A cheap source of teeth for aquarium gravel
Hollow point bullets are banned by the hague convention for armed forces on the grounds they might cause more injury than a full metal jacketed round. Police use them as they shouldn't go through the person your shooting and you don't have to shoot him so many times.
As their supposed to fire one round and then re asses the target before firing again.
While the Army would shoot him lots of times and then a few more times just to be sure. Then if allowed get something bigger to shoot him with and then throw a few grenades and finally crawl up and bayonet him. So hollow points are really not needed.
I have no love for soldiers (well, I fucking despise soldiers) but at least they display some professionalism in their use and handling of lethal firearms. Not least because they are at least occasionally brought to book for fucking up and blowing the wrong person's head off.
Coppers on the other hand I often see strolling around with their finger on the trigger of their weapon. Which is one of the first things any sort of firearms intruction would teach you not to do.