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Many dead in coordinated Paris shootings and explosions

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There will be no talk of spurs on this thread, /QUOTE]

oh yes there will!..

and two apt quotes as well considering ...

Bill Nicholson said, 'It is better to fail aiming high than to succeed aiming low. And we of Spurs have set our sights very high, so high in fact that even failure will have in it an echo of glory.'

"The great fallacy is that the game is first and foremost about winning. It's nothing of the kind
"The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom."
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Genocide based on a perceived category - tick

Slavery - tick

Total world domination - tick

Interestingly, an economy that is based on conquest but fundamentally weak - tick

An imagined social group that will prevail - tick

Goebbels style media manipulation - tick

The last, is perversely the most important
where do you get your fascist minimum from?
Bob Geldof tells millennials their hands are stained with blood

Bit rich considering it was his mate Tony that had a significant role to play in the rise of this nonsense.

So many bad points, and perhaps a few reasonable points expressed very badly. This is the icing on the cake for me:

“Your century hasn’t begun but we gave you the idea of this century. We gave you the mechanism and technology of this century. Right now it is being used for triviality, or seriousness in killing, but not seriousness in thought.

"You are the serious generation. Forget the tweeting that's about bullshit. Tweet about serious things. Go back to your countries, get real with your governments, get the people of your age group to understand precisely what happens. Stop with violence, it doesn't work. Come back to your country and take action. [...] Now we've got the thinking planet here, already a failure to your name, your killers, killing other people, innocent, of your age group. Shame on you. Wipe out that shame. You've got time. It's get real time."

I guess Bob missed the part of the arab spring where people, very much including younger generations, challenged their governments.
Reports they're walking around 7th for killing people.
for a moment i thought you meant the seventh arrondisement

So many bad points, and perhaps a few reasonable points expressed very badly. This is the icing on the cake for me:

I guess Bob missed the part of the arab spring where people, very much including younger generations, challenged their governments.
Bob, the compassion entrepreneur, issues another clear-sighted communique from his mansion.

He may also have missed the fact that the so-called Arab Spring was, predictably, a disaster.
BBC Breakfast had a young Muslim woman on the news today talking about the racial hatred and Islamophobia she has suffered from over the years and post Paris. She spoke about how on Monday she got told to 'move you terrorist' by some bellend in the supermarket and said that this is a regular occurrence for her. After making some sympathetic noises, the presenters then decided to read a comment someone had presumably posted on their FB page which basically said that if Muslims integrated properly then she wouldn't experience this and asked what she would like to say in response. Who does that? Who pulls someone on air whose suffered racism and Islamophobia and then asks them to respond to a racist comment ffs.
BBC Breakfast had a young Muslim woman on the news today talking about the racial hatred and Islamophobia she has suffered from over the years and post Paris. She spoke about how on Monday she got told to 'move you terrorist' by some bellend in the supermarket and said that this is a regular occurrence for her. After making some sympathetic noises, the presenters then decided to read a comment someone had presumably posted on their FB page which basically said that if Muslims integrated properly then she wouldn't experience this and asked what she would like to say in response. Who does that? Who pulls someone on air whose suffered racism and Islamophobia and then asks them to respond to a racist comment ffs.

BBC Breakfast had a young Muslim woman on the news today talking about the racial hatred and Islamophobia she has suffered from over the years and post Paris. She spoke about how on Monday she got told to 'move you terrorist' by some bellend in the supermarket and said that this is a regular occurrence for her. After making some sympathetic noises, the presenters then decided to read a comment someone had presumably posted on their FB page which basically said that if Muslims integrated properly then she wouldn't experience this and asked what she would like to say in response. Who does that? Who pulls someone on air whose suffered racism and Islamophobia and then asks them to respond to a racist comment ffs.

the beebs famed sense of balance again

'heres someone whos been given loads of racist shit over the years' and for 'balance' 'here's some facebook bellend'
Reading the reports from the police that had to go in and take out the terrorists in Bataclan is horrifying. I can't think of a worse scene - having to ignore dying pleas and facing a barrage of assault rifle fire.

I know they get training and all that, but hats off to those fellas - i doubt there's many braver souls than them around.

(I realise praising the police is a major faux pas around here, but come on, credit where credits due)
fascinating thread (despite very sad subject matter), some people who really know their onions.

Can someone say to me in simple terms - and i mean i know NOTHING about him at all - why Assad is so frequently mentioned in all this? What is he doing? What's his role in at all. His obviously pivotal but I just haven't been following it long enough to have a clue
fascinating thread (despite very sad subject matter), some people who really know their onions.

Can someone say to me in simple terms - and i mean i know NOTHING about him at all - why Assad is so frequently mentioned in all this? What is he doing? What's his role in at all. His obviously pivotal but I just haven't been following it long enough to have a clue

Baathist president of Syria. Strong suspicions that he gave Isis a helping hand to split and deligitimise the opposition. Now fighting them from the west.
...Can someone say to me in simple terms - and i mean i know NOTHING about him at all - why Assad is so frequently mentioned in all this? What is he doing? What's his role in at all. His obviously pivotal but I just haven't been following it long enough to have a clue

in very broad terms?

IS, while undoubtedly Assads' enemy, is a much greater, and much more immediate enemy of the forces fighting Assad. not being stupid, he's used them as a snake the enemys bed.

he certainly released from prison people knew would go off to join IS, his armed forces have in the main not engaged IS, he and IS jointly control a significant lump of Syrias' oil production and distribution capacity and work together to ensure that that doesn't change.

in effect, Assad and IS have drawn a line in Syria and said 'this bits mine, that bits yours, we have the same enemies so lets concentrate on retaining our respective territories'. what would occur once those enemies have been defeated is probably something Assad is not comfortable with, but that is next weeks problem, not this weeks.
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