...but there is no plot where he has to win back the kid. She is in one scene but is barely a character. The point made was that the hero gets his kids back due to his redemptive efforts and then someone added that then he also always gets back his wife/girlfriend. That is rare these days.
Since at last the 70s that gets rejected as too corny. The Spielberg War of the Worlds, Ant Man and others come to mind where the hero wins back the affections of his kid/s but they don’t get the wife back. Kramer vs Kramer was the film where that was at the center of the plot and since then the best the hero can hope for is being on good terms with his ex and maintaining a relationship with his kids.
I seem to remember it happening in that Dwayne Johnson vs earthquakes film from a couple of years ago.
In zombie apocalypse films, among the recently deceased who rise from their graves there will always be either a groom or a bride in their wedding attire.

And the body of a woman who was a lingerie model and obviously died during a photo shoot for a knickers and bra set that costs more than a decent push bike.
IIRC John Cusack also wins his ex-wife back in the disaster flick 2012.

A sub-cliche of such scenario is what the deal is with the current husband, and his fate. It’s usually one of two things: either he’s an arsehole and his wife realises this during the film and dumps him; or a thoroughly decent man who our protagonist dislikes because he’s with his ex-missus, but just as our hero realises the bloke’s alright the latter dies in tragic circumstances, and our hero provides a shoulder to cry on for the ex, who takes him back even before her husband’s body is cold.
There's another strangling one. Monster/Robot/Alien etc with excessive strength demonstrated by the crushing of rocks/skulls into dust with a single squeeze of the hand wants you dead. Monster/Alien has its hand around your throat for 20 seconds before being forced to let go. Five seconds of heavy breathing and you're fine.
A variation on this is when they pick up and throw the hero instead of just killing them like they do everyone else.
Ross kemp ''Nobody has been able to do something or the other... until now!!!'' Wow. I did not see that coming, in spite of the fact you alluded to it just before the adverts.
Squaddies ( other armed goons are available)
Continue to chase the kids /Hero even after they have been shown to have paranormal powers.
Rather than going fuck this shit or searching under every rock making lots of noise so whoever is being searched for has time to getaway ( my battalion did that when ordered to hunt down a Sgt who went mad and stole his sections ammo and fled into Cyprus countryside)
I think a man getting the ex back through, deeds, is always go8jg to be a strong narrative. Although a woman's ex in movies if she is the lead is normally a wrongun she won't go back too it seems, but a male protagonist just needs to up his game on the flip side. I think it reflects male and female attitudes to exs pretty much.

Movies are pretty hetronormative really
Grenades and hand held missiles all creating huge explosions with fireballs.
They don't even artillery is a rather unimpressive cloud of smoke.
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