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Most overused Clichés in movies/TV shows?

In secret agent films, the homes of the supposedly savvy protagonist or their equally well trained adversaries will be dead easy to infiltrate by an old adversary wanting to ask them a few questions. They will invariably be sitting in the dark, on a leather armchair in a corner of the living room, and announce their presence to the homeowner by switching on the side lamp and uttering a sarcastic one-liner.
In secret agent films, the homes of the supposedly savvy protagonist or their equally well trained adversaries will be dead easy to infiltrate by an old adversary wanting to ask them a few questions. They will invariably be sitting in the dark, on a leather armchair in a corner of the living room, and announce their presence to the homeowner by switching on the side lamp and uttering a sarcastic one-liner.
And that trope's flatmate, Old Mentor/Mentee Breaks In And Waits For Mentee/Mentor To Come Home To Persuade Them To Return To The Service For One Last Mission
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Was thinking today - police shows when a clearly totally honest hero copper is interviewed by Internal Affairs it's portrayed as disgusting betrayal and abuse of privilege that they dare to treat them in a similar way that said copper treats members of public all the time.
ta, will watch that :)
It's the only episode in which George Carter actually does any assiduous detective work - coaxing witnesses into revealing information, instead of shouting at them like an arsehole; chasing down leads; checking paperwork... And all to help his mate!
Also the recent series with the Irish Commander type man interviewing series hero that generated all the government corruption memes (as I recall, I only ever half watch these things :( )
It's the only episode in which George Carter actually does any assiduous detective work - coaxing witnesses into revealing information, instead of shouting at them like an arsehole; chasing down leads; checking paperwork... And all to help his mate!
Pah just watched it he was guilty as hell :mad:
Character (superhero learning to fly/navigate the city, or an animated animal) will at some stage crash into window and slowly slide down the pane complete with annoying sound effects.
Character (superhero learning to fly/navigate the city, or an animated animal) will at some stage crash into window and slowly slide down the pane complete with annoying sound effects.
I vividly remember the DONK sound a bird made flying full pelt into one of the hall windows one morning during assembly at primary school.

It didn't make a SQUEE-EE-EEEA-EEEK noise as it slowly slid down the glass, though (mainly because there was no slow slide down the glass, just an abrupt plunge to the ground).
In rooftop police chases, adjacent buildings are always conveniently built just three or four metres away and of the same height, allowing the baddie being chased to easily jump from one block to the next.

Our brave cop will manage to follow suit for two or three jumps. But then the villain recklessly manages to jump to the next building, much further apart. Our protagonist will take a look at the daunting gap, say to himself ‘I can do this!’, and then either chicken out at the last second or fall short and only manage to grab the ledge of the building, allowing the baddie to escape.
In the final scene of horror/ thriller/ cop films after a violent climax, all the supporting characters who’ve survived with non life-threatening injuries will not be taken to hospital right away, but left to sit on the edge of the parked ambulance for an indefinite period of time after receiving first aid, facing the house where the traumatic events have taken place, contemplatively watching the emergency services activity around them.

The protagonist will however use this idle time to have a short but meaningful bonding exchange with them, so not a complete waste.
In the final scene of horror/ thriller/ cop films after a violent climax, all the supporting characters who’ve survived with non life-threatening injuries will not be taken to hospital right away, but left to sit on the edge of the parked ambulance for an indefinite period of time after receiving first aid, facing the house where the traumatic events have taken place, contemplatively watching the emergency services activity around them.

The protagonist will however use this idle time to have a short but meaningful bonding exchange with them, so not a complete waste.
Often found in the wild accompanied by GRATUITOUS CRANE SHOT
In secret agent films, the homes of the supposedly savvy protagonist or their equally well trained adversaries will be dead easy to infiltrate by an old adversary wanting to ask them a few questions. They will invariably be sitting in the dark, on a leather armchair in a corner of the living room, and announce their presence to the homeowner by switching on the side lamp and uttering a sarcastic one-liner.

imagine you are the savvy protagonist who just got home and released a mighty big fart you've been holding in. then see someone turns on the side lamp. that would be hella embarrassing.:facepalm:
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Which of course leads on to our hero coming home to the darkened residence and to start doing something “controversial” (kissing an old flame, hiding the gun whatever). Only for the light to go on to reveal a poxy banner on the ceiling and everyone they have ever known jumping out from behind a sofa and shouting “surprise”
In the final scene of horror/ thriller/ cop films after a violent climax, all the supporting characters who’ve survived with non life-threatening injuries will not be taken to hospital right away, but left to sit on the edge of the parked ambulance for an indefinite period of time after receiving first aid, facing the house where the traumatic events have taken place, contemplatively watching the emergency services activity around them.

The protagonist will however use this idle time to have a short but meaningful bonding exchange with them, so not a complete waste.
While receiving first aid the hero will wince in pain at the lightest touch, having minutes ago blithely ignored numerous hits that would have instantly incapacitated any normal person.
In family adventure or thriller films involving parents and their rebellious children, the father/ mother will often get kidnapped by the baddies. If that happens, it will invariably be right after the parent and child had a big row, with the child declaring ‘I hate you!’ as their parting shot. The child will then sobbingly tell the detective trying to help ‘Please find him The last thing I said to him is that I hated him (or her).
In family adventure or thriller films involving parents and their rebellious children, the father/ mother will often get kidnapped by the baddies. If that happens, it will invariably be right after the parent and child had a big row, with the child declaring ‘I hate you!’ as their parting shot. The child will then sobbingly tell the detective trying to help ‘Please find him The last thing I said to him is that I hated him (or her).

That’s just an honest reflection of normal
family life.
That’s just an honest reflection of normal
family life.
Do parents IRL get kidnapped often? :eek:

And I’m sure there are periods of relative peace in most family households. But in Hollywood, parents never get kidnapped right after their kid had said good night, never mind I love you. It’s always I hate you.
"That's what she said"

13 pages in, I appreciate it may have been mentioned, but I can't be bothered to read it all...
Not sure whether I've said it before, but foreigners talking english with an excellent vocabulary and accent then at the end saying something like 'merci' to remind us that they're French, as if they don't know 'thank you'.

True. But it could also be knowing or affectionate, cos everyone knows 'thank you' in foreign, non?

My favourite languages wtf is Hunt for the Red October, which starts out being all Russian on the Soviet sub, and then conveniently switches to an all English script, cos yeah that would definitely happen.
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