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Missing Milly Dowler's voicemail "hacked by News of the World"

So you don't want more regulation of the press?
Is there a need for it? What they did was illegal, the PCC was incompetent. Why do we need more regulation and privacy laws? What we have hasn't been allowed to work properly. We should fix that first.
Is there a need for it? What they did was illegal, the PCC was incompetent. Why do we need more regulation and privacy laws? What we have hasn't been allowed to work properly. We should fix that first.

The strict regulations on broadcast media seem to work well... there's some great investigatory work on TV and radio without all the bullshit of much of the print media

The newspapers always seem to throw up these titanic arseholes such as Murdoch, Maxwell, Black and Richard Desmond who act as boils on the body politic, whereas the broadcast media doesn't. Why?
Piers Morgan was the NotW editor that promoted Rebekah Wade rapidly through the ranks... He was there when this shit started.
fuck him, and hugh grant, theyre jumping up and down all over this for an agenda which has nothing to do with millies phone being hacked - they want the millions that comes with fame but not the downside

the type of regulation/legislation they want would neuter the press, which is what they want, and people are falling for it, ironically, because they are celebrities and critical thinking has gone out of the window

Yet your critical thinking would allow for protection of the poor but not the rich? You would like a category of undeserving rich for whom all tactics are fair game? How sensible a piece of critical thinking is that?
Fantastic! He hasn't been home for three days and is a wanted man :)

I think Paul McMullan is rapidly becoming the man of the hour
He has the haunted persona of a man going through a very sticky divorce with a vindictive ex. Times ten. Brilliant!

With performances like this it's no wonder the Guardian are happy to pay his legal fees :D
He has the persona of a man going through a very sticky divorce with a vindictive ex. Times ten. Brilliant

With performances like this no wonder the Guardian are happy to pay his legal fees :D

That clip was great. I haven't seen him saying the same stuff on UK TV. Has he? Coulson and Brooks should defininely be prosecuted and James Murdoch and his old man should get their time in porridge, too.
I think we can honestly say this is a shit storm of epic proportions! and if Brooks is to be believed what people know about is just the tip of the iceberg.

*grabs popcorn*
fuck him, and hugh grant, theyre jumping up and down all over this for an agenda which has nothing to do with millies phone being hacked - they want the millions that comes with fame but not the downside
Having your phone hacked is not a 'downside' of success. It's a criminal act.
Specifically, it's a criminal act under RIPA 2000:

Quite separate are the literally thousands of potential civil suits (for damages), for which the burden of proof is lower than it is for RIPA.

Combined with the public inquiries - two or even three - which may reveal the extent of culpability among managers, this will run in the public domain for 3-4 years at least. Caveat: we don't know the terms or personel on the PIs yet.

In terms of the NI/Murdoch power complex, this is an epic blow.
Only just got back to the UK and started reading about it all really (getting a text about NOTW demise was pretty nice!), but surely lots of the info dredged up must have been acquired through the police? Phone numbers etc? So are the police are investigating possible corruption in their own ranks now, and their own link to the various sordid behaviour of journalists...?

This shit storm is going to grow and grow, hope Brooks' head rolls soon.
Piers Morgan was the NotW editor that promoted Rebekah Wade rapidly through the ranks... He was there when this shit started.

Smashing! Hopefully that fucker will get dragged into this mess too. No wonder he was going apeshit on Twitter about Hugh Grant on Question Time...
Actually, just fuck off with this. How about you show some clear thinking for a change. To my very first point about how reading the Sun and being politically aware are not two things that readily go hand in hand. Do you disagree? Do you disagree that everyone who buys this shit is a part of the problem? Do you disagree that they are complicit in the nasty tactics used to bring them their latest celebrity scoops, because everyone knew a lot of nasty shit went on?

Learn some history, for fuck's sake.

That people buy a tabloid that indulges in disreputable and shoddy behaviour doesn't signify that they have no politics, or are complicit with or informed about those tactics in any way except paying the cover price. Have a look at the John Bull/Horatio Bottomley saga, for example.

"It's all just comics" doesn't wash, because the stories may be made-up but the people featured aren't. What other excuse is there for buying this? What fucking politics does buying the Sun every day represent aside from the politics of who gives a fuck?

Generally, the politics of reaction. Papers like The Sun and the NOTW act as a foundation for so-called "traditional politics". Assuming that they speak only to individualism and selfishness is buffoonery.

Anything other than condemnation of this narrow-minded, mean-spirited culture is just pathetic reverse snobbery, claiming the tabloids as some kind of expression of working class culture, which is presumptuous, wrong and insulting - in fact, just the kind of drivel the Sun itself would come out with. 'Dedicated to the people of Britain' my fucking arse.

The above is snobbery pure and simple - The stating of a position where non-condemnation becomes an act of complicity for which you, on your moral high ground, can castigate people who don't conform to your own prejudices.
Papers like The Sun are expressions of "working class culture", just as they're expressions of middle-class culture and ruling class culture. If your thinking was more analytical and less emotional, you'd realise that, just like many of the readership of the red-tops do. That the papers themselves claim to be rooted in and expressive of working class culture may be only true in the limited sense of promoting/reporting certain parts of "working class culture", but to assume that much of the readership doesn't realise that is as insulting of "the working classes" as the assumptions by the publishers that they represent anything but a snapshot of working class culture.
The Sun, like Eastenders, is produced by middle-class people through the warped lens of what they think working-class culture is all about. Shit made by ponces fed to the masses.
Cameron is not on his way out! You've seriously underestimated him of you think that is the case

I agree that he's not "on his way out".

However, he has lost credibility, both with his party and with the voting public, and there's not much he can do to repair that damage. If things go no worse for him he may be able to transcend that damage in time. If things continue to be revealed, and he gets well and truly tarred with the Coulson brush, entropy might be given a helping hand.
I don't wish to see "more regulation of the press".

What I want to see is effective regulation of the press, if there has to be regulation at all, not this half-arsed old boy's club effort we currently have.

So you want to the PPC replaced by a government sponsored body like Offcom with similar rules such as not being allowed to declare who can vote for what?
The Sun, like Eastenders, is produced by middle-class people through the warped lens of what they think working-class culture is all about. Shit made by ponces fed to the masses.

The fact that "the masses" consume it doesn't mean that "the masses" don't realise that it's "...produced by middle-class people through the warped lens of what they think working-class culture is all about", though, which is the point I'm making. LBJ was sounding off as though the entire readership of The Sun were political naifs without the intellect to realise the paper they read is a vehicle for a certain set of "values", and that they'd absorb and reflect those values wholesale.
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