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Man United 2021-24, 'Best of the Rest'

Messi's failure at PSG consisted of a goal every other game, two league championships and ya know that World Cup thing.

Not saying that makes him the best but nobody would claim Ronaldo is no contest the best. He's in the conversation, and you'll never be able to narrow it down further.
Antony is a classless gimp.

Antony took to social media to explain his actions later on Tuesday, claiming they were in response to a Coventry player.

"The way our fans were treated by their player was not nice and I, in the heat of the moment, I've reacted to the provocations in a natural defence of my club!" he wrote.

Coventry giving it large to Man Utd is not the same as Man Utd giving it large to Coventry City.
Messi's failure at PSG consisted of a goal every other game, two league championships and ya know that World Cup thing.

Not saying that makes him the best but nobody would claim Ronaldo is no contest the best. He's in the conversation, and you'll never be able to narrow it down further.

Messi's a decent player, yes, don't get me wrong. He'd probably get a game for Spurs or West Ham even now at his age, but nothing on CR7. The stats dont lie.
There aren't many top footballers who exude class. Even the ones you thought did, show their spots in the end (Rashford)

Sure, but there are a select few who really go out of their way to prove it.

Anthony giving it large to a team of underdogs who managed to come within a whisker of overcoming a 3-0 deficit is by even the most simpleton standards the mark of a cock. It makes me embarrassed to support United. And Brazil.
And it's not like he played a decisive role in it either. We're not talking a brilliant Emi Martinez goalkeeping performance.
Antony is a classless gimp.

Coventry giving it large to Man Utd is not the same as Man Utd giving it large to Coventry City.

Anthony giving it large to a team of underdogs who managed to come within a whisker of overcoming a 3-0 deficit is by even the most simpleton standards the mark of a cock. It makes me embarrassed to support United. And Brazil.

And it's not like he played a decisive role in it either.


(Source: as stated in image)
As a United fan I do love it when we get to the winding up “ABUs” stage. Still going on about this…
‘Hated, adored, but never ignored’, as the flag goes.
As a United fan I do love it when we get to the winding up “ABUs” stage. Still going on about this…
‘Hated, adored, but never ignored’, as the flag goes.
But it's a bit different nowadays. In the Ferguson era, admittedly much was motivated by jealousy - a fabulous football team, huge history, identifiable players on the pitch, and a financial juggernaut seemingly set to propel the club to endless success. There wasn't a lot wrong with the club, just that "ABUs" (including myself) really wanted there to be.

That's really not the case now though is it? We're pointing and laughing at the things that are genuinely rotten from top to bottom - Greenwood and Antony with their credible accusations of abuse, the ham-fisted PR catastrophe that was the club's response, the performances on the pitch, the 100s of millions wasted on crap players, the creaky stadium, the manager doing his best Comical Ali impersonations, the bent owners milking away money, and now the frankly laughable online lauding of the club for signing new executives*.

*This one isn't unique to Man Utd but they're a prime example of it. Sir Jim this, Jason Wilcox that, ANNOUNCE ASHWORTH the other. It's pathetic.
Stupid sexy Sean Bean.

Fernandes has just equalised, can you lot score another goal please?

ETA: he did.
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Think your fans are dickheads going for the whole 'offend and atttack scousers' thing and the tragedy chants. Far from witty and yous are an embarrasment to the league anyway. Walking around with their kecks all jizzed over and slurping milkshakes and sacking your players because Fergie isn't here to bully the refs for you anymore. Although we'd have won the league without it,
Think your fans are dickheads going for the whole 'offend and atttack scousers' thing and the tragedy chants. Far from witty and yous are an embarrasment to the league anyway. Walking around with their kecks all jizzed over and slurping milkshakes and sacking your players because Fergie isn't here to bully the refs for you anymore. Although we'd have won the league without it,

Physician, heal thyself.
Think your fans are dickheads going for the whole 'offend and atttack scousers' thing and the tragedy chants. Far from witty and yous are an embarrasment to the league anyway. Walking around with their kecks all jizzed over and slurping milkshakes and sacking your players because Fergie isn't here to bully the refs for you anymore. Although we'd have won the league without it,
Even attending the match puts them in an extreme minority. Weird to judge the rest based on that.
Tbf I can't be arsed without a drink in my hand and all the tit for tat, but it's pretty full on and one way for a long time. On the telly whatever. They don't even have to be playing Liverpool to start with it. 1999 against Bayern they are singing anti-Liverpool songs like we give a fuck so it goes back too. Stupid.
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