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Missing Milly Dowler's voicemail "hacked by News of the World"

It has become quite apparent that she knows where the bodies are buried, probably because she helped put them there. To save her skin they are throwing everything at the fire, what does she know?

It must be good, otherwise it would be cheaper to just push her off a yacht.
They'll launch a replacement of course - there's no way Murdoch will keep his paws off a market as lucrative as that. be fun watching them trying to distance NOTW v 2.0 from the old one, though...."NOTW? Nah mate, nuffink to do with us...we're um, News of the ...Week! Yes, That's it"
Not that people here need to be told this of course, but it will be interesting to see what happens to this bandwagon over the next few days. I am sure most of the tabloid press, and a lot of politicians, want to have one of those usual periods of calm reflection that leads to business as usual starting again after a couple of weeks.
Good stuff. Suck it Elizabeth of York!

Now, The Sun is the target.

No mercy for these fucks.
The truth is in what you see - not what you read
Little men tapping things out - points of view
Remember their views are not the gospel truth

Don't believe it all
Find out for yourself
Check before you spread
News of the world

Not that people here need to be told this of course, but it will be interesting to see what happens to this bandwagon over the next few days. I am sure most of the tabloid press, and a lot of politicians, want to have one of those usual periods of calm reflection that leads to business as usual.

They will. But this reminds me a little of the promises Mubarak made just before he was ousted - when he basically promised the Egyptian people all and everything just so long as please he could stay in power.
Tommy Sheridan's lawyer is on Sky News now (in a press conference with Tom Watson MP), apparently they have found Rebekah Brooks personally authorised three transactions in the Whittamore (the Motorman case mentioned above) files, one of which is mobile phone conversion (ie: hacking). Worth watching for those who arent boycotting Sky.

Any more news on this? :cool:
Not that people here need to be told this of course, but it will be interesting to see what happens to this bandwagon over the next few days. I am sure most of the tabloid press, and a lot of politicians, want to have one of those usual periods of calm reflection that leads to business as usual starting again after a couple of weeks.

Although a lot of the ire over the last few days has been directed at news international and specifically Brooks, I can't remember anyone saying they thought the paper should close down. It seems to me people wanted the people responsible held to account, and I hope they still do.
So, it's goodbye to the News of the World, and hello to the Sun on Sunday, different title, same shite. #notw
Reading between the lines, notice how NI's statements in the last 48 hours have gone from platforming Brooks as a leader of change, to - in the case of this shutdown - not mentioning her *at all*. Even whilst J Murdoch now admits paying people off was his doing and it was wrong.

It will be interesting to see if Brooks gets a mention from NI anytime soon. If not, and the longer they airbrush her out of the 'regime of change', the more one has to think they are preparing to pull the big handle.
So closing the paper down....has this been done to defer from the likelihood that more hacking/scandal was about to be uncovered?

Not sure that's very much under their control.

More that it's become a toxic brand, and they want to avoid contagion within the group.
but hopefully with hugely reduced readership....at least till it all dies down

I doubt that, the circulation of The Scum & News of the Screws is near enough the same, as is the readership.

The Scum has, so far, escaped the shit, the NOTW readers will just pick-up the SoS* instead.

*Edit - SoS - that sums it up! < lol :D
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