>> Screwed <<
Noose tightens at News Int
With all the blagging, cash payments
and subterfuge involved, some of the
stories coming out at the moment make
phone hacking sound like it would be a
very complicated and expensive operation.
Well, imagine if NOTW execs were bright
enough to have found a simpler solution.
As the self-appointed scourge of paedos
and the promoters of Sarah's law, it was
only natural that the News Of The World
would be on hand to comfort the victims'
families in many of the most horrific
crimes of the last decade. And such was
their apparent determination to rid the
country of child sex offenders, it wouldn't
have seemed too weird if a senior NOTW
figure sympathetically handed over a
mobile phone at no expense to the victim -
so that they could all keep in touch. And
then, of course, there would be no problem
monitoring those phones, would there?
If the rumours going around News
International about who the person
handing out the phone was are anything
more substantial than chatter from
understandably bitter ex-employees then
we might see some action on this website
before too long: