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Mark Fisher on privilege, twitter, commentariat, etc.

Attacking a group of 20 and 30 somethings who're all internet geeks and culture geeks by saying they live in a 'vampire castle' is like trying to get your dog to stop biting you by stuffing its mouth with treats.
Surely there's some mileage in a Comrade Bala defence fund?

What better way to subvert the fascist-capitalist machine, with it's worship of the individual over the collective, than to enslave the individual not only symbolically but in material actuality? With the individual in bonds only the collective remains. Freedom of the mind through the shackle of the body.
He makes a good point in the middle of this:

If you say only the very, very most oppressed have the right to complain, you destroy solidarity & end up w only charity

Now, this is not at all the way those who came up with the analysis/term/concept meant it to be used - in the hands of those people using it in the individualistic and competitive way that we'e been decrying, this is what it becomes.
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He makes a good point in the middle of this:
If you say only the very, very most oppressed have the right to complain, you destroy solidarity & end up w only charity

Now, this is not at all the way those who came up with the analysis/term/concept meant it to be used - in the hands of those people using it in the individualistic and competitive way that we'e been decrying, this is what it becomes.

Which ties in very well with Fisher's point about theirs being a priestly discourse. Original sin (for being male, white, heterosexual etc), shame (for the latter), and charity (to be dispensed by Penny et al only to those most deserving and/or who repent).
Which ties in very well with Fisher's point about theirs being a priestly discourse. Original sin (for being male, white, heterosexual etc), shame (for the latter), and charity (to be dispensed by Penny et al only to those most deserving and/or who repent).
charity maybe, but no real absolution
forgiveness maybe if we collectively reach heaven
The left's ability to stare into its own navel is something the continues to baffle me. Is it frustration that causes people to get so worked up about minutiae? When the big battles are won, the little battles can be fought. Or does anyone think we first need an agreement about whether social or economic class is more important?
Which ties in very well with Fisher's point about theirs being a priestly discourse. Original sin (for being male, white, heterosexual etc), shame (for the latter), and charity (to be dispensed by Penny et al only to those most deserving and/or who repent).
Priests are a Catholic thing. This is mere Calvinism.
Surely there's some mileage in a Comrade Bala defence fund?
I was thinking of combining this with a clickbaitish "why hollywood blockbuster The Hunger Games's so-called revolution is destined to fail" piece. Why the 3rd film had better feature the creation, growth and admin of a proper mass party, plus the struggles with internal opposition, pathetic rival sects, etc. The kind of stuff the class really wants to see, rather than Jennifer Lawrence fighting a monkey.
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