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Meat eaters are destroying the planet, warns WWF report

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It's been proved on this or other threads that vegigans know very little about animal habitats or husbandry but I'm pretty sure that pangolins can't climb trees and they definitely can't fly so if pangolins and bats get together then it's by choice until they are caught. After that point any transfer of disease is due to the profeteering scum who take them to market.
Well, that's extremely patronising. I am assuming that you are lumping together everyone who doesn't eat meat as a "vegigan". Some of us know plenty about working the land, thank you very much.
It's been proved on this or other threads that vegigans know very little about animal habitats or husbandry but I'm pretty sure that pangolins can't climb trees and they definitely can't fly so if pangolins and bats get together then it's by choice until they are caught. After that point any transfer of disease is due to the profeteering scum who take them to market.
No, but I'd imagine those who have produced the numerous research studies on biodiversity and disease emergence know a fair bit.
Well, that's extremely patronising. I am assuming that you are lumping together everyone who doesn't eat meat as a "vegigan". Some of us know plenty about working the land, thank you very much.

If we're bringing up such points of order, I want to throw in that pangolins actually live in trees. One species, called the "tree pangolin", is especially good at climbing.
If we're bringing up such points of order, I want to throw in that pangolins actually live in trees. One species, called the "tree pangolin", is especially good at climbing.
I think you'll find the tree pangolin is native to Africa not China. :)
I think you'll find the tree pangolin is native to Africa not China. :)

Have a go at reading that.

Have a go at reading that.

Reading is hard.

How about:


Edit: tbf they do spend most of their time on or under the ground (unlike their ‘tree pangolin’ cousins), but still, pretty good climbers. Anyway, was just a side point. :)

Have a go at reading that.
As you’ve probably guessed, the Chinese pangolin is predominantly terrestrial, but they are fully capable of climbing trees. Unfortunately, their terrestrial nature seems to make them more susceptible to (illegal) hunting than other more arboreal species,
Capable maybe occasionally so not that likely to have close contact with bats. :p
And intensively farmed meat diets. My position is that, I do agree that battery farming in morally inexcusable and that we should eat less but better produced meat, but I also think that other factors exacerbate the situation, it is a slightly less reductionist position than the single point you appear to be so keen to promote.
It's not me promoting the position of people eating far less meat. It's the position of a multitude of scientists and studies, including one signed by 11,000 scientists from 153 countries.
More than 60 scientists from 11 countries also signed an open letter calling for governments around the world to cut the quantities of meat and dairy served in schools and hospitals.

There's plenty more where that came from too, if you're still not convinced.
Because to ignorant idiots like Marty1 - and all the other clowns on this thread doing their best to close down the debate - their desire to ridicule anyone with a diet different to theirs is far more important that discussing the very real damage that meat intensive diets are causing.

I've kicked Marty1 off this thread for a week, and the same will follow for anyone else trying to troll this thread.

So has he finally got on your tits we been putting up with him for months

It's not me promoting the position of people eating far less meat. It's the position of a multitude of scientists and studies, including one signed by 11,000 scientists from 153 countries.
More than 60 scientists from 11 countries also signed an open letter calling for governments around the world to cut the quantities of meat and dairy served in schools and hospitals.

There's plenty more where that came from too, if you're still not convinced.

Fuck me, are you actually reading what anyone else puts or just banging your vegetable bongo by reflex? If you check ever post i have made on this thread you will see


I just believe the situation is more complex than the reductionist is argument you are continually presenting without engaging with the nuances of the broader discussion.

BTW I am a former scientist with an MSc, so yes I understand the articles you quote which recommend eating LESS meat, not necessarily becoming veggie, vegan, fruitopian or whatever.

I just happen to believe that the problem is complex and needs complex solutions.
Fuck me, are you actually reading what anyone else puts...

This would have been a good point at which to consider the question you had just typed, and hence whether you were about to waste a lot of perfectly good keystrokes. :)
This would have been a good point at which to consider the question you had just typed, and hence whether you were about to waste a lot of perfectly good keystrokes. :)

It was the "if you are still not convinced" bit at the end of Eds post, if you had cared to read it in it's entirety
Vegan threads on here always do the same thing. The vocal vegans on here aren't worth engaging with and the ones who are actually interesting and worth listening to avoid these threads like the plague.

Every now and then one of them pops in, I find.
I actually did kind of scan it, against my better judgement.
That would have been a good point at which to consider the comment you were going to type, and hence whether you were about to waste a lot of perfectly good keystrokes. :)
That would have been a good point at which to consider the comment you were going to type, and hence whether you were about to waste a lot of perfectly good keystrokes. :)

I suspect there may be one level of recursion in play which you have not yet apprehended. :hmm:
Was that "mad cow" disease? That was hardly a pandemic though was it? Less than a couple of hundred cases and hardly any deaths (none?)
How about H3N2v ?

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