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Meat eaters are destroying the planet, warns WWF report

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The argument stopping eating meat, would be bad because you'd be denying would be animals a potential positive life is exquisite sophistry.
I mean, come on. :D Yes I still eat meat. It's horrible. I'm weak and horrible. The world's horrible. Kill all the philosophers.
In the case of poultry then grain thy could be eaten by humans. Or do all the chickens need retraining before release to gather their eggs, take them to market to sell so they can buy some grain? :facepalm:
I refer you to my post above where I point out that in the unlikely event people stop eating meet livestock will still be required for eggs or milk.
Pre existance and existence are the same thing. Ergo, decide not to have children b

Contracepive = opposite of conception = genecide. If Larry's logic is followed.
If you can't even be arsed to spell correctly... :D
Nah, just kidding.
But he does have a point. Just because some people choose to believe that a chicken has equal rights to a human, some people believe otherwise. It doesn't mean one person is right and the other is wrong, it just means they have a difference of opinion. Personally, I've gone off chicken, especially since the lockdown, and since I have a large freezer in the garage, I'm now considering dusting off the Remington 710 and partaking of some of the local venison.
I didn't realise you were a 'vegigan', but I do know you're not daft, so what are your views on achieving a 'vegigan' populous? Do you believe it would be sustainable, and better for the planet, given the amount of fertilisers, pesticides and herbicides necessary to sustain such a lifestyle choice?
If you want a serious discussion don't use idiotic made up words used to put down people who choose a different diet to you.
I didn't realise you were a 'vegigan', but I do know you're not daft, so what are your views on achieving a 'vegigan' populous? Do you believe it would be sustainable, and better for the planet, given the amount of fertilisers, pesticides and herbicides necessary to sustain such a lifestyle choice?
I am not a vegigan.
I skipped a few pages TBF Not sure about chicken specifities.

But vegans must be the biggest killers of all, if you think about it. ANd we define killing as denying life, denying it's potential. I mean at least if you wank or use contraception as long as you eat a burger now and then, you're doing your bit for the sanctity of life.
If you want a serious discussion don't use idiotic made up words used to put down people who choose a different diet to you.
Why are you so tied up on the word? It's a word we've come to accept here, and one which will likely be added to dictionaries. It certainly isn't, in any way, intended to 'put down' anyone. That's hysterical hyperbole.
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Sorry, who's the 'we' here?

I count about three posters, all of whom have serious anti-vegan/veggie issues. And it won't be in any proper dictionaries ever.
Well, now that its definition has been explained to you, I assume you're one of the 'we'.

Admittidly I skimmed read a few posts but isn't that the essence of something Larry was arguing. That if animals weren't bred for meat, whilst part of their life if they were would be defined as suffering, the majority potentially could be pleasant enough. Thus adopting a vegan lifestyle contributes to denying that net pleasantness. So I extrapolated from there...

i.e. I think it's quite a bonkers argument against veganism... There are some worthwhile ones but that one is just mental and made me laugh.
You don't have to. You just have to know that others do.
Only you and about two other people use that ridiculous makey-uppey word because you think its a clever way to put down vegans and veggies.

Given that context, I find it offensive. So stop stop using it and - like I said - stop being a twat.
Only you and about two other people do because you think its a clever way to put down vegans and veggies. Like I said, stop being a twat.
I'm not putting anyone down. I just realise that it's a word that's been used to encompass vegetarians and vegans. There's no need to insult me for pointing that out.
I'm not putting anyone down.
Yes you are. I find the word offensive because I know the dismissive, patronising context in which it's being employed, and the motives behind the people who are desperately trying to make it 'stick' here. If you want a grown-up debate, stop acting like a fucking infant and using makey-uppey words designed to belittle people with different views to you.
Yes you are. I find the word offensive because I know the dismissive, patronising context in which it's being employed, and the motives behind the people who are desperately trying to make it 'stick' here. If you want a grown-up debate, stop acting like a fucking infant and using makey-uppey words designed to belittle people with different views to you.
Are you the word police?
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