but they're always printing left wing stuff and being all pretend left wing, i know they're not, i know it's bollocks, but it's this type of bullshit "radicalism" in the guardian and they always claim to support everything left wing, they have that repuation, they trade on that reputation, but nonetheless its the only paper some people i know trust to report anything remotely halfly objectively (and yes I know that they're a lib-dem paper etc) and i thought a lot of people read it thinking that they are, they're opposed to cuts, being all anti tory etc, and i do wonder if they're trading on the reputation of being opposed to cameron what they are doing warning him about a shit storm being about to hit his door ...
unless they are all navie, and think that cameron is a great guy with just some "wrong ideas" and wrong people like coulson, which being the proprietor of a national newspaper and probably having to have been as dirty as Murdoch on occasion I doubt rusbridger is ...
so yes I do think that attacking the guardian is relevant, their's some massive questions to be asked over their conduct as well (particularly with that report I posted the other day which mentioned the high level of observer journalists trying to sell/pay for private information on individuals)